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In General
> s.a. black-hole geometry and topology; black-hole
uniqueness and hair; gravitational lensing.
* Possibilities: While
in 4D there are very stringent results on the geometry and topology of
stationary black holes, in higher dimensions there are black strings,
black p-branes, black rings, "black Saturns", and
no no-hair theorem; But also more instabilities.
@ Perturbations:
Kodama & Ishibashi PTP(03)ht,
PTP(04)ht/03 [master equation];
Cardoso et al PRD(05)ht/04,
Kunduri et al PRD(06)ht [rotating];
Zhidenko PRD(06)gq [quasinormal modes, massive scalar field];
González et al JHEP(10)-a1003 [quasinormal modes of Chern-Simons black holes];
Abdolrahimi et al PRD(10) [of 5D Schwarzschild-Tangherlini black holes];
Godazgar CQG(12) [Schwarzschild-Tangherlini solutions];
Hollands & Wald CMP(13)-a1201 [stability];
Murata CQG(13)-a1211 [extreme black holes, instabilities];
Dias & Reall CQG(13)-a1301 [Schwarzschild black holes, algebraically special];
Emparan & Tanabe PRD(14)-a1401 [universal quasinormal modes].
@ First law: Rogatko PRD(05)ht;
Kastor & Traschen JHEP(06)ht;
Kastor et al JHEP(07) [boosted Kaluza-Klein black holes];
Ashtekar et al CQG(07)gq/06 [isolated horizons in AdS];
Ren & Li MPLA(08)-a0705 [n-dimensional Vaidya];
Wei PLB(09) [d-dimensional Reissner-Nordström].
@ Other thermodynamics: Tosa PRD(86);
Accetta & Gleiser AP(87);
Carter & Neupane PRD(05)gq [Kerr-AdS];
Åman & Pidokrajt PRD(06);
Yazadjiev PRD(06) [5D dilaton black holes];
Nouicer CQG(07)-a0706 [from gup, to all orders in \(\hbar\)];
Goldstein & Jena JHEP(07)ht [unified formalism];
Åman & Pidokrajt a1004 [Myers-Perry black holes];
Astefanesei et al CQG(10) [quasilocal formalism];
Bravetti et al GRG(13)-a1211 [geometrothermodynamics];
> s.a. black-hole thermodynamics.
@ Graviton radiation: Cardoso et al PRL(06)ht/05 [particle rates],
Cornell et al JHEP(06).
@ Other radiation: Banks et al PLB(98)ht/97 [M-theory];
Kanti AIP(03)hp;
Casadio & Germani PTP(05)ht/04 [holographic];
Harris & Kanti PLB(06)ht/05 [4+D-dimensional];
Kanti & Winstanley a1402-in [Hawking radiation, rev].
@ Other phenomenology: Mao et al ChPC(17)-a1008 [as particle accelerators];
Brito et al PRD(12)-a1207 [tidal acceleration of orbiting bodies].
> Related topics:
see 3D black holes; black-hole analogs;
black holes in modified theories [including 2D]; brane-world
gravity; twistors.
In Five Dimensions
> s.a. kaluza-klein models / black-hole geometry
and topology; hořava gravity; kerr metrics;
numerical black holes.
@ General references: Dobiasch & Maison GRG(82) [Jordan's theory];
Chodos & Detweiler GRG(82) [spherical];
Pollard JPA(83) [dyonic black holes with scalar charge, antigravitating];
Gauntlett et al CQG(99);
Emparan & Reall GRG(02);
Ida & Nakao PRD(02)gq [properties];
Elvang & Horowitz PRD(03)ht/02 [and bubbles];
Elvang et al JHEP(05)ht/04 [bubble-black hole sequences];
Kol et al PRD(04)ht/03,
Sorkin et al PRD(04)ht/03 [compactified spacetime];
Arcioni & Lozano-Tellechea PRD(05)ht/04 [stability];
Bondarescu IJMPD(05)ht;
Harmark & Obers ht/05 [Kaluza-Klein, phases];
Herdeiro et al JHEP(08)-a0805 [double];
Tanabe et al PRD(10)-a1009 [multipole moments and classification of black objects];
Iguchi et al PTPS(11)-a1106 [solitonic solution-generating methods];
Chowdhury & Vercnocke JHEP(12)-a1110 [new instability].
@ Schwarzschild-like, Schwarzschild-Tangherlini:
Lake JCAP(03);
Millward gq/06.
@ Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory: Stelea et al PRD(11)-a0909 [double black hole];
Kleihaus et al Ent(16)-a1605 [rotating].
@ Other charged: Liu & Wesson CQG(97);
Kunz & Navarro-Lérida PRL(06) [Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons];
Lü et al CQG(10) [5D minimal supergravity];
Brihaye et al PRL(11)-a1101 [Einstein-Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory, phase transition];
Stelea et al a1108 [Kaluza-Klein multi-black holes].
@ Rotating: Larsen NPB(00)ht/99;
Cvetič et al PRD(04)ht [charged, supergravity];
Aliev MPLA(06)gq/05-in [charged, slowly rotating];
Giusto & Saxena CQG(07)-a0705 [stationary axisymmetric];
Lü et al NPB(09)-a0804;
Brihaye & Delsate PRD(09)-a0806 [charged];
Anabalón et al IJMPD(11)-a1009.
