Pilot-Wave Quantum Theory: Systems and Phenomenology |
Specific Types of Systems > s.a. pilot-wave interpretation;
quantum black holes; quantum oscillators.
* Idea: The pilot-wave interpretation
has inspired a flurry of quantum trajectory methods in the computational chemistry field.
@ General references: Stomphorst PLA(02) [potential wells, transmission / reflection];
Hyman et al JPA(04) [discrete operators];
Mousavi & Golshani PS(08)-a0804 [2-level atom in classical field];
Matzkin FP(09)-a0806 [square billiard, classical-quantum correspondence];
Timko & Vrscay FP(09) [two electrons in a helium atom];
Figalli et al a1202 [WKB analysis];
Benseny et al EPJD(14)-a1406 [rev and applications, including quantum chemistry].
@ Quantum potential:
Dewdney & Hiley FP(82) [and 1D scattering];
Garbaczewski PLA(92) [from realistic Brownian particle motions];
Carroll qp/04,
qp/04 [survey],
gq/05 [and quantum fluctuations, Weyl tensor];
Delle Site PhyB(04)qp [many-particle Bohm quantum potential];
Grössing PhyA(09)-a0808 [thermodynamic origin];
> s.a. quantum measurement.
@ Spinning particles: Norsen AJP(14)apr-a1305;
Bartley a1609 [Dirac particle];
> s.a. pilot-wave interpretation [relativistic].
@ Solutions: Berndl et al CMP(95);
Frisk PLA(97) [types];
Appleby FP(99)qp [isolated particle].
@ In curved spacetime: Squires PLA(94) [mixed states and closed timelike curves];
Tumulka a0708,
GRG(10)-a0808 [with singularities].
@ Other backgrounds: Gluza & Kosek FP(16)-a1606 [discrete space and time].
Non-Equilibrium Theory
> s.a. types of quantum field theories [non-equilibrium];
black holes and information.
@ General references: Nikolić JPCS(07)ht/06;
> s.a. quantum field theory.
@ Oscillators: Kandhadai & Valentini FP-a1609 [perturbed 2D harmonic oscillator, (non-)relaxation].
@ Cosmology: Valentini in(96);
Valentini a0804,
Colin & Valentini PRD(15)-a1407 [large-scale cosmic anomalies];
Underwood & Valentini PRD(15)-a1409 [theory of relic non-equilibrium fields];
Valentini a1510
[statistical anisotropies from quantum relaxation];
Underwood & Valentini a1609 [anomalous spectral lines of relic cosmological particles];
Valentini a2104
[quantum gravity and detection of Born-rule violations];
> s.a. cosmological perturbations.
Quantum Field Theories > s.a. dirac
fields; modified approaches to quantum gravity.
@ General references: Nikolić JPCS(07)ht/06;
Dürr et al a1809 [with interior-boundary conditions];
> s.a. quantum field theory.
@ Quantum cosmology: Vink NPB(92);
Horiguchi MPLA(94);
Błaut & Kowalski-Glikman CQG(96)gq/95,
Shtanov PRD(96);
Valentini in(96);
Pinto & Santini PRD(99)gq/98,
Pinto-Neto FP(05)gq/04-fs [rev];
Shojai & Shirinifard IJMPD(05)gq [classical limit];
Shojai & Shojai IJMPD(09)-a0708 [in lqc];
Monerat et al PLA(10) [FLRW model with a negative cosmological constant and cosmic strings];
Carroll a1010;
Pinto-Neto & Fabris CQG(13)-a1306 [rev];
Lashin MPLA(16)-a1505;
Struyve sRep(17)-a1703 [lqc, Bohmian formulation and singularities];
Pinto-Neto & Struyve a1801-in;
> s.a. cosmological effects of quantum gravity [inflation];
quantum cosmological perturbations.
> s.a. dissipative systems; Klein Paradox;
quantum effects [arrival time] and tunneling;
zeno effect.
* And experiment: It is
useful to look for effects for which standard quantum theory makes no
prediction while the pilot-wave theory does, such as tunneling times.
@ And non-locality: Rice AJP(97)feb;
Khrennikov qp/03,
Toyama & Matsuura PS(06) [correlations];
Sanz & Miret-Artés ChemPL(07)qp;
Braverman & Simon PRL(13)-a1207 [illustration with entangled photons].
@ And interference: Philippidis et al NCB(79) [quantum potential];
Guay & Marchildon JPA(03)qp [two-particle];
Santini & Chiappe a1801 [2-slit].
@ Chaos: Wisniacki et al EPL(03)qp [classically chaotic];
Efthymiopoulos & Contopoulos JPA(06);
Efthymiopoulos et al JPA(07)-a0709 [transition to chaos];
Efthymiopoulos et al PRE(09)-a0903 [and critical points of quantum flow];
Cesa et al JPA(16)-a1603 [chaotic Bohmian trajectories for stationary states];
Contopoulos & Tzemos RCD(20)-a2009 [rev];
> s.a. chaotic systems.
@ And measurement:
de Broglie et al FP(76);
Zeh FP(88),
Brown & Wallace FP(05) [vs many-worlds];
Stone PhSc(94)jun,
discussion PhSc(95)sep;
Lewis BJPS(07),
Wiseman NJP(07),
Dürr et al JSP(09)-a0808 [weak measurement of velocity];
Naaman-Marom et al AP(12) [position];
Gondran & Gondran a1309 [pedagogical];
> s.a. types of measurement [continuous].
@ Experiments, tests: Vigier LNC(80);
Bohm et al Nat(85)may [delayed choice];
Croca FP(87),
et al FPL(88);
Wang et al PRL(91) [against];
Utsuro & Ignatovich PLA(98) [neutron];
Smith qp/98 [for];
Golshani & Akhavan qp/00,
Ghose Pra(02)qp/01;
Struyve & De Baere qp/01-proc,
reply Ghose qp/02;
Brida et al JPB(02)qp [results];
d'Espagnat qp/03 [and Schrödinger's cat];
Gondran & Gondran qp/06/PRA [identical particles];
Jiang & Ke a1008;
Chen a1403 [new radiation mechanism];
Vervoort FP(18)-a1701 [and the Bell inequalities];
Ratajczak a2008 [falsification claim];
> s.a. experiments in quantum mechanics [including delayed-choice].
@ Classical analog: Couder & Fort PRL(06) [macroscopic "walker" droplets bouncing on a vibrated bath];
news gm(15)dec [experiment].
@ Effects of empty waves: Hardy PLA(92);
Wechsler qp/03;
Vaidman FP(05)qp/03;
Wechsler a1008.
@ Related topics: Brown et al PLA(99) [identical particles];
Bedard PhSc(99)jun [material objects];
Riggs JPA(99) [energy-momentum transfer];
Appleby FP(99)qp [decoherence];
Barrett qp/00-conf,
PhSc(00)dec [surreal trajectories];
Nogami et al PLA(00)qp [decay];
Butterfield in(04)qp/02 [Hamilton-Jacobi];
Dürr et al JSP(04)qp/03 [observables];
Tausk & Tumulka JMP(10)-a0806 [can an electron reach speed c?];
Huggett & Vistarini Man-a0905 [entanglement exchange];
Miranda PS(09) [nuclear and particle physics];
Sanz JPCS(12)-a1202 [non-crossing property and quantum probability tubes];
Sanz a1801 [in chemistry, rev];
> s.a. geometric phase; quantum technology
[teleportation]; semiclassical quantum mechanics [including macroscopic objects].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 19 apr 2021