Astronomy |
In General > s.a. astrophysics;
cosmology; history of astronomy.
@ General references: Audouze et al 94 [atlas];
Coles CQG(02)in [extragalactic].
@ Status / future: NS(90)sep29, 38-42;
PW(91)jan, p33;
Seery et al ap/98-conf;
Gilmozzi SA(06)may [future telescopes];
Myers a0904-rp [upcoming "Era of Great Surveys"];
Norris PoS-a1009;
news pw(10)aug,
ps(10)oct [Astro2010 Decadal Survey];
Chilingarian & Zolotukhin ASP-a1012 [computing skills bottleneck];
news pt(15)aug [30-m-scale telescopes];
Harwit 19 [and history].
@ Purpose of astronomy: Davoust ViA(95)ap;
Bahcall ap/97;
Rosenberg et al IAU-a1311.
@ Books, I: Harrison 87;
Kippenhahn 87;
Lightman 92;
Bartusiak 93;
Pasachoff et al 94 [objects];
Longair 96;
Odenwald 00,
03 [astro café];
Christian & Roy 17 [Q&A].
@ Books, II: Shu 82;
Friedlander 85;
Zeilik 93;
Kaufmann 94;
Fix 95;
Morrison et al 95;
Pasachoff 95;
Chaisson & McMillan 99;
Kutner 03;
Roy & Clarke 03 [IIb];
Barbieri 07 [IIb];
Bennett et al 09;
Unsöld & Baschek 11;
Greenstein 13;
Pasachoff & Filippenko 19.
@ Books, III: Hoyle 75 [and cosmology];
Shipman 80 [especially black hole and cosmology];
Acker & Jaschek 86.
@ Data management: Norris IAU(05)ap;
Borne a0909-rp [future, astroinformatics];
Ball & Brunner IJMPD(10) [data mining and machine learning];
Gray & Woan a1103-proc [data preservation];
Marshall et al ARAA(15)-a1409 [citizen science];
news pt(18)apr [irreproducible astronomy].
@ Sociology: Lahav ap/01-in [surveys];
Salucci a1004/JCOM [astrophysics by Facebook];
Davenport et al a1403,
Pritchard et al A&G(14)-a1412 [survey on gender at conference talks];
Tenn JAHH-a1612 [AstroGen project];
Humphreys pt(18)feb [Margaret Burbidge and women in astronomy].
@ Training, careers: Forbes Merc-a0805 [aspiring professional astronomers];
Loeb a1008-conf [safe and risky topics],
a1507 [career opportunities].
@ Observational topics:
Soffel & Langhans 13 [reference systems: astrometry, motions, timekeeping];
de Grijs et al SSR(17)-a1706 [consistent distance scale];
Høg a1707 [astrometry, history];
Heifetz & Tirion 17 [constellations].
@ Space travel: Mullane 97;
Hoang & Loeb ApJ(17)-a1706 [forces on a relativistic spacecraft].
@ Related topics: AS 78(90)407 [cartoons];
Andernach ap/98-proc [internet resources];
Ifland 98 [celestial navigation];
Gaither & Cavazos-Gaither 02 [quotations];
Price et al AER(06)ap [Slacker Astronomy Podcast];
Heydari-Malayeri ap/07,
a0911 and website [etymological dictionary];
West IAU-a0905 [public perception of astronomers];
Fabian a0908,
Kellermann et al PoS-a0912 [serendipity and discoveries];
Courvoisier IAU(11)-a1012 [astronomy, space science and geopolitics];
Fleisch & Kregenow 13 [mathematics];
Loeb a1405 [examples of beliefs leading to wrong strategic decisions];
> s.a. chaos; computation
[data management]; gravitating matter.
> Related topics:
see orbits [celestial mechanics]; stars;
> Online resources:
Astronomy Picture of the Day site
and Starship Asterisk*;
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics website;
Unified Astronomy Thesaurus site;
Wikipedia page.
Observation Methods > s.a. cosmic
microwave background; gravitational-wave
detection; matter in the universe
@ General references: Krisciunas ap/99-en [history];
Bradt 04 [II/III];
Anchordoqui APPB(05)ap/04-conf [neutrons, neutrinos, ...];
Sutton 11,
Kitchin 13 [techniques];
Mickaelian a1511-conf/BA
[surveys over the entire electromagnetic spectrum];
Gallaway 16 [astrophysics];
Appenzeller AN(16)-a1702 [technological progress];
news pt(18)may [status of the 2020 decadal survey].
@ Amateur astronomy: O'Meara 10 [observing the Solar System with binoculars];
Consolmagno & Davis 11 [small home telescopes];
Kaler 12 [the bright sky];
Carter 15 [stargazing for beginners];
Inglis 17 [the Milky Way];
& s.a. Jim Shickley's page on astronomy with binoculars.
@ Astronomical spectroscopy: Massey & Hanson ch(13)-a1010;
Hearnshaw 14.
@ Virtual observatories: Borne ap/00-proc,
Djorgovski ap/02-ch [and small telescopes],
& Williams ap/05-proc [rev];
Lawrence in(09)-a0905;
Hatziminaoglou a0911-proc.
@ Particle astronomy: Lipari PRD(08)-a0808 [protons and neutrinos];
> s.a. cosmic rays; neutrino astronomy.
