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Boson Stars > s.a. black-hole
mimickers; dark-matter types.
* Idea: Localized
configurations (e.g., of a Klein-Gordon scalar field or a field with
an added λφ4 term
in the potential) kept together by their self-gravity, and supported by
the uncertainty principle.
* History: Descendents of
Wheeler's non-topological geons, developed in Ruffini's PhD dissertation;
2009, Phenomenologically they are now almost ruled out, but not dead,
as alternatives to black holes.
@ References: & Ruffini & Bonazzola;
Mielke & Schunck gq/98-MG8;
Schunck & Mielke CQG(03) [rev];
Brihaye et al PLB(05) [SU(2) Yang-Mills scalar field theory];
Guzmán PRD(06)gq/05;
Guzmán JPCS(11)-a1109 [restrictions as black-hole mimickers];
Liebling & Palenzuela LRR(12)-a1202;
Bin-Nun a1301
[Sgr A* as a boson star, and gravitational lensing];
Pugliese et al PRD(13)-a1305 [charged];
Macedo et al PRD(13)-a1307 [astrophysical signatures];
Guzman RMF-a1907 [three dynamical fates].
Magnetars > s.a. gamma-ray astronomy [GRBs].
* Idea: Neutron stars with ultra-strong
magnetic fields, of the order of 1015 G; 2015, About two dozen
magnetars, plus several candidates, are currently known in our Galaxy and in the Magellanic Clouds.
They appear as highly variable X-ray sources and in some cases as radio and/or optical pulsars.
@ References: in Schutz 03;
Kouveliotou et al SA(03)feb;
Cea ap/05
[as chromomagnetic condensate of u, d, and e];
Freytsis & Gralla JCAP(16)-a1503 [and QED plasma];
Mereghetti et al SSR(15)-a1503 [rev];
Kaspi & Beloborodov ARAA(17)-a1703.
Quark Stars > s.a. phase
transitions; QCD phenomenology [quark matter].
* Idea: Stars of intermediate
density between neutron stars and objects that collapse to form black holes;
Predictions of their existence depend on assumptions about the equation of
state of quark matter, obtained by extrapolating lattice QCD results.
@ Reviews: Jaikumar et al IJMPA(04)ap-proc [vs neutron stars];
Weber PPNP(05)ap/04;
Jaikumar et al MPLA(06)ap;
Jaikumar EPJC(07)ap-proc;
Ghosh a0808-conf;
news space(18)feb.
@ Theory: Glendenning et al PRL(97)ap;
Banerjee et al JPG(00)ap [Chandrasekhar limit];
Fraga et al PRD(01) [perturbative QCD];
Ivanov et al PRC(05)ap [and QCD equation of state];
Drago et al ApJ(07)ap/05 [formation];
Jaikumar et al PRL(06)
+ pn(06)jan [surface and luminosity];
Schaffner-Bielich ap/06-proc;
Kovacs et al MNRAS(09)-a0908 [vs black holes, phenomenology];
news pw(10)jan;
Drago & Lavagno a1004 [masses and sizes];
Pagliara et al PRD(13)-a1304 [conversion from a neutron star].
@ Possible evidence: Drake et al ApJ(02)ap,
Prasanna & Ray ap/02 [RXJ1856];
Thoma et al JPG(04)ap/03-proc [Chandra & XMM];
Dunning-Davies ap/04 [near galactic center];
Leahy & Ouyed MNRAS(08)-a0708,
Ouyed et al MNRAS(12)-a1010 [SN2006gy as a quark nova];
news sr(08)jun;
> s.a. gamma-ray bursts.
Stars > s.a. neutron stars and pulsars; star clusters; star types [including novae]; supernovae.
Strangelets > s.a. QCD phenomenology.
* Idea: Lumps of strange
quark matter; They have been invoked as a possible explanation for the exotic
nuclear fragments, with highly unusual charge to mass ratio, reportedly seen
in some cosmic ray experiments.
@ General references: Abers et al PRD(09)-a0712;
Pérez-García et al PRL(10) [from neutron stars, and WIMP annihilation].
@ In cosmic rays: Banerjee et al PRL(00)hp,
Madsen ap/06-MGXI.
Other Objects > s.a. cosmic rays;
galaxies; Intergalactic
Matter; interstellar matter [including asteroids, nebulae];
magnetic fields; quasars.
* Planck stars:
The explosive decay of old primordial black holes via quantum tunnelling.
@ References:
Andreon et al ap/98-wd [identification by neural networks];
Jaikumar & Ouyed ApJ(06)ap/05 [skyrmion stars];
Hayasaki & Okazaki ApJL(08)-a0809 [circumbinary disks];
Dai et al JCAP(10)-a0912,
pw(09)dec [electroweak stars];
Strigari et al MNRAS(12)-a1201 [nomads in the Galaxy];
Rovelli nAstr-a1708 [Planck stars].
> Substellar objects:
see Brown Dwarves; solar planets;
solar system.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 22 jul 2019