Gravitational Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics |
Statistical Mechanics
> s.a. horizons; phenomenology
of gravity; statistical mechanics.
@ General references: Padmanabhan Ent(15)-a1508 [distribution function for "atoms of spacetime"].
@ Black holes:
Braden et al PRD(90);
Harms & Leblanc PRD(92),
Krasnov GRG(98)gq/96 [quantum];
Gour PRD(00)gq/99;
Kan et al PRD(01)gq [BPS black holes];
Chevalier et al PhyA(07);
Balasubramanian et al GRG(08) [typicality versus thermality];
Chevalier & Debbasch PhyA(09) [thermal ensembles];
> s.a. black-hole thermodynamics
and specific black holes.
@ Cluster expansion method:
Iguchi et al PLA(99)ap/98.
@ Quantum: Major & Setter CQG(01)gq [spin networks];
Gogberashvili IJTP(11)-a1008 [Machian ensemble and emergence of quantum theory];
Kotecha Univ(19)-a1907-in [thermal quantum spacetime].
@ Related topics:
Kholodenko JGP(01) [2+1 gravity];
Aros PRD(06) [first-order gravity, boundary conditions];
Gürsoy JHEP(10)-a1007 [gravity-spin model correspondence and phase transitions];
Botta Cantcheff a1105 [string-based];
Callender FP(11) [equilibrium];
> s.a. black-hole perturbations [fluctuations].
> s.a. gravitational entropy; specific theories and models.
* Stability: Systems of infinite
spatial extent at fixed temperature are thermodynamically unstable.
* Remark: Results are independent
of a change in the canonical momenta by addition of boundary terms in the action.
@ General references: Mitra FP(11) [first law for a self-gravitating fluid];
Yang Ent(13)-a1110 [thermal entropy density];
Padmanabhan a1602 [approaches];
Santiago a1912-PhD.
@ And Einstein's equation:
Neugebauer IJTP(77);
Jacobson PRL(95)gq [Einstein equation as equation of state];
Oppenheim PRD(02)gq/01 [V vs A-scaling],
Padmanabhan MPLA(02)ht,
Padmanabhan & Patel ht/03,
gq/03 [semiclassical gravity and horizons];
Eling et al PRL(06)gq [non-equilibrium];
Mäkelä & Peltola IJMPD(09)gq/06;
Kothawala et al PLB(07)gq;
Padmanabhan & Paranjape PRD(07)gq [from entropy of null surfaces];
Öttinger PhyA(08) [non-equilibrium thermodynamics];
Eling JHEP(08)-a0806 [and hydrodynamics];
Padmanabhan a0903,
[field equations and entropy density],
[horizon degrees of freedom and equipartition of energy];
Pesci CQG(11)-a1002 [and entropy of light];
Samanta a1003;
Kothawala PRD(11)-a1010;
Bracken ASTP-a1111 [Einstein-Hilbert action as minimizing free energy];
Padmanabhan IJMPD(11) [and hydrodynamics];
Smolin CQG(14)-a1205 [quantum version, and lqg];
Shimada et al PLB(12)-a1206 [with entropy production];
Parattu et al PRD(13)-a1303 [gravitational action and emergent gravity];
Chirco et al PRD(14)-a1401 [interpretation];
Chakraborty et al JHEP(15)-a1505 [near an arbitrary null surface];
Nagle a1608-proc;
Jacobson & Visser IJMPD(19)-a1904-GRF [equilibrium at negative temperature and attractiveness of gravity];
> s.a. einstein's equation;
emergent gravity; entropic gravity.
@ And entanglement entropy:
Matsueda a1408;
Bodendorfer CQG(14)-a1402;
Bhattacharya et al PRD(15)-a1412 [entanglement density];
Jacobson PRL(16)-a1505,
Casini et al JHEP(16)-a1601 [and entanglement equilibrium];
Varadarajan GRG(16)-a1602 [and variation of Bekenstein-Hawking area];
Alonso-Serrano & Liška PRD-a2008 [equivalence of entropies and unimodular gravity].
@ And microstates:
Kothawala & Padmanabhan PRD(14)-a1405 [entropy density of spacetime];
Smolin PRD(17)-a1510 [and gravity as a constrained topological field theory];
Padmanabhan CS(15)-a1512,
IJMPD(16) [and the cosmological constant];
Padmanabhan IJMPD(18)-a1805-GRF.
@ Related topics: Chardin in(02)-a0804 [and C, P, T symmetries];
Piazza PRD(10)-a1005 [timelike hypersurfaces and flux of energy-matter];
Bravetti et al a1503 [emergent maximally symmetric spacetimes];
EPJC(17)-a1710 [fluctuations, quantum from thermal];
Faizal et al EPJC(17)-a1710 [quantum fluctuations to the geometry from thermal fluctuations];
Svesko a2006-PhD [entanglement interpretation].
> Related topics:
see action for general relativity; modified
uncertainty relations; MOND; thermodynamics
and modified thermodynamics.
> Special spacetimes and subsets:
see Alexandrov Sets [causal diamonds]; horizons
[Killing horizons]; spacetime subsets [null surfaces]; wormholes.
> s.a. general relativity / quantum field theory
in curved spacetime [correlation dynamics]; statistical mechanics.
@ General: Padmanabhan PRD(99)ht/98 [from general properties of black holes];
Rovelli CQG(93),
Wald CQG(99)gq [rev];
Mann FP(03)gq/02 ["gravitational heat"];
Padmanabhan AIP(07)-a0706 [gravity as emergent, conceptual];
Vaz GRG(09)-a0905-GRF;
Padmanabhan AIP(10)-a0911 [thermodynamic interpretation of field equations],
RPP(10)-a0911 [new insights];
Wallace BJPS(10)-a0907 [conceptual clarity];
Pollock IJMPD(11) [and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation];
Padmanabhan GRG(14)-a1312,
IJMPD(14)-a1405-GRF [general relativity as emergent thermodynamical theory].
@ Time and thermodynamics: Connes & Rovelli CQG(94)gq;
Tiwari gq/06
[unimodular theory, and cosmological constant fluctuations];
Martinetti a1203-conf;
> s.a. time in gravity [thermal time];
Tolman-Ehrenfest Effect.
@ Quasilocal:
Brown et al CQG(90);
York in(91);
Brown & York PRD(93),
gq/93 [microcanonical];
Martinez PRD(96)gq,
Creighton PhD(96)gq [including dilaton and gauge theory];
Ho et al CQG(98)gq/97 [duality];
Uzun & Wiltshire CQG(15)-a1506 [conditions for thermodynamic equilibrium];
Parikh et al a1801 [local, arbitrary spacetime].
@ Boundaries: Balachandran et al NPB(96)gq/94 [edge states];
Freidel & Yokokura CQG(14)-a1405 [non-equilibrium thermodynamics of gravitational screens].
@ Density of states:
Braden, Whiting & York PRD(87);
Padmanabhan PRD(10)-a1003 [surface density of degrees of freedom].
@ Related topics: Mensky PLA(03) ["universal scheme"];
von Borzeszkowski & Chrobok FP(03) [no thermodynamical degrees of freedom];
Padmanabhan IJMPD(12)-GRF;
> s.a. actions for general relativity;
quantum spacetime [gravity as a thermodynamic limit];
spacetime geometry in quantum gravity.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at – modified 22 nov 2020