Quantum Theory of Cosmological Perturbations |
Quantization of Cosmological Perturbations
> s.a. quantum cosmology; quantum-gravity effects on cosmology.
* Idea: In the quantum
theory of cosmological perturbations one normally assumes that the
pre-inflationary state of the universe was the vacuum of a (scalar)
field coupled to gravity, and the observed cosmic microwave background
fluctuations are then interpreted as due to quantum fluctuations turned
into classical perturbations; The quantum theory itself is trivial, but
it is used to give a framework for choosing as initial conditions an
appropriate vacuum, like the Bunch-Davies vacuum, a local attractor
(because deviations are redshifted away) which gives Gaussian fluctuations.
@ General references: Giovannini CQG(03)ht;
Peter et al JCAP(05)ht [including quantum backgrounds];
Pinho & Pinto-Neto PRD(07);
Campo & Parentani PRD(08)-a0805 [decoherence and entropy];
Prokopec & Rigopoulos PRD(10) [inflation, path-integral formulation];
Vitenti et al PRD(13)-a1206;
Guth a1312-proc [and the multiverse];
Kanno JCAP(14)-a1405 [effect of entanglement];
Castelló et al JCAP(15)-a1503 [gauge-invariant];
Armendáriz-Picón & Şengör JCAP(16)-a1606 [BRST quantization];
Han et al PRD(20)-a2005 [from lqg].
@ Coherence:
Giovannini CQG(17)
+ CQG+ [and Glauber theory];
Giovannini MPLA(17)-a1709.
@ Phenomenology:
Mukhanov EPJC(13)-a1303 [predictions and observations];
Kuntz & da Rocha EPJC(19)-a1903 [instability due to runaway modes].
@ Types of matter: Peter et al PRD(16)-a1510 [multiple fluids].
In theories of quantum gravity: see perturbations in quantum cosmology.
From Quantum Fluctuations to Classical Perturbations
> s.a. decoherence phenomenology;
quantum-to-classical transition.
* Idea: The collapse
approach uses physics beyond the established paradigm, possibly associated
with a quantum-gravity effect à la Penrose, in which the collapse
of the state function of the inflaton field would be responsible for the
emergence of the primordial inhomogeneities.
@ And observation: Green & Porto PRL(20) [distinguishing classical and quantum initial states].
@ General references: Kiefer et al IJMPD(98)gq;
Kiefer & Polarski AdP(98)gq [emergence from the quantum state];
Lombardo PhD(98)gq;
Martin LNP(05)ht/04;
Pérez et al CQG(06)gq/05;
Lyth & Seery PLB(08)ap/06 [after horizon exit];
Armendáriz-Picón et al CQG(09)-a0805 [limits];
Bojowald & Skirzewski ASL(08)-a0808 [effective theory];
Kiefer & Polarski ASL(09)-a0810 [rev];
Sudarsky IJMPD(11)-a0906,
Dimopoulos JPCS(11)-a1009 [rev];
Malik a1011-conf;
Berkhahn et al PRL(11);
Martin & Vennin PRD(16)-a1510 [how to prove the quantum-mechanical nature of perturbations];
Ryssens a1907-MS [pilot-wave approach];
Green & Porto a2001
[distinguishing quantum and classical primordial fluctuations];
Berjon et al PRD-a2009;
> s.a. early-universe cosmology; inflation.
@ And entanglement: Genovese ASL(09)-a0904;
Nelson & Riedel a1704
[squeezing of the quantum state for super-horizon modes]
@ Semiclassical theory: Aslanyan et al JCAP(13)-a1301 [limits on semiclassical fluctuations];
Donà & Marcianò PRD(16)-a1605 [and Dirac fermions].
@ And de Broglie-Bohm quantum theory:
Pinto-Neto et al PRD(12)-a1110,
Goldstein et al a1508
[structure formation and Boltzmann brains].
@ Inflation: Diez-Tejedor et al GRG(12)-a1106 [and loss of symmetries];
Martin et al PRD(12)-a1207 [and the quantum measurement problem];
Singh a1607-fs
[model, evolution of the classicality parameter];
Martin Univ-a1904 [and quantum information theory].
@ Collapse of the wave function:
De Unánue & Sudarsky PRD(08)-a0801;
Diez-Tejedor & Sudarsky JCAP(12)-a1108 [details of approach];
Landau et al PRD(12)-a1112;
Das et al PRD(13)-a1304 [continuous spontaneous localization];
León & Sudarsky JCAP(15)-a1503 [statistical characterization];
León et al PRD(15)-a1509 ["self-induced collapse" and primordial gravitational waves];
Stargen & Sreenath a1605.
@ Quantum corrections to correlations:
Weinberg PRD(06);
van der Meulen & Smit JCAP(07)-a0707.
@ Approaches: de Alwis a1504
[replacing the quantum vacuum with a classical statistical distribution].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 16 feb 2021