Minisuperspace Quantum Cosmology |
In General > s.a. models in canonical quantum
gravity [including midisuperspace]; geometrodynamics [superspace].
* Idea: Restrict the number
of degrees of freedom of the metric to a finite number, by imposing
symmetries; Consequences are that (1) The quantum constraints become easier
to handle, when written in the usual variables; (2) Since we allow fewer
metric variations when getting the equations of motion from the action, we
may get more classical solutions, some spurious ones being unstable; (3)
Semiclassically and in quantum theory, the results may not be equivalent
to appropriate sectors of the full theory.
@ General references:
Kiefer PRD(88);
Morikawa PRD(89);
Nagai PTP(89);
Guven & Vergara PRD(91);
Shabanov PLB(91);
Torre IJTP(99);
Bojowald et al CQG(04)gq/03 [and spin connection];
Cognola & Zerbini gq/04 [rev];
Capozziello et al CQG(08)-a0706 [tomographic representation];
Halliwell JPCS(11)-a1108 [decoherent-histories analysis];
Barvinsky & Kamenshchik PRD(14)-a1312 [selection rules for the Wheeler-DeWitt equation];
Bojowald & Brahma PRD(16)-a1509 [as infrared contributions];
Pal & Banerjee JMP(16)-a1601,
Pandey a2101-PhD [and unitarity].
@ Limits of validity:
Kuchař & Ryan PRD(89);
Sinha & Hu PRD(91) [from quantum field theory in curved spacetime];
Mazzitelli PRD(92) [corrections from midisuperspace];
Rovelli & Wilson-Ewing PRD(14)-a1310 [and the accuracy of the effective equations of lqc];
> s.a. semiclassical cosmology.
@ Canonical and path integral:
Marolf in(95)gq/94 [spectral analysis inner product];
Marolf PRD(96)gq;
Menotti & Peirano NPB(97)ht/96 [measure];
Simeone PLA(03);
Qin & Ma PRD(12)-a1110 [coherent state functional integrals, and Moyal star product];
Christodoulakis et al JGP(13)-a1208 [and constrained symmetries].
@ Noether symmetries: Capozziello & Lambiase GRG(00)gq/99,
Capozziello et al EPJC(12)-a1206;
Capozziello & De Laurentis a1308-proc [in extended gravity theories].
@ Related topics:
Calzetta CQG(89) [dissipation and memory loss];
Hu et al gq/93-proc [dissipative processes];
Embacher gq/96,
NPPS(97)gq/96 [decompositions];
Krori CQG(96) [and conformal degree of freedom];
Simeone JMP(98)gq/01 [as gauge theory];
Cavaglià IJMPD(99)gq/98 [approximate quantization];
Montani IJMPD(04)gq [revised canonical quantum gravity];
Marolf PRD(09)-a0902 [observables and problem of time].
Bianchi Models
> s.a. loop quantum gravity [homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies];
semiclassical cosmology; spin-foam models.
@ Type II: Manojlović & Mena PRD(93)gq;
Christodoulakis et al PLB(97);
Christodoulakis & Papadopoulos PLB(01)gq/00;
Christodoulakis & Papadopoulos gq/01 [and VIA, VIIA];
Ashtekar & Wilson-Ewing PRD(09)-a0910 [lqc, singularity resolution];
Corichi & Montoya PRD(12)-a1201 [lqc, with a massless scalar field];
Bergeron et al PRD(14)-a1405;
Farag Ali & Majumder CQG(14)-a1402 [with gup];
Saini & Singh CQG(17)-a1707 [lqc, singularity resolution];
Pandey a2101-PhD.
@ Types III-VII: Hojman et al PRD(92) [Hamiltonian from equations of motion];
Christodoulakis et al PRD(96) [V],
PLB(98) [V],
PLB(01)gq [VI and VII vacuum];
Pandey a2101-PhD [VI];
> s.a. quantum cosmology [other theories].
@ Type VIII:
Karagiorgos et al JCAP(19)-a1812 [and IX];
Berkowitz a2102
[with Λ, electromagnetic and scalar fields; and IX].
