Solar System Planets  

In General > s.a. earth; history of astronomy; orbits of gravitating bodies [including cosmological effects].
* Formation: Probably together with, or shortly after a star, from leftover gas and dust, by formation and merger of protoplanets; Turbulent and poorly understood; However, it seems that planet formation is easy, and is a mechanism for loss of angular momentum for the star.
* History: In the III century BC Epicurus wrote to Herodotus about the infinitely many worlds, probably inhabited; According to Aristotelians a moving body could not be the center of another movement; When Galileo discovered Jupiter's satellites, some said that they were illusions created by the telescope (others laughed).
* Moons: Most of them probably formed from rings around the planets, possibly including Earth's moon.
* Prebiological conditions: Titan (Saturn), Europa (Jupiter).
@ General references: NS(90)feb10 insert; issue pw(97)oct; Morrison & Owen 03 [II]; Sobel 05; Melosh 11 [planetary surfaces].
@ Jovian planets: Miner PT(90)jul [Voyager 2]; Sukoriansky et al PRL(02) [cloud bands and energy dissipation].
@ Formation and evolution: Ida et al ApJ(00)ap/99 [early solar system]; Malhotra SA(99)sep [migration]; Rafikov AJ(03)ap/02, AJ(03)ap/02, AJ(03)ap/02; news pw(06)sep [terrestrial planet formation and jovian migration]; Herndon ap/06 [against migration]; Woolfson 07; Youdin a0807-ln [from grains to planetesimals]; Mosqueira et al SSR(10)-a0906-in [formation of satellite systems]; Minton & Malhotra Nat(09)-a0906 [record of migration]; Morbidelli et al AJ(10)-a1009 [migration of Jupiter and Saturn]; Jacobson & Walsh a1502-in [terrestrial planets]; Izidoro et al A&A(15)-a1506
@ Orbital parameters: Lefloch ap/02; Page et al ApJ(09)-a0905 [outer planets, astrometric determination]; Tremaine ApJ(15)-a1504 [statistical mechanics].
@ Moons: Jewitt et al SA(06)aug; news SA(13)feb [formation].
@ Related topics: McBreen & Hanlon ap/99/A&A [GRBs]; Korycansky et al ApSS(01)ap [orbit engineering]; Soter AJ(06)ap, SA(07)jan, Basri & Brown AREPS(06)ap [definition of planet]; Sánchez-Lavega 11 [atmospheres]; Pierrehumbert PT(11)jan [infrared radiation and planetary temperature]; > s.a. Titius-Bode Law.

