Standard Model of Particle Physics  

In General > s.a. cosmological standard model; history of particle physics; particle physics [context].
* Particles: They are classified by representations of the symmetry group SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1); The presently known particles can be divided into quarks (u, d; c, s; t, d) (each in 3 colors), leptons (e, νe; μ, νμ; τ, ντ), and gauge bosons (graviton, 8 gluons, W ±, Z); Others are predicted by various extensions, like Higgs scalars (from spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking), gravitinos (> see supergravity), etc; Cosmology puts an upper bound of 4 on the number of generations.
* Interactions: Four of them explain all presently known phenomena:

Interaction Strength Range Exchange particles Theory See also
gravitational 10−40 graviton > general relativity > other theories, quantum gravity
weak 10−15 10−15 cm W ±, Z > electroweak  
electromagnetic 10−2 photon > electroweak > other theories, QED
strong 1 10−13 cm gluons > QCD  

The weak and electromagnetic interactions have in fact been unified by the Weinberg-Salam electroweak theory, which has been experimentally tested; aka hypercharge force; There could be additional forces (> see fifth force).
@ Books, reviews: Leader & Predazzi 95; Rosner AJP(03)apr [RL]; Particle Data Group PLB(04) [reference]; Morii et al 04; Oerter 05 [I]; Burgess & Moore 06; Cottingham & Greenwood 07; Mann 09; Langacker 09; Robinson 11 [introduction]; Schwartz 13, Han 14 [and qft]; Becchi & Ridolfi 14 [II]; Donoghue et al 14; Kibble a1412-conf [rev]; Wells a1911 [rev, history]; Gripaios a2005-ln [II].
@ General references: Cahn RMP(96) [18 parameters]; Herrero hp/98-ln; Riles CP(98) [tests]; Bertin et al RNC(00) [CKM matrix]; Quigg AIP(00)hp; McCabe ed-PFP(07) [structure and interpretation]; Perović SHPMP(11) [missing experimental challenges]; Butterworth PTRS(16)-a1601-conf [successes and challenges]; Maiani & Rolandi ed-16; 't Hooft IJMPA(16).
@ Number of generations: van der Bij PRD(07) [three generations and the topology of the universe]; Gould a1011 [anthropic argument for three generations]; Kaplan & Sun PRL(12) [spacetime as a topological insulator]; He et al a1408 [algebraic geometry and the phenomenology of generations]; > s.a. beyond the standard model [beyond three generations].

Theoretical Aspects > s.a. group theory; Hypercharge; renormalization of gauge theories; unified theories.
* Isospin: A quantum number associated with an SU(2) group, related to a transformation between the u and d quarks; The isospin SU(2) is a symmetry group for strong interactions, but is broken when electromagnetic interactions are turned on, since Q = \(1\over2\)B + I3, so [Q, I1,2] ≠ 0; Usually though Hem \(\ll\) Hstrong, and the breaking is small.
* Cabibbo angle: The parameter θC that allows to obtain the weakly interacting eigenstates as linear combinations of the quark mass eigenstates, like

d' = d cos θC + s sin θC,   s' = −d sin θC + s cos θC .

* Theoretical problems: Why do weak interactions couple differently to left-handed and right-handed particles? The theoretical basis for the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix (too many parameters); The standard model is not enough to account for baryogenesis (GUTs or supersymmetry of some type are needed); > s.a. Landau Pole; Hierarchy Problem.
@ General references: Iliopoulos a1101-conf [Cabibbo angle, history]; news Phy(20)may [anomalies].
@ Hamiltonian / Dirac treatment: Lusanna NPPS(97)ht, ht/97-conf; Lusanna & Valtancoli IJMPA(98)ht/97.
@ And the exceptional Jordan algebra: Todorov & Dubois-Violette a1806; Todorov a1922; Boyle a2006.
@ Other theoretical aspects: Grigore a1506-conf [perturbation theory up to second order (in the causal approach)].
> Related topics: see Calabi-Yau Spaces; CKM Matrix; clifford algebra; conformal symmetry; fine-structure constant [variation]; Fine Tuning; Jordan Algebra; Krajewski Diagrams; PMNS Matrix.

Phenomenology and Experiment > s.a. experimental physics and particle physics / early-universe cosmology; QCD phenomenology.
* And experiment: 1989, So far it seems to be ok with experiment down to 10−16 cm; Some predictions confirmed to 10−12; No problem including a fourth family, and can accommodate ν oscillations; Possible problems include same sign dileptons; The decay Z0l+ l γ, and, Where is the Higgs particle? 2002, The experimental value of the CP violation parameter sin 2β approaches prediction, but the muon g−2 problem remains; 2019, The most precise predictions of the standard model are the electron and positron magnetic moments; 2020, The muon g−2 discrepancy is one of the longest-standing anomalies in particle physics.
@ Cosmology: Kusenko & Langacker PLB(97) [vacuum]; Bjorken PRD(01) [and Λ], PRD(03)ht/02; > s.a. vacuum phenomenology.
@ Particle physics: Froggatt et al NPB(94) [fermion masses]; Dolgov NPB(97) [mass corrections in expanding universe]; Gynther & Vepsäläinen JHEP(06) [high-T, pressure]; Mangano IJMPA(08)-a0802-in [LHC preview]; news symm(11)jul [Ξb discovery by CDF]; Blümlein a1205-proc [perturbative precision calculations]; > s.a. astrophysics; atomic physics; electron; electroweak theory [including W and Z bosons, Higgs particle]; higgs field; Regge Trajectory; Sum Rules.

Variations / Generalizations > s.a. physics beyond the standard model [including non-commutative geometry].
@ References: Spaans gq/97 [topological]; Lombardo hp/01-ln [at finite temperature, phase transitions]; Srivastava & Brodsky PRD(02) [light front]; Blaha ht/02 [as quantum computer]; Davoudiasl et al PLB(05)hp/04 [new minimal model]; Ziino MPLA(07) [with neutrino masses and oscillations]; Zubkov PLB(07) [extra discrete symmetry]; Grinstein et al PRD(08)-a0704 [Lee-Wick, with Higgs mass stabilization]; Alberghi et al a0804 [vacuum energy and additional particles]; Sannino MPLA(11) [as the magnetic dual of a gauge theory with only fermionic matter]; Masina & Sannino a1110 [dark-sector modifications]; Senjanović MPLA(17)-a1610-proc [left-right symmetric theory].

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