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Main Black-Hole Solutions > s.a. kerr-newman [including Kerr-Newman-AdS];
laws of black hole mechanics; thermodynamics [phase transitions].
* Reissner-Nordström:
Mäkelä and Peltola found that positive-energy particles
are emitted towards the singularity inside the inner horizon.
@ Schwarzschild:
Louko & Whiting PRD(95)gq/94;
Bose et al PRD(97)gq [quasilocal];
Padmanabhan PRD(99)
[horizon and lP physics];
Gour PRD(00)gq/99 [as grand canonical ensemble];
Xiang PLB(06) [and modified dispersion relations];
Banerjee & Ghosh PLB(10) [gup, remnant mass].
@ Schwarzschild, entropy: Mukohyama et al PRD(98)gq/97 [entanglement entropy];
Cadoni MPLA(06);
Setare IJMPA(06)ht/05 [scalar field entropy, corrections];
Pollock FP(13).
@ Schwarzschild, quantum: Son & Kim JHEP(13)-a1212 [critical phenomena];
El Menoufi JHEP-a1703 [stability].
@ Modified Schwarzschild: Louko & Marolf PRD(98)gq [with identifications, single exterior];
> s.a. schwarzschild-de sitter spacetime.
@ Kerr: Ren & Lichun NCB(98) [radiation];
Rothman PLA(00)gq [extremal, non-thermal];
Gour & Medved CQG(03)gq/02 [quantum];
Myung PLB(10)-a1003 [slowly-rotating, area spectrum];
Agulló et al PRL(10) [radiation, and conformal symmetry];
Reall & Santos a1901 [higher-derivative corrections].
@ Kerr, entropy:
Mann & Solodukhin PRD(96) [charged];
Rothman PLA(00)gq [extremal];
Zhao & Zhang IJMPD(02) [statistical];
González et al a1709-conf.
@ Modified Kerr:
Ghezelbash et al NPB(07) [Kerr-Bolt];
Larrañaga Pra(11)-a1003 [Kerr-Sen];
> s.a. generalized kerr solutions [including Kerr-dS].
@ Reissner-Nordström:
Hawking et al PRD(95)gq/94 [extreme];
Cognola & Lecca PRD(98) [corrections];
Li PRD(00) [quantum corrections];
Ren et al NPB(01),
Zhang et al NCB(01) [statistical];
Donoghue et al PLB(02)ht/01;
Kiselev gq/04 [from radial geodesics];
Kuriakose & Kuriakose a0806 [generalized second law and entropy bound];
Dehghani PLA(10) [tunneling radiation, with gup and modified dispersion relations];
Mäkelä a1212 [partition function, microscopic model of stretched horizon].
@ Reissner-Nordström, radiation: Liberati et al PRD(00)gq [extremal, non-thermal];
Fabbri et al PRL(00) [near-extremal];
Alvarenga et al PLA(03)gq [extremal, non-thermal];
Peltola & Mäkelä IJMPD(06)gq/05 [inner horizon];
Wu & Peng CQG(07)-a0706 [+ global monopole, anomaly cancellation method];
Balbinot et al PRD(07) [extremal vs non-extremal];
Chatterjee & Ghosh JHEP(12)
[near-extremal Reissner-Nordström and Kerr black holes, temperature].
@ Reissner-Nordström, quantum:
Mäkelä & Repo PRD(98)gq/97;
Breitenlohner et al PLB(98)gq;
Burić & Radovanović CQG(99)gq;
Fabbri et al NPB(01) [near extremal];
Barvinsky et al PLB(01)ht;
Yoon et al PRD(07)-a0706 [minimal length];
> s.a. quantum black holes.
Other Types and Models > s.a. 3D black holes [BTZ];
black-hole formation and thermodynamics [quantum];
optics [in curved spacetime]; Ergoregion.