@ Black rings:
Emparan & Reall PRL(02) [rotating],
CQG(06)ht [rev].
@ With cosmological constant: Cvetič et al PLB(04)ht [charged Kerr-de Sitter];
Brecher et al JHEP(05) [charged, in AdS];
Kunduri & Lucietti PRD(05) [Kerr-(A)dS];
Madden & Ross CQG(05) [Kerr-AdS uniqueness].
@ Schwarzschild-Gödel:
Barnich & Compère PRL(05)ht [charges and thermodynamics];
Konoplya & Abdalla PRD(05)ht [perturbations].
@ In Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet theory:
Biswas & Chakraborty IJTP(10);
Taj et al GRG(12)-a1104 [thermodynamics];
Brihaye a1108 [+ Λ].
Higher Dimensions
> s.a. black holes in modified theories [supergravity];
brane-world gravity; quantum black holes.
* Result: A stationary,
analytic black-hole spacetime satisfying Einstein's equation must be axisymmetric.
@ Reviews: Emparan & Reall LRR(08)-a0801;
Obers LNP(09)-a0802;
Tomizawa & Ishihara PTPS(11)-a1104;
Reall IJMPD(12)-a1210-MG13;
Emparan & Herzog a2003-RMP.
@ General references: Clément GRG(86);
Gibbons & Wiltshire AP(86);
Frolov et al AdP(87);
Myers PRD(87)
[generalized Majumdar-Papapetrou, compactified];
Breitenlohner et al CMP(88);
Koikawa & Shiraishi PTP(88);
Mignemi GRG(90)
[SO(1, N−1) × SO(K−N)];
Fadeev et al PLA(91)-a1006 [with Ricci-flat internal dimensions];
Deser AIP(97)ht [electromagnetic duality];
Klemm & Sabra PLB(01)ht/00,
JHEP(01)ht/00 [with cosmological constant];
Cai & Galloway CQG(01)ht [topology and area];
Gibbons et al PTPS(02)gq [non-uniqueness];
Mann & Stelea PLB(06)ht/05 [Taub-NUT-Reissner-Nordström];
Kleihaus et al AIP(08)-a0710;
Moncrief & Isenberg CQG(08)-a0805 [symmetries];
Chruściel JMP(09)-a0812;
Frolov JPCS(09)-a0901 [hidden symmetries and integrability of equations];
Brihaye et al PLB(12)-a1201 [charged, squashed, in odd dimensions];
Emparan et al JHEP(14)-a1410 [bumpy];
Kleihaus & Junz a1603-MG14.
@ Static:
Dereli & Obukhov PRD(00)gq/99 [Einstein-Maxwell-Klein-Gordon];
Gallo GRG(04)gq/03;
Punzi et al AP(07)gq/06 [no static spherically symmetric];
Rogatko PRD(06)ht [charged, classification];
Kleihaus et al PLB(09)-a0904 [with \({\rm S}^2 \times {\rm S}^{d-4}\) event-horizon topology];
Frolov & Shapiro PRD(09)-a0907 [with quadratic curvature corrections];
Cameron & Dunajski CQG-a2004 [Schwarzschild-Tangherlini, causality].
@ Rotating: Vasudevan et al CQG(05)ht/04 [Myers-Perry, particles and scalar fields];
Gibbons et al PRL(04) [with cosmological constant];
Aliev PRD(06) [Einstein-Maxwell];
Hollands et al CMP(07)gq/06,
Hollands & Ishibashi CMP(09) [stationary must be axisymmetric];
Chen & Lü PLB(08)-a0705 [Kerr-NUT-(A)dS, Kerr-Schild form];
Sheykhi PRD(08)-a0711 [Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton];
Dias et al JHEP(10)-a1011 [in AdS];
Allahverdizadeh et al PRD(10)-a1004 [extremal, charged, odd dimensions],
JPCS(11)-a1012 [charged];
Dias et al JHEP(11)-a1105 [with scalar hair and only one Killing field];
Myers a1111-ch [Myers-Perry black holes];
Cariglia et al FdP(12)-a1112-conf [using Killing-Stackel and Killing-Yano tensors];
Ghosh & Papnoi EPJC(14)-a1309 [spinning Einstein-Yang-Mills black holes];
Blázquez-Salcedo et al PRD(14)-a1311 [Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton].
@ Rotating, stability:
Dias et al PRD(09)-a0907,
PRD(10)-a1006 [instabilities and phases];
Shibata & Yoshino PRD(10)-a1004 [bar-mode instability];
Dolan CQG(14)-a1312 [thermodynamic stability];
Emparan et al JHEP(14)-a1402 [large-D analysis];
Dias et al JHEP(14)-a1402 [topology-changing transition to black rings].
@ In Kaluza-Klein theory:
Park CQG(98) [supergravity];
Kocinski & Wierzbicki RGC(04)gq/01 [two-time theory];
Horowitz & Wiseman a1107-ch [rev].
@ Different theories:
Matyjasek et al PRD(06) [higher-order];
Ayón-Beato et al JHEP(10) [Lifshitz black holes];
Gingrich JHEP(10) [non-commutative-geometry inspired, and the LHC];
Myung PRD(13)-a1308
[instability of Schwarzschild-Tangherlini solutions in 4th-order gravity].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 21 sep 2020