Black Holes in Modified Gravity Theories  

Higher-Order Gravity Theories > s.a. lovelock gravity [including Lovelock-Born-Infeld] / black-hole entropy; perturbations; uniqueness and hair.
@ f(R) gravity: Moon et al GRG(11)-a1101; Myung et al PRD(11) [investigate]; Perez Bergliaffa et al PRD(11)-a1107, comment Mazharimousavi & Halilsoy PRD(12)-a1210 [static, spherically symmetric]; Cembranos et al IJGMP(14)-a1109 [Kerr-Newman black holes]; De Laurentis & Capozziello a1202-ch [and self-gravitating structures]; Kehagias et al a1502, Duplessis & Easson PRD(15)-a1506 [R2 gravity]; Olmo & Rubiera-García Univ(15)-a1509 [non-singular]; Nashed & Capozziello PRD(19)-a1902 [charged, spherical]; > s.a. Gravitational Memory; schwarzschild-de sitter solutions.
@ f(R) gravity with matter: Hendi PLB(10) [Rn theories, with and without conformally-invariant Maxwell field]; Mazharimousavi & Halilsoy PRD(11)-a1105 [+ non-linear Yang-Mills field]; Sheykhi PRD(12)-a1209 [higher-dimensional, charged]; Mazharimousavi et al IJMPD(13)-a1210 [Reissner-Nordström-type black holes]; Rodrigues et al EPJC(16)-a1601 [non-linear electromagnetic field].
@ Gauss-Bonnet gravity: Abdalla et al PRD(05)ht [scalar perturbations]; Dehghani & Mann PRD(05)ht [NUT-charged]; Dehghani & Hendi PRD(06)ht [GB-Maxwell]; Domínguez & Gallo PRD(06) [Einstein-GB]; Melis & Mignemi PRD(06) [Einstein-Maxwell-GB + dilaton]; Daghigh et al CQG(07)gq/06, Chakrabarti GRG(07) [quasinormal modes]; Canfora et al PRD(08)-a0707 [half-BPS states]; Dotti et al PRD(07); Alexeyev et al JETP(08)-a0712 [Kerr-like, exact]; Kleihaus et al PRL(11) [+ dilaton, rotating]; Yue et al ChPB(11)-a1107 [rotating]; Bravo & Hassaïne PRD(13)-a1308 [+ scalar field, topological black holes]; > s.a. higher-dimensional black holes; types of black holes with hair.
@ Higher-order, charged: Campanelli et al PRD(95)gq/94; Matyjasek & Tryniecki PRD(04)gq.
@ Other higher-order: Myers gq/98-in; Crisostomo et al PRD(00)ht; Sen JHEP(05)ht [and entropy]; Berej et al GRG(06)ht; Psaltis et al PRL(08)-a0710 [not distinguishable]; de la Cruz-Dombriz et al PRD(09), a1001-proc; Yunes & Stein PRD(11)-a1101; Olmo & Rubiera-García a1301-MG13, Olmo ch(16)-a1607 [spherical, non-singular, in Palatini extensions of general relativity]; Lü et al PRL(15)-a1502 [solutions and their thermodynamic properties]; Hennigar & Mann PRD(17)-a1610 [in Einsteinian cubic gravity]; Bueno & Cano CQG(17)-a1703 [static and spherically symmetric]; Podolský et al PRD(18)-a1806, Švarc et al PRL(18)-a1806 [Einstein-Weyl theory]; Cardoso et al PRL(18)-a1811 [effective field theory extension]; Cano & Ruipérez JHEP(19)-a1901 [higher-derivative corrections to Kerr geometry]; Bonanno & Silveravalle PRD(19)-a1903, Pravda et al PRD(21)-a2012 [quadratic gravity]; Charmousis et al PRD(19)-a1903 [rotating, with 'stealth' hair]; Hervik & Ortaggio JHEP(20)-a1907 [Schwarzschildlike static solutions]; > s.a. quasinormal modes.

