FLRW Quantum Cosmology |
In General > s.a. minisuperspace; models
in canonical quantum gravity; quantum cosmology [including third quantization].
* Factor ordering:
Different ones have been used for the a part of the kinetic
term in the scalar constraint, such as, at least for k = 0,
[Page JMP(91),
Leclerc CQG(07)gq],
a−1/4 πa
a−1/2 πa
[DeWitt PR(67)], and
a−1/2 πa
a−1/2 πa
[Christodoulakis & Zanelli PLA(84)].
@ General references:
Kiefer NPB(90);
Louko & Ruback CQG(91) [spatially flat];
Perlt & Pohle PLB(91);
Dalarsson MPLA(95);
Mallett CQG(95);
Pollock IJMPD(96) [open universe and causality horizon];
Hossain CQG(04)gq/03 [Hubble operator];
Glinka NAP-a0711 [many-particles approach];
Gerhardt CQG(09)-a0806;
Barvinsky JCAP(11)-a1012 [path integral];
Wetterich PRD(17)-a1603 [correlation function for the metric];
Gerhardt Symm(19)-a1908 [results from canonical quantum gravity].
@ Factor-ordering ambiguity:
Steigl & Hinterleitner CQG(06)gq/05;
Demaerel & Struyve a1904 [and singularity avoidance].
@ Wheeler-DeWitt equation: Hartle et al JCAP(14)-a1207 [inflation with Λ < 0];
Vieira & Bezerra PRD(16)-a1603 [solutions].
@ Histories approach:
Anastopoulos & Savvidou CQG(05)gq/04;
Craig & Singh PRD(10)-a1006 [+ scalar, Wheeler-DeWitt quantization, decoherence functional].
@ With gup: Battisti & Montani PLB(07)gq,
IJMPA(08)-a0802 [minimal length];
Farag Ali & Majumder CQG(14)-a1402 [minimal length and maximal energy].
@ Affine quantization: Fanuel & Zonetti EPL(13)-a1303,
Bergeron et al PRD(14)-a1305 [singularity avoidance].
@ Singularity avoidance: Padmanabhan PRD(83) [conformal factor as degree of freedom];
Lemos CQG(91) [FLRW model + dust],
[k = 0 FLRW metric + m = 0 scalar];
Kim PLA(97)gq [with massless scalar, de Broglie-Bohm];
Bojowald PRL(01)gq;
Husain & Winkler PRD(04)gq/03;
Pinto-Neto et al PRD(12) [Wheeler-DeWitt quantization];
Bouhmadi-López et al PRD(14)-a1312 [type-IV singularities];
Donoghue & El-Menoufi PRD(14)-a1402 [non-localities from quantum loops of massless particles];
Falciano et al PRD(15)-a1501 [in the Bohmian approach to WDW quantization];
> s.a. semiclassical cosmology.
@ Time evolution: Feinberg & Peleg PRD(95)gq [scalar, and Wheeler-DeWitt operator];
Hinterleitner CQG(02) [dust-filled];
Battisti & Montani NCB(07)gq [evolutionary quantization];
Roser & Valentini CQG(14)-a1406 [in York time].
> Related topics: see
boundary conditions in quantum cosmology [tunneling].
Loop / Connection Representation (LQC, LQG) > s.a. lqc models [including bounce];
inflationary models; semiclassical cosmology.
@ General references: Barbero & Ryan PRD(96)gq/95;
Chakraborty GRG(97);
Bojowald CQG(00)gq/99,
PRL(01)gq [initial conditions],
Chakraborty & Chakraborty NCB(00);
Hinterleitner CQG(01);
Ashtekar et al ATMP(03)gq;
Bojowald & Morales-Técotl LNP(04)gq/03;
Hossain CQG(05)gq [energy conditions and stability];
Mielczarek & Szydłowski PRD(08)-a0801 [corrections];
Chattopadhyay et al a1403;
Kisielowski CQG(20)-a1911 [new approach].
@ k = −1 model: Vandersloot PRD(07)gq/06;
Szulc CQG(07)-a0707 [with Λ < 0];
Singh & Vidotto PRD(11)-a1012 [k = ±1 and exotic singularities].
@ k = 0 model: Kamiński & Lewandowski CQG(08)-a0709 [with massless scalar];
Broda PRL(11) [with radiation];
Livine & Martín-Benito PRD(12)-a1204 [group-theoretical quantization];
Fernández-Méndez et al PRD(14)-a1401 [and perturbations].
@ k = 0 model with Λ > 0:
Kamiński & Pawłowski PRD(10)-a0912;
Mielczarek & Piechocki PRD(10)-a1001 [observables],
PRD(11)-a1011 [quantum of volume].
@ k = +1 model: Singh & Toporensky PRD(04)gq/03 [singularity avoidance];
Szulc et al CQG(07)gq/06;
Ashtekar et al PRD(07)gq/06;
Corichi & Karami PRD(11)-a1105;
Corichi & Karami CQG(14)-a1307 [effects of inverse volume corrections];
Dupuy & Singh a1608 [quantization ambiguities].