@ Extremal, entropy: Teitelboim PRD(95)ht/94;
Ghosh & Mitra PRL(97)ht/96,
comment Zaslavskii PRL(98)ht;
Mitra ht/97-talk;
Hod PRD(00)gq;
Mei JHEP(10)-a1002;
Edery & Constantineau CQG(11)-a1010-GRF.
@ Higher genus: Brill et al PRD(97)gq;
Peça & Lemos JMP(00)gq/98;
Kowalski-Glikman & Nowak-Szczepaniak PLA(00) [quantum].
@ Non-stationary: Hayward et al PLA(99)gq/98 [entanglement S];
Allemandi et al gq/03 [entropy];
Ibohal & Dorendro IJMPD(05)gq/04 [and radiation].
@ Evaporating:
Keski-Vakkuri & Mathur PRD(94) [entropy];
Chatterjee et al PRD(13).
@ Vaidya black hole:
Xiang & Zheng PRD(00);
Xiang & Shen GRG(04);
Siahaan & Triyanta a0811-conf [semiclassical].
@ Asymptotically AdS: Rajagopal et al PLB(14)-a1408 [van der Waals black hole];
Page PRD(18)-a1507 [finite upper bound on decay time].
@ Cosmological, other: Wu & Cai IJTP(02)gq/01 [Vaidya-de Sitter, radiation];
Saida CQG(02)gq;
Roy Choudhury & Padmanabhan GRG(07)gq/04,
Saida a1109-ch [multi-horizon Schwarzschild-de Sitter];
Saida et al CQG(07)-a0705 [in Einstein-de Sitter];
Faraoni PRD(07)-a0710 [temperature];
Dolan CQG(11) [with a negative cosmological constant];
Viaggiu MPLA(14)-a1405 [entropy in expanding universes];
> s.a. reissner-nordström solutions.
@ Black hole in a box, caged: Custódio & Horvath AJP(03)dec-gq [entropy];
Zaslavskii PRD(03)gq [radiation];
Lundgren PRD(08)gq/06 [canonical ensemble];
Gilmore et al JHEP(09)-a0908 [charged].
@ Microscopic: Heckler PRD(97)ap/96 [microscopic, radiation];
MacGibbon et al PRD(08)-a0709 [no QED/QCD photospheres].
@ Accelerating: Yu NCB(01) [charged];
Gillani et al JCAP(11)-a1102 [rotating, scalar radiation];
Appels et al a1604 [stability and phase structure];
Anabalón et al a1811 [charged, rotating].
@ Other types: Friedman et al PRD(02)gq/01 [binaries];
Alvarenga et al PLA(03)gq,
MPLA(05) [κ = 0];
Winstanley gq/04-talk [with conformal scalar];
Kinoshita & Tanahashi PRD(12)-a1111 [near-equilibrium, temperature];
Gralla & Le Tiec PRD(13)-a1210 [black hole with a moon];
Faraoni & Vitagliano PRD(14)-a1401 [dynamical black holes].
@ Other, radiation: Wu & Cai GRG(02)gq [Kinnersley black hole, Dirac field theory];
Melnyk CMP(04) [charged massive Dirac field];
Farley & D'Eath PLB(04)gq [with scalar, transition amplitudes];
Bambeck & Hiscock CQG(05)gq [effects of neutrino mass];
Ahn qp/06/Nat [fermions];
Hayward CQG(06) [dynamical black holes];
Dai & Stojković JHEP(10)-a1008 [rotating, spin-dependent amplification of radiation].
@ Other, S: Visser PRD(93),
PRD(93) ["dirty"];
Gauntlett & Tada PRD(97) [BPS black hole dyons];
Iofa & Pando PRD(99)ht/98 [Calabi-Yau];
Jing & Yan PRD(00)gq/99 [axisymmetric];
Medved ht/01 [near extremal];
Page gq/01,
PRD(02)gq/01 [S < A/4];
Astefanesei et al PLB(05) [NUT charged, S-area relation].