Other Modified Gravity Theories > s.a. black holes [black strings]; black-hole analogs; black-hole phenomenology.
@ Metric-affine gravity: Ayón-Beato et al PRD(01) [with matter, static, hair].
@ Einstein-Born-Infeld: Dyadichev & Gal'tsov PLB(00); Wirschins et al PRD(01); Tamaki & Torii PRD(01) [+ dilaton + axion]; Fernando & Krug GRG(03)ht, Dey PLB(04) [+ Λ]; Fernando GRG(05)ht/04 [perturbations], & Holbrook IJTP(06)ht/05 [normal modes]; Cai et al PRD(04)gq [+ cosmological constant]; Cirilo-Lombardo GRG(05)gq/06 [charged, rotating]; Yazadjiev PRD(05) [+ dilaton, non-asymptotically-flat]; Fernando PRD(06)ht [in AdS]; Mišković & Olea PRD(08)-a0802 [thermodynamics]; Mazharimousavi et al PRD(08)-a0809 [+ non-abelian Yang-Mills fields]; Chemissany et al CQG(08) [thermodynamics]; Stefanov et al IJMPD(11)-a0909 [with massive scalar]; Linares et al PRD(15)-a1412 [test-particle motion]; > s.a. born-infeld theory.
@ Massive gravity: Bebronne & Tinyakov JHEP(09)-a0902 [spherical]; Babichev et al PRL(09)-a0907 [Schwarzschild solution]; Comelli et al PRD(11)-a1010 [spherical]; Maeda JHEP(11) [black-hole dynamics]; Nieuwenhuizen PRD(11)-a1103; Berezhiani et al PRD(12); Cai et al PRD(13)-a1211 [non-linear, charged black holes]; Babichev & Fabbri CQG(13)-a1304, PRD(14)-a1401 [stability analysis]; Arraut IJMPD(15)-a1311-conf; Myung PLB(14)-a1401 [massive conformal gravity]; Babichev & Fabbri PRD(14)-a1406 [rotating]; Babichev & Brito CQG(15)-a1503 [rev].
@ Topologically massive gravity: Moussa et al CQG(03); Bouchareb & Clément CQG(07)-a0706 [mass, angular momentum].
@ Teleparallel gravity: Nashed PRD(02) [non-singular]; Rodrigues et al JCAP(13)-a1306 [charged black holes]; > s.a. 3D black holes.
@ Vector-tensor theories: Fan EPJC(18)-a1709 [and thermodynamics]; Filippini & Tasinato JCAP(18)-a1801 [rotating black hole].
> Scalar-tensor gravity: see brans-dicke phenomenology; phenomenology of scalar-tensor gravity.
> Other theories: see gauge theory of gravity; MOG; theories of gravity [vector theory]; unimodular gravity.

Quantum-Gravity Motivated and Other Theories
@ Einstein-aether theory: Eling & Jacobson CQG(06)gq; Konoplya & Zhidenko PLB(07) [perturbation spectum]; Tamaki & Miyamoto PRD(08)-a0709; Barausse et al PRD(11)-a1104; Barausse et al PRD(16)-a1512 [slowly rotating black holes]; Lin et al IJMPD(19)-a1704 [charged, d-dimensional]; Zhang et al PRD(20)-a2004; Dimakis et al PRD(21)-a2010 [with a scalar field].
@ Supergravity: Cordero & Teitelboim PLB(78); Klemm NPB(99)ht/98; Britto-Pacumio et al JHEP(01)ht [5D multi-BPS]; Chong et al NPB(05)ht/04 [4D charged, rotating]; Elvang et al PRL(04)ht [5D black ring]; Gutowski & Reall JHEP(04)ht, JHEP(04)ht [aAdS5]; Bellorín et al NPB(07)ht/06 [N = 2, d = 4, and censorship]; Mei & Pope PLB(07)-a0709 [5D, rotating]; Celi IJMPA(09)-a0712 [N = 2, d = 5 BPS no-go result]; Gimon et al JHEP(08)-a0710 [non-BPS]; Bianchi et al PLB(10) [N = 8]; Chow CQG(10); Dall'Agata a1106-proc; Marolf a1107-ch [10D and 11D]; Andrianopoli et al a1201-proc; Stotyn PhD(12)-a1209 [exact solutions and instabilities]; Gallerati IJMPA(19)-a1905; > s.a. higher-dimensional black holes.
@ String / M-theory: Witten PRD(91); Banks et al PRL(98)ht/97, JHEP(98)ht/97; Breckenridge ht/97-proc; Horowitz & Ross PRD(97)ht, PRD(98)ht/97 [naked]; Klebanov & Susskind PLB(98); Khuri MPLA(98)gq; David PhD(99)ht; Youm PRP(99); Horowitz CQG(00)ht/99-conf; Li ht/00; Peet ht/00-ln; Myers RMF-gq/01; Vercnocke PhD-a1011; Goutéraux PhD(10)-a1011; Kang & Yeom EPJC(19)-a1901 [causal structures]; > s.a. black-hole solutions [with dilaton]; formation; string phenomenology.
@ Other: Mignemi CQG(97)gq/96 [topological gravity]; Klemm CQG(98)gq [Weyl theory]; Shojaie & Farhoudi CJP(07)ap/02 [variable c]; Sur et al JHEP(05)ht [dilaton-axion gravity]; Rahaman et al NCB(06)gq [Lyra geometry]; Sagi & Bekenstein PRD(08)-a0708 [TeVeS]; Psaltis PRL(08)-a0801 [Kerr metrics in modified gravity]; Ishibashi & Speziale CQG(09)-a0904 [modified self-dual gravity]; Modesto et al PLB(11)-a1010 [ultraviolet-complete quantum gravity]; Myers & Robinson JHEP(10), Brenna & Mann PRD(12)-a1206 [quasi-topological gravity]; Bardoux PhD(12)-a1211.
> Other: see bimetric gravity; brane-world gravity; chern-simons theory; finsler geometry; hořava-lifshitz gravity; lorentz-violating theories; modified electrodynamics [non-linear]; MOND [TeVeS]; non-commutative gravity; non-local gravity; Non-Symmetric Gravity; rainbow gravity; regge calculus; reissner-nordström spacetime; schwarzschild spacetime; spherical symmetry; torsion in physics.

Other Dimensionalities > see 2D black holes; 3D black holes; black-hole topology; higher-dimensional black holes; kerr spacetime; kaluza-klein models.

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