@ Multimessenger astronomy: Vecchi a1105-proc [and Antares];
Christensen et LIGO & Virgo a1105-proc,
Weinstein et LIGO & Virgo CQG(12)-a1112-proc [gravitational waves];
van Putten & Rossi a1203;
Ando et al RMP(13)-a1203 [gravitational waves and neutrinos];
Hughes a1405-proc [gravitational waves, astronomy and cosmology];
Ghosh & Nelemans proc(14)-a1406 [electromagnetic and gravitational-wave data];
Aartsen et al (LIGO-Virgo and IceCube) PRD(14)-a1407 [gravitational waves and neutrinos];
Clark et al ApJ(15)-a1409,
Regimbau et al ApJ(15)-a1410 [gravitational waves and GRBs];
Rosswog IJMPD(15)-a1501 [compact binary mergers];
Fan & Hendry a1509-ChSci [rev];
Yancey et al ApJ(15)-a1510 [gravitational-wave sources];
Lee et al SCPMA(15)-a1602;
Santander a1606-in [rev];
blog pt(17)oct [the era begins];
Modestino a1902 [before GW170817];
Kalogera et al a1903-wp [future observations];
Vitale a2011 [rev];
Harwit 21;
> s.a. cosmological expansion rate;
nuclear physics.
@ Interferometry:
Høg a1408-in [from space, a dream];
Wentz & Saha MNRAS(15)-a1411 [intensity interferometers, observing the Hanbury Brown-Twiss phase];
Lacki a1501
[generalization to arbitrary transform telescopes].
@ Quantum telescopes: Kellerer A&G(14)-a1403;
Kurek et al OL(16)-a1508;
Khabiboulline et al a1809.
@ Related topics: Lowman & Lester PT(06)nov [observatories on the Moon?];
Hickson AS(07)#3 [liquid-mirror telescopes];
Merrifield & Saari A&G(09)-a0906 [telescope time allocation];
Djorgovski proc(09)-a0907 [Meta-Institute for Computational Astrophysics and virtual worlds];
Bland-Hawthorn & Kern PT(12)may [photonics in astronomy];
Laslandes et al JEOS(12)-a1209 [active optics];
Staley PhD(13)-a1404 [lucky imaging];
Parry & Moore a1501-proc [Dual Plane Imaging].
At various scales:
see radio astronomy; astronomy
in other wavelength ranges [infrared, optical, ultraviolet, X-ray];
gamma-ray astronomy.
Astronomy Education
* Idea: Can one buy one or more
sets of IR glasses, and look at objects with them before discussing astronomy?
@ General references:
Gurr PT(92)aug;
Bailey & Slater AJP(05)aug [astronomy education research, RL];
Borne et al a0909-rp [and data science];
Bailey & Nagamine AJP(12)jun [adoption of learner-centered instructional strategies].
@ Introductory courses:
Zeilik et al AJP(97)oct,
AJP(99)oct [conceptual approach];
Prather et al AJP(09)apr [national essessment study],
PT(09)oct [teaching intro classes];
Schombert a1008 [and grade inflation];
McLin a1304-eConf [using current cosmological ideas];
Olson TPT(15)oct [astronomy and humanities];
Burin TPT(16)jan [daytime outdoors activities].
@ Specific topics: Price & Grover AJP(01)feb [cosmological expansion];
Krisciunas et al AJP(12)may-a1109 [cosmological distance ladder, the first three rungs];
Goodman et al a1201 [WorldWide Telescope program];
Sparavigna a1202 [problems on the solar system, ancient astronomy];
Allen et al a1307 [measuring cosmic distances, rev];
Forringer TPT(14) [guided inquiry exercises on Hubble plots and the Big Bang];
Gangui RLAEA-a1504 [parallel globe];
Arcadias & Corbet a1505 [animations produced by students,
Wallace et al AJP(16)may-a1603 [extrasolar planet detection via microlensing];
Zingale et al a1606 [computational skills];
Montmerle et al IAU(16)-a1607 [public naming of planets and satellites].
@ Undergraduate labs:
Huebner & Reynolds 96;
Cadmus AJP(99)aug [age of the universe];
Sigismondi AJP(02)nov [angular size of Sun];
Rubbo et al AJP(07)jul [simulated gravitational wave signals];
Jacobi et al AER(08)-a0809 [effectiveness of night labs];
Krisciunas AJP(10)aug-a1001 [eccentricity of Moon's orbit];
Sigismondi a1106 [examples of activities],
in(00)-a1107 [pinhole astronomy and the 1st and 2nd Kepler laws];
Lahaye EJP(12) [eccentricity of Earth's orbit];
Camino & Gangui TPT(12)-a1305 [latitude];
Mandal et al a1601
[building affordable, portable college-level radio telescopes].
@ Popular astronomy: Whiting 10 [books written from 1833 to 1944].
@ Outreach: Dang & Russo CAP-a1507;
Clarkson et al a1606 [sustained programs].
@ Mobile apps: Fraknoi AER(11) [list].
"Innocent light-minded men, who think that astronomy can be learnt by looking at the stars
without knowledge of mathematics will, in the next life, be birds." – Plato, Timaeus.
"As far as astronomy is concerned, it must be confessed
that we do appear to be fast reaching the limits of our knowledge".
– Simon Newcomb, in an 18 November 1887 speech at Syracuse University
[@ see Carter & Carter PT(10)jan].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at – modified 23 feb 2021