@ Quantum, extremal:
Kiefer & Louko AdP(99)gq/98;
Krasnov CQG(99)gq [and Immirzi parameter];
Qiu et al MPLA(01) [Reissner-Nordström].
@ Quantum, with matter: Berezin PRD(97)gq/96;
Berezin et al gq/97-conf [dust shell];
Vaz et al PRD(03)gq/02 [Hawking radiation].
In Other Theories > s.a. black-hole analogs;
black holes in modified theories [including 2D gravity];
rainbow gravity; Unparticles.
@ General references: Koga & Maeda PRD(98)gq [generalized theory];
Amelino-Camelia et al CQG(06) [with gup];
Nozari & Fazlpour APPB(08)gq/06 [Reissner-Nordström in non-commutative space];
Park PLB(08)ht/06 [T < 0, exotic and higher-order in 3D];
Briscese & Elizalde PRD(08)-a0708 [Schwarzschild-like, entropy];
Myung et al PLB(08)-a0708 [with non-linear electromagnetism];
Krasnov CQG(16) [chiral gravity];
Haldar & Biswas ASS-a1903.
@ Other gravity theories:
de Wit ht/99-conf [supersymmetric];
Frolov & Fursaev PRD(97)ht,
ht/97 [induced gravity];
Cai et al PRD(15)-a1409 [massive gravity];
Sebastiani a1709-proc [modified gravity];
Channuie & Momeni PLB(18)-a1802 [scalar-vector-tensor];
Hajian et al a2005 [Horndeski gravity];
> s.a. hořava-lifshitz gravity.
@ With gravitational Chern-Simons term: Tachikawa CQG(07)ht/06 [using Noether charge];
Bonora et al JHEP(12)-a1207 [entropy].
@ Dilatonic: Nojiri et al MPLA(99)gq;
Tamaki & Yajima PRD(01).
@ Higher-order theories: Jacobson & Myers PRL(93)ht;
Jacobson et al gq/95-talk,
Clunan et al CQG(04)gq [S, Gauss-Bonnet and Lovelock gravity];
Cvitan et al SPP(05)ht/04;
Cvitan & Pallua PRD(05)ht/04;
Astefanesei et al JHEP(06)ht [rotating extremal];
Liko PRD(08)-a0705 [Gauss-Bonnet, corrections to S];
Chatterjee & Sarkar PRL(12) [Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, first and second laws];
Hendi et al a1608 [Gauss-Bonnet-Born-Infeld massive gravity];
Zheng & Yang a1907 [f(R) theories];
> s.a. laws of black hole mechanics; lovelock gravity.
@ Non-commutative: Di Grezia et al CQG(06)ht;
Myung et al JHEP(07)gq/06 [de Sitter / Schwarzschild type];
> s.a. non-commutative gravity.
@ Higher-dimensional:
Nozari & Shahini a1206 [with minimal length and maximal momentum];
Zhang et al EPJC(14)-a1403 [Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter, phase transitions];
> s.a. black holes in higher dimensions [radiation];
brane world.
@ String / M-theory: Oda PLB(94);
Horowitz gq/96-proc;
Maldacena et al JHEP(97)ht;
Lowe PRL(98)ht;
Lopes Cardoso et al FdP(00)ht/99-proc,
NPB(00)ht/99 [supersymmetry / M-theory];
Akhmedov IJMPA(00) [rev];
de Wit ht/05-proc [entropy and supersymmetry];
Dabholkar et al JHEP(05) [supersymmetry, counting];
López-Monsalvo et al BJP(12)-a1203 [geometrothermodynamics of charged string-theory black holes].
@ Other quantum-gravity motivated: Mohd a1309
[thermodynamics of universal horizons in Einstein-Æther theories];
Taves & Kunstatter PRD(14)-a1408 [evaporation of quantum-corrected, non-singular black holes].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 27 may 2020