@ Type IX: Misner PR(69);
Kodama PRD(90);
Giampieri PLB(91);
Jensen et al NPB(91);
Louko PRD(95)gq/94 [Chern-Simons state and Hartle-Hawking boundary conditions];
Major & Smolin PRD(95)gq/94,
Marolf CQG(95)gq/94 [observables and Hilbert space];
Graham & Paternoga PRD(96)gq [from Chern-Simons state];
Paternoga & Graham PRD(96)gq [Λ < 0];
Savchenko et al IJMPA(99)gq,
Macías GRG(99);
Craig & Hartle PRD(04)gq/03 [generalized sum over histories];
Kheyfets et al CQG(06)gq/05 [non-Dirac, expectation value of constraints];
Marcianò a1003-MG12 [inhomogeneities];
Bergeron et al PRD(15)-a1501 [singularity avoidance],
PRD(16)-a1511 [inflationary aspects];
D'Odorico & Saueressig PRD(15)-a1511 [asymptotic safety motivated corrections, phase transition];
Giovannetti & Montani PRD(19)-a1907 [polymer quantization];
Bergeron et al Univ(20)-a1911 [quantum Mixmaster and the early universe];
Chiovoloni et al a2005 [corner region];
> s.a. quantum cosmology [inhomogeneities].
@ Type IX, affine coherent states:
Bergeron et al PRD(15)-a1501;
Małkiewicz a1512-MG14.
@ Type IX, supersymmetric:
Graham PLB(92);
Graham & Bene PLB(93) [+ scalar];
Moniz gq/95-conf,
Damour & Spindel PRD(14)-a1406.
@ Type IX, lqc: Bojowald & Date PRL(04)gq/03;
Battisti et al PRD(10)-a0911 [triangulated];
Wilson-Ewing PRD(10)-a1005;
Corichi & Montoya CQG(16)-a1502 [effective dynamics];
Corichi & Karami IJMPD(16)-a1605 [inverse triad corrections];
Saini & Singh CQG(18)-a1712 [singularity resolution];
Crinò et al EPJC(18)-a1805 [and semiclassical behavior];
Wilson-Ewing CQG(19)-a1809 [extension].
@ Chaos:
Berger PRD(89) [vacuum IX, chaotic];
Graham CSF(95)gq/94 [VIII and IX];
Bojowald et al CQG(04)gq [vacuum IX, lqg, non-chaotic behavior];
in Matinyan ht/06-MGXI;
Forte CQG(09)-a0812 [and billiard representation];
Koehn PRD(12)-a1107 [wave packets and quantum cosmological billiards];
Lecian et al PRD(13)-a1311 [polymer representation];
> s.a. semiclassical cosmology.
@ In lqc / lqg: Bojowald CQG(00)gq/99 [class A],
Bojowald et al CQG(06)gq/05 [anisotropies];
Ita a0812 [gravity + Klein-Gordon],
CQG-a0901 [Chang-Soo/CDJ variables];
Lamon a0909 [3-torus space];
Eder a2010 [supersymmetric];
> s.a. FLRW cosmology.
@ Supersymmetric, supergravity: Capovilla & Guven CQG(94)gq [class A, Ashtekar variables];
Capovilla & Obregón PRD(94)gq [class A, with a cosmological constant];
Socorro & Medina PRD(00)gq/99 [class A].
@ General class A: Ashtekar et al gq/93;
Christodoulakis et al G&C(02)gq/94 [framework];
Yamazaki gq/01 [Dirac sqrt];
Wilson-Ewing PRD(16)-a1512 [diagonal, with self-dual variables].
@ Other models: Christodoulakis & Korfiatis JMP(92) [with a scalar field];
Ashtekar et al IJMPD(93)gq [observables and quantization];
Damour & Spindel PRD(11)-a1103 [with a Dirac spinor field];
> s.a. bianchi models;
bianchi I quantum cosmology [including affine quantization].
Wormholes, Baby Universes
> s.a. cosmology [philosophical]; wormholes;
quantum gravity and cosmology [Hartle-Hawking proposal].
@ Effective action, decoherence:
Hájíček PRD(82),
Hawking PLB(87),
Coleman & Lee PLB(89).
@ Applications:
Lee PRL(88) [scalar field and effective interaction];
Accetta et al PRD(89).
@ Baby universes:
Hawking & Laflamme PLB(88) [and non-renormalizability];
Giddings & Strominger NPB(89);
Myers NPB(89);
Borde et al PRD(99) [in monopole collisions];
Vachaspati a0705-GRF.
@ Related topics: Lyons NPB(89) [fermions];
Volovich PLB(89) [spacetime dimension].
Other Models and Theories > s.a. Discrete Models;
non-commutative cosmology; path integrals;
quantum cosmology models; string cosmology.
* Microsuperspace: A model in
which the sum over histories reduces to a finite number of ordinary integrals.
@ References: Halliwell & Louko PRD(89) [S4 microsuperspace];
Sawayama gq/06 [static inhomogeneous];
Kamenshchik et al PRD(19)-a1905 [induced gravity];
Baytaş et al JCAP(20)-a1905 [causal dynamical triangulations];
> s.a. anti-de sitter space; FLRW
models; kantowski-sachs models; models
in canonical quantum gravity; Taub Universe.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at – modified 6 feb 2021