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In General
* Types: Theories
with small, compact extra dimensions (as in the Kaluza-Klein and
Jordan theories), for a minimum of 5 for unification of gravity and
electromagnetism, and at least 11 to include the symmetry group of the
standard model; Theories with "large" extra dimensions (as in brane world
scenarios); Theories with non-compactified extra dimensions (as in the
Randall-Sundrum variant of brane models); In string theory there are
10 or 11 dimensions; Universal extra dimensions, in which all matter
fields propagate in the bulk.
@ Overviews, history: Arkani-Hamed et al SA(00)aug;
Deser phy/04-proc;
Halpern 04; Krauss 05;
Kumar & Suresh gq/05;
Sundrum ht/05-ln;
Sakellariadou ht/07-conf [rev, various theories];
Wesson 07;
Dadhich a0902-talk,
Agashe & Pomarol NJP(10)focus;
Bronnikov & Rubin 12 [III];
Witten a1401-conf
[Einstein, Bergmann, and the fifth dimension];
Wesson IJMPD(15)-a1412 [status];
Emparan & Herzog a2003-RMP [rev];
> s.a. history of relativistic gravity.
@ Books, I: Randall 05.
Related topics: see phenomenology and tests;
quantum spacetime; unified theories.
Formulations, Theoretical Settings
> s.a. asymptotic flatness; energy-momentum tensor.
@ General references:
Madore & Mourad PLB(95)ht [simulated by quantum fluctuations];
Giddings & Myers PRD(04)ht [decompactification];
Zanelli ht/05-ln [Chern-Simons (super)gravity];
Han et al MPLA(05)gq [Palatini form];
Mankoč Borštnik & Nielsen PLB(07)ht/06 [and fermions with no fundamental charges];
Randall PT(07)jul [the case for];
Durkee PhD(11)-a1104 [results on higher-dimensional spacetimes];
Bodendorfer et al CQG(13)-a1105 [connection formulation, Lagrangian];
Dadhich a1210-proc;
Ortaggio & Pravdová JPCS(15)-a1502
[fall-off rates of electromagnetic and gravitational fields];
Chakraborty & Dadhich EPJC(18)-a1607
[4D Einstein gravity and 7D pure Gauss-Bonnet gravity].
@ Hamiltonian formulation: Nieto CQG(05)ht/04 [7+1 connection formulation];
Nieto GRG(07) [12D, self-dual];
Ashtekar & Sloan CQG(08)-a0808 [first-order framework];
Bodendorfer et al CQG(13)-a1105 [connection formulation],
CQG(13)-a1105 [with fermionic matter];
Venkatesh a1305 [loop variables];
Debnath et al PRD(14)-a1408 [R2 gravity];
Nieto MPLA(16)-a1608 [8D, self-dual].
@ Gravity: Troncoso & Zanelli CQG(00)ht/99 [and torsion];
Ootsuka et al CQG(04)gq/03 [chiral];
Sher & Sullivan AJP(06)feb [scale dependence].
@ Large extra dimensions:
Shifman IJMPA(10).
@ Extra timelike dimensions:
Erdem & Un EPJC(06)hp/05 [phenomenology];
Sparling gq/06, gq/06, PRS(07);
Quirós a0706,
a0707 [causality and unitarity not violated];
Ivashchuk a0905-conf [Newton's law of gravity];
> s.a. kaluza-klein theory; time [two-time physics].
@ Projective: Fauser GRG(01)gq/00 [status];
Schmutzer GRG(01) [cosmology and astrophysics];
Gorbatsievich GRG(01) [axiomatics].
@ Other types:
Zumino PRP(86);
Mignemi GRG(90)
[SO(1, N−1) × SO(K−N), chiral fermions ok];
Freidel et al ATMP(99)ht [BF-like];
Bjerrum-Bohr NPB(04)ht/03,
Emparan et al JHEP(13)-a1302 [high-D limit];
Anabalón et al PRD(07)ht/06 [5D Einstein-Hilbert + Gauss-Bonnet → 4D gauged WZW],
Han et al MPLA(14)-a1304 [scalar-tensor theories, connection dynamics].
@ Fuzzy extra dimensions:
Aschieri et al a0704-conf;
Chatzistavrakidis et al PoS-a1102 [and particle-physics models].
@ Other generalized settings: Vacaru IJTP(12)-a1004 [non-integer dimensions];
Chamseddine et al JMP(13)-a1201
[discrete extra dimensions, dimensional reduction and emerging of axion, dilaton, and Higgs fields];
> s.a. modified electromagnetic theory.
@ String theory: Faraggi ht/05-proc [fictitious dimensions];
> s.a. string theory and phenomenology.
@ Supersymmetric: Callin & Burgess NPB(06) [and modified Newtonian gravity].
> Examples: see branes;
kaluza-klein theory; models of dynamical spacetime
[reduction]; supergravity.
Theoretical Consequences and Effects
> s.a. equivalence principle; gravitational collapse.
@ Dimensional reduction: Carroll & Tam PRD(08)-a0802 [aether compactification];
Capozziello et al a1205-in
[obtaining 4D Extended Theories of Gravity, and experiment];
Wesson a1205 [and 4D phenomenology, cosmological constant, wave-particle duality];
Mureika & Nicolini EPJP(13)-a1206 [and self-completeness of gravity in d > 3 dimensions];
Izaurieta & Rodríguez CQG(13)-a1207 [5D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity].
@ Instabilities: Mignemi GRG(89) [SO(1, N−1) × SO(K−N)];
Carroll et al PRD(02);
Giddings PRD(03)ht;
Dine et al JHEP(04)ht [and supersymmetry breaking];
> s.a. branes; kaluza-klein
theory; Radion Field.
@ And origin of matter: Dadhich & Maeda IJMPD(08)-a0705-in [Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity].
> Other issues:
see initial-value formulation; quantum
cosmology; spin coefficients [GHP formalism].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 28 mar 2020