Individual Planets and Their Satellites > s.a. tests of general relativity with orbits.
* Saturn ring formation: Two popular scenarios are the tidal splitting of passing comets and the collisional destruction of a satellite.
@ Mercury: Nelson SA(97)nov; Peale Icarus(05)ap [precession and libration]; Solomon Sci(07)may + pw(07)may [molten core]; Correia & Laskar Icarus(09)-a0901 [capture into 3/2 spin-orbit resonance]; Solomon PT(11)jan; Noyelles et al Icarus(14)-a1307 [spin-orbit evolution]; news pt(14)jun [model dynamo may solve magnetic field mystery]; Roig et al ApJL(16)-a1603 [Mercury's orbit and the jumping Jupiter model].
@ Venus: Grinspoon ThSc(93)jul [plate tectonics?]; Solomon PT(93)jul [geophysics]; SA(94)apr, p90 [Pioneer]; Bullock & Grinspoon SA(99)mar [climate change]; Fowler & O'Brien PRS(03) [plate tectonics model]; Dick SA(04)may [8 jun 2004 transit]; Taylor pw(08)feb [Venus Express results]; Sheppard & Trujillo Icarus(09)-a0906 [survey for satellites]; Shiltsev a1206/JAHH, comment Sheehan & Pasachoff PT(13)jul [atmosphere, Lomonosov's 1761 discovery]; Way et al GRL(16)-a1608 [inhabitable in the past?]; news sn(20)oct [doubts over phosphine detection in the atmosphere[.
@ Mars: Golombek SA(98)jul [Mars Pathfinder]; Zorpette SA(00)mar, Musser & Alpert SA(00)mar [re going to Mars]; Albee SA(03)jun [landscapes]; Christensen SA(05)jul [diversity]; Hanford & Long ASA(06) [sound propagation]; Bell SA(06)dec [watery past]; Jones IJAB(08)-a0811 [history]; news sfn(12)feb [Mars strategy]; news cnn(15)sep [water confirmed]; Ronnet et al ApJ(16)-a1607, news pt(16)jul [satellites]; Vasavada PT(17)mar; Brasser EPSL(17)-a1704 [formation].
@ Jupiter: news PT(96)jul [Io's magnetic field]; Guillot PSS(99)ap [interior]; Pappalardo et al SA(99)oct, Greenberg AS(02) [possible sea and biosphere on Europa]; Johnson SA(00)feb [Galileo mission]; Icarus(04)169#1 [Io], Icarus(05)177#2 [Europa]; Henrard Icarus(05) [Io rotation]; Canup & Ward a0812 [formation of Galilean satellites]; Greenberg RPP(10) [icy satellites].
@ Saturn: news Sci(96)apr [updates]; Lunine SA(04)jun, Porco AS(07)jul [Cassini mission]; Charnoz et al Icarus(09)-a0809 [ring formation]; Iorio OAJ(10)-a0907 [perihelion precession and interpretation]; Whiting a1112 [Sir John Herschel and the stability of the rings]; Nesvorný & Vokrouhlický ApJ(16)-a1602 [orbital migration was grainy]; > s.a. quantum-to-classical transition [Hyperion].
@ Titan: Lumine AS(94); Lebreton pw(06)feb; Lorenz PT(08)aug; Lorenz & Sotin SA(10)mar.
@ Enceladus: Porco SA(08)dec; Spencer PT(11)nov; news PT(16)mar [turbulent dissipation and water eruptions].
@ Other Saturn moons: Freire ap/05, Ip GRL(06) [Iapetus, mystery]; Farmer & Goldreich Icarus(06) [Prometheus and Pandora]; Coradini et al EMP(09)-a0906-conf [Cassini results].
@ Uranus: Parisi et al A&A-a0801 [the Great Collision]; Podolak & Helled ApJL(12)-a1208 [and Neptune]; Turrini et al a1402 [the ODINUS concept, twin missions to Uranus and Neptune].
@ Neptune, discovery: Sheehan et al SA(04)dec [prediction and discovery]; Kent PT(11)dec [aftermath]; Krajnović A&G(16)-a1610.
@ Neptune, moons: Stern & McKinnon AJ(00)ap/99 [Triton–cratering, activity]; Nogueira et al Icarus(11)-a1105 [origin of Triton].

Related Topics > s.a. history [geocentric vs heliocentroc models].
* Planet X? See books by Sitchin supposedly based on Sumerian records; Possible scenarios are a rock-ice planetoid with mX = 0.7 mE at some 100 – 200 au, or a Jovian body with mX = 5 mJ at about 10,000 – 20,000 au; 2005, Reports that 2003 UB313, Xena, at a ≈ 97 au, is 20% larger than Pluto – and has a moon; 2014, Discovery of Sedna-like dwarf planet 2012 VP113.
* Planet Nine? 2016, Candidate with possible semimajor axis 700 au, eccentricity 0.6, inclination 30°, argument of perihelion 150°; 2010, Semimajor axis 400–800 au, eccentricity 0.2–0.5, apparent magnitude > 22.5, mass 5–10 M; Its presence could explain the unusual clustering of orbits for a group of extreme trans-Neptunian objects.
@ Additional planets / Planet X: Iorio MNRAS(09)-a0904 [constraints from inner solar system dynamics]; news pw(11)nov [was a giant planet ejected from the solar system?]; Iorio CMDA(13)-a1301 [constraints from the New Horizons spacecraft]; Iorio MNRAS(14)-a1404, FASS(17)-a1407 [new constraints]; Cloutier et al ApJ(15)-a1509 [fifth giant planet ejected?]; Malhotra a1711-proc [rev].
@ Planet Nine: Iorio ASS(17)-a1512 [Telisto–where is it?]; Batygin & Brown AJ(16)-a1601 [new evidence]; Fienga et al A&A(16)-a1602 [constraints from Cassini data]; de la Fuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos MNRAS(16)-a1603 [Monte Carlo approach]; Brown & Batygin ApJL(16)-a1603, Holman & Payne ApJ(16)-a1603 [constraints on the orbit and location]; Gomes et al ApJ(17)-a1607 [and the inclination of the planetary system]; news cosmos(19)jan [Planet Nine or a massive disc?]; Brown PT(19)mar; Witten a2004 [primordial black hole?]; Scholtz & Unwin PRL(20) [primordial black hole?]; Napier et al a2102 [no clustering evidence]; > s.a. Wikipedia page.

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