@ With matter: Xiong & Zhu PRD(07)gq [tachyon];
Wei & Zhang PRD(07)-a0705 [quintom and h-essence energies];
Nelson & Sakellariadou PRD(07)-a0706,
PRD(07) [lattice refinement];
Pawlowski et PRD(14)-a1404 [Maxwell field, radiation-dominated];
> s.a. Phantom Field.
@ Effective dynamics: Date & Hossain CQG(04)gq [effective H];
Banerjee & Date CQG(05)gq [and discreteness];
Mielczarek et al JCAP(09)-a0906 [closed FLRW + scalar field + Λ];
Qin et al GRG(13)
[with scalar field, effective Hamiltonian from path-integral formulation];
Diener et al CQG(14)-a1402 [lqc, bounce, numerical simulations];
Bojowald & Simpson CQG(14)-a1403 [factor-ordering ambiguities];
> s.a. higher-order gravity.
@ Related topics: Mora gq/00 [quantum-gravity effects as inflaton];
Sami et al PRD(06)gq [future singularity];
Bianchi et al PRD(10) [spin-foam approach];
Vidotto CQG(11)-a1107 [many-nodes/many-links spin foam];
> s.a. first-order actions [Plebański form].
Various Types of Matter
@ Scalar: Blyth & Isham PRD(75);
Page JMP(91) [minimal vs conformal coupling];
Mena Marugán CQG(94)gq,
PRD(94)gq [wormhole bases];
Embacher NPB(96)gq [massive];
Mostafazadeh JMP(98)gq/96;
Błaut & Kowalski-Glikman PLB(97)gq [massless];
Gurovich et al GRG(01)gq/00;
Mostafazadeh AP(04)gq/03,
CzJP(04)gq/03 [interpretation];
Ita CQG(08)gq/07;
Almeida et al G&C(15)-a1501 [unitarity];
Husain & Qureshi PRL(16)-a1508 [time, cosmological constant and vacuum energy];
Gielen & Turok PRL(16)-a1510
+ news ns(16)jul [and radiation, bounce];
Kaya a1901;
Damour & Vilenkin PRD-a1907 [oscillating, quantum instability];
> s.a. path-integral quantum gravity.
@ Scalar, lqg: Bojowald & Hinterleitner PRD(02)gq [massless];
Alexander et al PRD(04)ht/03 [inflation];
Hinterleitner & Major PRD(03)gq [Lorentzian];
Green & Unruh PRD(04)gq [massless];
Ashtekar et al PRL(06),
Bojowald & Kagan PRD(06)gq [non-minimal, and inflation];
Taveras PRD(08)-a0708 [using semiclassical states of the full theory];
Martín-Benito et al PRD(09)-a0909;
> s.a. semiclassical cosmology.
@ Scalar, polymer quantization: Mena et al PRD(11)-a1108 [various prescriptions];
Mantero et al a1806 [semiclassical];
Mandini et al a2006 [and lqc].
@ Scalar + other: Christodoulakis & Zanelli PLA(84) [+ fermion];
De Lorenci et al PRD(97)gq [+ dust];
Khvedelidze & Palii CQG(01)gq [+ spinor];
Paliathanasis & Vakili GRG(16)-a1512 [+ vector].
@ Dust: Pinto-Neto et al PLA(05)gq [+ radiation];
Amemiya & Koike PRD(09)-a0910 [gauge-invariant, relational observables];
Ali et al a1811
[and cosmological constant, Path Integral Monte Carlo approach];
Demaerel et al a1901.
@ Radiation + cosmological constant: Monerat et al PRD(06)gq/05 [Λ < 0];
Maydanyuk et al a1301 [Λ > 0];
Kuzmichev & Kuzmichev APPB(13)-a1307 [+ scalar field].
@ Other fluid: Ortiz et al PLA(05) [pfluid + supersymmetric matter];
Małkiewicz a1008 [fluid];
Letelier & Pitelli PRD(10)-a1010 [n-dimensional];
Oliveira-Neto et al IJTP(13) [stiffluid and cosmological contant];
Rashki & Jalalzadeh GRG(17)-a1612 [Weyl-Wigner-Groenewold-Moyal deformation quantization].
@ Chaplygin gas: Pedram et al IJTP(07)-a0705;
Pedram & Jalalzadeh GRG(10) [with cosmological constant].
@ Other matter:
Isham & Nelson PRD(74) [fermions];
Moniz CQG(02) [non-Abelian Born-Infeld];
Dąbrowski et al PRD(06)ht [phantom field];
Glinka G&C(09)-gq/06;
Gerhardt CQG(09)-a0903 [massive Yang-Mills field];
Gerhardt CQG(10)-a0907 [Yang-Mills field].
In Other Theories of Gravity
@ References: Garattini a1512-MG14
[distorted general relativity – Gravity's Rainbow, Varying Speed of Light Cosmology,
Generalized Uncertainty Principle deformations and Hořava-Lifshitz gravity];
Paliathanasis et al PRD(16)-a1511 [Brans-Dicke theory, with a perfect fluid];
> s.a. modified theories of quantum gravity;
non-commutative cosmology; quantum cosmology.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 3 may 2021