Gravitational Lensing |
In General
> s.a. aharonov-bohm effect; dark-matter
detection; gravitational light bending.
* Idea: The lens-like effect
produced by the deflection of waves (especially light) along different paths.
* Remark: They are not linear
lenses, and are not described by Gaussian optics, but one can use Fermat's principle.
* Experimental results:
VLA surveys yield few lenses; The universe cannot be closed by masses of
\(10^{11}\)–\(10^{12}\; M_\odot\); They allow us to make spectra of distant
(z > 2) galaxies, because of amplification (they are like 100-Kpc
telescopes); Many double images of galaxies (some with opposite parity) have
been seen; The first complete Einstein ring has been seen, and the (extended)
source object reconstructed.
* Future: 2000s, Look for cosmic
strings with the space telescope; Find planets; Measure dark-matter distributions.
> Online resources: see Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes
Theory > s.a. optics [optical geometry];
lensing in specific spacetimes [including cosmological constant].
* Results: There is always
an odd number of images, unless they are formed by a black hole; Lensing
has enriched the field of geometrical optics.
@ General references: Frittelli & Newman PRD(99)gq/98;
Kling et al PRD(00)gq/99 [iterative];
Frittelli et al PRD(01)gq/00,
PRD(01)gq/00 [image distorsion],
PRD(02)gq [non-perturbative];
Kochanek et al ApJ(01)ap/00 [Einstein rings];
Frittelli MNRAS(03)ap [by moving lenses];
Amore & Arceo PRD(06),
Amore et al PRD(06) [analytical expressions];
Werner JMP(07)mp [topological invariants, fixed-point theorem];
Bozza PRD(08)-a0807 [approximate equations];
Petters & Werner GRG(10)-a0912 [multiple images and magnification];
Heavens a1109-ln [and tests of general relativity];
Aazami & Werner JGP-a1507,
Werner a1507-MG14 [geometric definition of magnification];
Harte GRG(19)-a1808 [beyond geometric optics];
Normann & Clarkson GRG(20)-a1904 [recursion relations].
@ And MOND: Soussa & Woodard PLB(04)ap/03 [problem];
Zhao et al MNRAS(06)ap/05;
Mavromatos et al PRD(09)-a0901;
Ferreras et al PRD(09)-a0907 [and rotation curves];
Ferreras et al PRD(12)-a1205 [extended survey];
Milgrom PRL(13)-a1305;
> s.a. MOND.
@ And other gravity theories: Sereno PRD(03)ap [metric theories];
Schimd et al PRD(05)ap/04 [scalar-tensor including quintessence];
Capozziello et al PRD(06)ap [4th-order gravity];
Zhao ap/06-ln,
Chen JCAP(08)-a0712 [TeVeS];
Ruggiero GRG(09)-a0712 [f(R), Palatini approach];
Schmidt PRD(08)-a0805 [f(R) gravity, DGP, TeVeS];
Nzioki et al PRD(11)-a1002 [f(R) gravity];
Martinelli et al PRD(11) [satellite mission tests];
Werner a1904-MG15 [area-metric spacetimes];
> s.a. cosmic microwave background;
hořava gravity; Modified Gravity.
@ Use of lensing as test of gravity theories:
Knox et al PRD(06)ap/05 [lensing, dark energy and new gravity];
Keeton & Petters PRD(05),
Smith a0907/PRD;
Schwab et al ApJ(09)-a0907;
Bean a0909-wd
[results disfavor general relativity for 1 < z < 2];
Bean & Tangmatitham PRD(10)-a1002;
Liu & Prokopec PLB(17)-a1612 [Verlinde's emergent gravity];
> s.a. cosmology in higher-order theories.
@ Related topics: Hasse & Perlick GRG(02)gq/01 [and centrifugal force reversal];
Suyama et al PRD(05)ap [wave propagation and thin lenses].
> s.a. types of lensing [microlensing, weak lensing].
@ General:
Ohanian AJP(87)may [Schwarzschild black hole];
Blandford et al Sci(89)aug;
in Böhringer et al 95;
Schechter ap/99-proc [review];
Blandford PASP(01)ap [future];
Wambsganss SA(01)nov;
Perlick LRR(04)-a1010 [spacetime perspective];
Jain NJP(07) [focus issue];
Treu et al AJP(12)sep-a1206 [RL];
Huwe & Field TPT(15)#5 [undergraduate lab];
Sauer & Schütz EJP(19)-a1905 [pedagogical].
@ History: Valls-Gabaud AIP(06)-a1206;
Sauer AHES(08)-a0704 [history, Einstein and Nova Geminorum 1912];
Will CQG(15)-a1409 [1919 measurement of the deflection of light, etc];
Treu & Ellis a1412-in [rev].
@ Observation:
news pw(13)oct [most distant lens seen 9.4 Gly away];
Udalski et al AA-a1504 [OGLE-IV survey].
@ Intros, reviews: Turner SA(88)jul;
Narayan & Bartelmann ap/96;
Straumann ap/97;
Schneider et al 92;
Wambsganss LRR(98)ap;
Fluke et al MNRAS(99)ap/98 [new method];
Mollerach & Roulet IJMPA(00)ap/99;
Wambsganss ap/00-IAU,
Kuijken ASP-ap/03;
Koopmans & Blandford PT(04)jun [and applications];
Falco NJP(05);
Schneider et al ed-06;
Jetzer et al ed-GRG(10)#9;
Bartelmann CQG(10)-a1010;
Dodelson 17.
@ Time delay: Ciufolini & Ricci gq/03/PRL;
Gürkan et al a1011-conf [efficient measurement];
Linder PRD(11) [and cosmological complementarity];
Takahashi ApJ(17)-a1605 [time differences between gravitational and electromagnetic waves];
Piattella & Giani PRD(17)-a1703 [and redshift drift].
@ Of the cmb:
Das et al PRL(11),
Sherwin et al PRL(11)
+ Boughn Phy(11) [and dark energy];
Jenkins et al PLB(14)-a1403 [Feynman diagram approach].
@ Of other electromagnetic waves:
Lu & Pen MNRAS(08)-a0710 [21-cm radiation, diffuse].
@ Of gravitational waves:
Wang et al PRL(96);
De Paolis et al A&A(02)ap;
Sereno et al PRD(10) [merging of supermassive black holes and LISA];
Christian et al PRD(18)-a1802 [and detection];
Hannuksela et al ApJL(19)-a1901 [in LIGO-Virgo binary black hole events].
@ Related topics: Asada & Kasai PTP(00)ap [lens rotation];
Frutos-Alfaro AJP(01)feb-ap/02 [visualization program];
Courbin & Minniti ed-02 [and astrophysics];
Nemiroff ApJ(05)ap [magnifying gravity];
Zhang et al PRL(07) [relationship between lensing and matter overdensity];
Tippett PRD(11)-a1109 [and cloaking];
> s.a. higher-dimensional gravity; philosophy of science;
quantum equivalence principle and tests of the equivalence principle;
tests of lorentz invariance.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at – modified 22 may 2020