Cosmology in General Relativity |
In General
> s.a. cosmology; singularities.
* Precursor: See E A Poe's
1849 "Eureka" (big bang with periodic universe).
* Result: It is a consequence
of the singularity theorems that, if general relativity is correct, a couple
of reasonable assumptions are satisfied, and there is as much matter as we
see, there must have been a big bang.
> Models: see modern
cosmological models and general relativistic models.
Types of Systems and Effects > s.a. averaging in cosmology;
collapse; test-body orbits;
thermodynamics; time.
* Isolated objects in cosmological backgrounds:
The main models available are the Einstein-Straus ("swiss cheese") and McVittie ones; There
is no known exact solution that smoothly interpolates between a black hole and an expanding universe.
@ Local effects:
Anderson PRL(95) [multiparticle systems];
Bonnor MNRAS(96);
Cooperstock et al ApJ(98)ap;
Bonnor GRG(00);
Bolen et al CQG(01)gq/00 [precession in McVittie spacetime];
Miller & Rouet PRE(02)ap/01 [on structure];
Domínguez & Gaite EPL(01)ap;
Aurell & Fanelli cm/01 [evolution of perturbations];
Ellis NAR(02);
Bel gq/03 ["osculating spacetime"];
Mizony & Lachièze-Rey A&A(05)gq/04;
Mashhoon et al CQG(07)-a0705 [tidal accelerations];
Carrera & Giulini RMP(10)-a0810;
Bochicchio & Faraoni GRG(12)-a1111 [Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi model];
Lemos BJP(14)-a1307 [simple harmonic-oscillator model];
> s.a. cosmological expansion;
schwarzschild spacetime [McVittie solution].
@ Other local systems:
Bonnor CQG(99) [H atom];
Matravers & Humphreys GRG(01)gq/00 [Einstein-de Sitter, collapsing dust];
Dumin ap/02/A&A,
Dvali et al PRD(03)hp/02 [Moon orbit];
> s.a. gravitating bodies; lensing
[models]; cosmological models [Einstein-Straus]; schwarzschild
spacetime; Thomson Scattering.
@ And gravitational waves: Abramo PRD(99)ap [energy density and p];
Creighton gq/99.
@ Isotropization: Lim et al PRD(04)gq/03;
> s.a. bianchi models, type I,
type IX and other types.
@ And entropy, thermodynamics: Barrow NA(99)ap;
Valageas & Silk A&A(99)ap;
Brustein PRL(00)gq/99;
Moreschi gq/99;
Barnich JHEP(12)-a1208 [3D asymptotically flat cosmological solutions].
@ Structural stability, fragility:
Tavakol & Ellis PLA(88);
Coley & Tavakol GRG(92).
@ Related topics: Barrow gq/97-proc,
Barrow & Maartens PRD(99) [anisotropic stress];
Jones gq/02/AN [and quantum cosmology];
Ringström CMP(06) [future decay of curvature];
Ballesteros & Bellazzini JCAP(13) [perfect fluids and effective field theories];
Ringström 13 [topology and stability, r
> Issues and effects:
see cosmological geometry and topology; cosmological
observations and perturbations; early-universe cosmology.
> Concepts and techniques:
see gödel solution [rotation]; gravitational
thermodynamics; renormalization.
References > s.a. history of relativistic
physics; physics [Higgledy-Piggledy, etc].
@ Books, I: Sciama 71;
Kaufmann 77;
Weinberg 77;
Preston 87;
Parker 88;
Trefil 88;
Barrow 94;
Rees 97.
@ Texts: Eddington 33;
Schrödinger 56;
Bondi 68;
Ryan 72;
Zel'dovich & Novikov 75;
Walker 76;
Landsberg & Evans 77;
Heidmann 80;
Raychaudhuri 80;
Novikov 83;
Narlikar 88;
Berry 89;
Dolgov et al 90;
Islam 92;
Raychaudhuri et al 92;
Lachièze-Rey 95 [II];
Rowan-Robinson 96;
Hoyng 06 [I].
@ Texts, III: Peebles 71;
Weinberg 72;
Börner 93;
Peebles 93.
@ Reviews: Freedman SA(92)nov;
Steinhardt ap/95;
Matarrese ap/96-proc;
Peebles ap/98-proc,
Ellis & van Elst in(99)gq/98;
Magueijo & Baskerville PTRS(99)ap;
Ellis GRG(00) [status];
Cotsakis proc(02)gq/01;
Rebouças BJP(02)gq-talk;
Wesson a1208 [pedagogical review];
Coley & Ellis GRG-a1909.
@ Texts, mathematical: Heller 92;
Wainwright & Ellis ed-97.
@ Reviews, emphasis on inflation: Ellis in(91);
Kamionkowski Sci(98)ap;
Turner ap/99-proc;
> s.a. inflation.
@ General references: Milne 51 [dR < c dt];
Bergmann FP(70);
Ellis in(71);
Ellis & Sciama in(72)*;
Sachs in(73);
MacCallum in(75);
Olivo-Melchiorri & Melchiorri RNC(85);
Ford GRG(87) [Ω < 1 and future expansion];
Jantzen PLB(87)gq/03;
Lidsey GRG(93) [fragility and rigidity];
Chiba & Takahashi PRD(07)ap [consistency relation, vs other theories];
Barrow PRD(14)-a1401 [general description of cosmological model].
@ Philosophical: Torretti in(79).
@ Challenge to big bang: MNRAS 239(89)201 [comment
Maddox Nat(89)aug];
Narlikar NS(91)mar.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at – modified 15 sep 2019