Gödel Solution |
In General
> s.a. relativistic cosmological models / causality;
particle models; quantum field theory in curved spacetime.
* Idea: A set of rotating cosmological
solutions of Einstein's equation with pressure-free perfect fluid matter on an \(\mathbb R^4\)
manifold which shattered some preconceived ideas, since the local definition of inertial frame
disagrees with the global one; It violates causality and is not time-orientable.
* Remark: A generalized form, actually
described originally by Gödel, is a family of metrics with isometry group SO(2,1)
× SO(2) × \(\mathbb R\).
* Properties: Each spacetime has a 5-parameter
group of isometries which acts transitively, and there are closed timelike curves through
all points; Any two points can be joined by a timelike curve; There are no non-empty
achronal sets.
* Metric: Constructed from Maurer-Cartan
forms of a suitable Lie group,
ds2 = −dt2 + dx2 − \(1\over2\) exp{2\(\sqrt2\) ωx} dy2 + dz2 − 2 exp{\(\sqrt2\) ωx} dt dy (partial) ,
with fluid 4-velocity u = ∂/∂t; ω = const = magnitude of vorticity of ua, 4πρ = ω2.
@ General: Gödel RMP(49)
+ GRG(00),
in(52) + GRG(00);
Kundt ZP(56);
in Hawking & Ellis 73, 168–170;
Bonnor et al CQG(98)gq/97 [exterior];
Németi et al a0811 [visualization];
Rindler in(09) + AJP(09)jun;
Buser et al NJP(13)-a1303 [visualization];
Herrera et al PRD(13)-a1304 [physical meaning of the vorticity of the matter content];
Deszcz et al IJGMP(14) [curvature properties].
@ Energy and momentum: Dabrowski & Garecki CQG(02)gq/01,
Sharif IJMPA(03).
@ Closed timelike curves: Gleiser et al CQG(06)gq/05;
Rosa & Letelier GRG(07)gq [stability];
Pfarr FP(10);
Natário GRG(12)-a1105 [optimal time travel];
Nolan a1911 [causality violation without time-travel].
@ Light cones, causality: Pfarr GRG(81);
Malament JMP(87);
Ozsváth & Schucking AJP(03)aug;
Dautcourt & Abdel-Megied CQG(06)gq/05.
@ Related topics:
Saha & Chowdhury PS(00) [geodesic deviation];
Barrow & Tsagas CQG(04)gq/03 [stability];
Aydogdu & Salti gq/05-wd [spin-1 particle creation];
Sahdev et al gq/06 ['travel guide' and sketches];
Marecki gq/07-ch [wave equation];
Grave et al PRD(09) [geodesic motion, visualization];
Bartolo et al DG&A(11) [geodesic connectedness];
Pitanga a1201 [boundary, and the chronology protection conjecture];
> s.a. diffusion.
Similar Solutions and Other Theories > s.a. black
holes in modified theories [5D Schwarzschild-Gödel]; brane world.
@ 2+1:
Harriott & Williams GRG(01) [pfluid, with kink];
Sousa et al CQG(08)-a0705 [classification and properties];
Gürses GRG(10)-a0812;
Brooks et al a1506 [classification, Cartan-Karlhede algorithm].
@ 5D: Rebouças & Teixeira JMP(98);
Behrndt & Pössel PLB(04)ht/03 [supergravity, Λ < 0].
@ Variations:
Romano & Goebel GRG(03) [with electromagnetic field];
Dryuma gq/05 [Riemann extension];
Dautcourt CQG(10)-a1009 [Gödel-like spacetimes, light cone];
Rendall JGP(11)-a1011 [topologically twisted];
> s.a. kerr-newman spacetime.
@ Chern-Simons-modified gravity: Konno et al PRD(08);
Furtado et al PRD(09)-a0906,
> s.a. higher-order theories.
@ Higher-order theories: Rebouças & Santos PRD(09)-a0906,
Santos et al PRD(10)-a1004 [f(R) gravity];
Santos MPLA(13)-a1308 [f(R, T) gravity].
@ Other theories: Åman et al CQG(98)gq/97,
Fonseca-Neto & Rebouças GRG(98)gq [Riemann-Cartan];
Barrow & Dabrowski PRD(98) [low-energy string theory];
Ozsváth & Schücking CQG(01) [newtonian analog];
Caldarelli & Klemm CQG(04)ht/03 [4D, supersymmetric];
Gürses et al CQG(05)ht/03,
& Sarioglu CQG(05)ht [various dimensions];
Obukhov & Vargas PLA(04)gq [teleparallel gravity];
Gürses GRG(09)-a0801,
& Şentürk GRG(16)-a1512 [Einstein-Æther theory];
Furtado et al PRD(11)-a1106 [in Hořava-Lifshitz gravity];
Furtado et al a1109 [in æther-modified gravity];
Ulhoa et al GRG(15)-a1503 [non-commutative corrections];
Agudelo et al PLB(16)-a1603 [in Brans-Dicke theory].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 20 nov 2019