> In general
and Theories.
> 2D theories
and 3D theories.
> Newtonian gravity.
> Higher-dimensional theories.
> Kaluza-Klein theory and models.
> Higher-order theories.
> Emergent gravity.
> Bimetric gravity.
> Brans-Dicke theory.
> Einstein-Cartan theory.
> Newton-Cartan theory.
> Scalar-tensor theories.
> Teleparallel gravity.
> Unimodular gravity.
> Conformal gravity.
> Lovelock gravity.
> Massive gravity.
> Gauge theory.
> Discretized / Lattice gravity.
> Regge calculus.
> Non-commutative gravity.
> Hořava-Lifshitz gravity.
> In general.
> Sources.
> Analysis.
> Background.
> Propagation.
> Detection.
Space-based detectors.
> Gravitons.
Modified Gravity Phenomenology
> In general.
> Modified Newtonian gravity.
> Tests of Newtonian gravity.
> For higher-order gravity.
> For Brans-Dicke theory.
> For Kaluza-Klein theory.
> For scalar-tensor theories.
> For Hořava-Lifshitz gravity.
> For higher-dimensional gravity. |
Other Phenomenology
> Gravitating bodies.
> N-body systems.
> Gravitating fields.
> Chaos in the metric in general.
> Chaos in Bianchi models.
> Chaos in particle motion.
> Gravitomagnetism.
> Gravitational collapse.
> Critical collapse.
> Analog and emergent gravity.
> Lensing.
> Thermodynamics.
s.a. General Relativity [& tests].
s.a. Spacetime [& black holes].
s.a. Astronomy & Astrophysics.