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Image Details  

Pictures taken in Kennon Observatory

Click here for a brief history of imaging at Ole Miss.
Click at the links below to see these images and more in large size and learn the details!
( The links below include new images, and some of the best old images from previous semesters.)

Summer training 2024: four participants took these images.


The second closest large spiral galaxy is the Pinwheel Galaxy (M 33) in Triangulum.

The Whirlpool Galaxy, (M 51) was the first galaxy

             whose spiral arms were recognized.

The Back Eye Galaxy (M 64) in Coma Berenices got its name from its looks.

Two members of the Leo group of galaxies in one picture (M 65 & 66).


In Pisces, M 74 is a faint, 10-magnitude face-on spiral galaxy.

M77 is a spiral galaxy in Cetus.

  In Ursa Major, Bode's galaxy (M 81), is one of the largest spirals.

The cigar-shaped irregular galaxy M 82 in Ursa Major is nicely colored.

             One picture (from 2014) has a supernova in it.


Careful image processing brings out the high-speed jet leaving

             the giant elliptical galaxy M 87.

   In Leo,  M 96 is a spiral galaxy.


The Pinwheel 'Nebula' (M 99) is actually a face-on spiral galaxy,

             full of star formation regions.

Two bright and many faint members of the Coma Berenices Galaxy Cluster (M 100).

The famous Sombrero galaxy (M104) is a spiral galaxy with a very dark dust lane and an unusually bright halo. 

  In Ursa Major,  M 101 is a giant spiral;   (-> NEW IMAGE IN SPRING 2024)

   so is M 109 .

The edge-on galaxy NGC 891 in Andromeda is pretty.

The Hamburger Galaxy NGC3628 in Leo is edge-on
              with a strong dust lane and recent star formation at the edges.

The Whale Galaxy (NGC 4631) is actually a spiral galaxy.

              interacting with its elliptical companion.

In Cygnus, NGC 6946 is a pretty, 10-magnitude face-on spiral galaxy.

In Pegasus,  NGC 7331 is  a spiral galaxy.

Star clusters:

The globular cluster M 2 in Aquarius.

The globular cluster M 3 in Canes Venatici is great on a long exposure picture. 

            Some RR Lyrae's has been identified in this cluster. 

The open cluster M 11 in Scutum.

The famous Hercules globular cluster M 13.

We took a great image of M 15, a globular cluster in Pegasus.   

            The open cluster M 35 in Auriga.

The open cluster M 37 in Auriga.

The open cluster M 38 in Auriga.  

The open cluster M 52 in Cassiopeia.

Another nice globular cluster is M 53 in Coma Berenices.

The open cluster M 67 in Cancer.  

The globular cluster M 71 in Sagitta.

The globular cluster M 92 in Hercules.

The open cluster M 103 in Cassiopeia.

The double cluster NGC 869 and 884 in Perseus.

The Intergalactic Wanderer (NGC 2419) is a distant globular cluster.


The Crab nebula (M1) is a spectacular supernova remnant.

The Eagle nebula (M16) is a molecular cloud; the famous "Pillars of Creation".

The Omega nebula (M17) is a molecular cloud in Sagittarius.

The Trifid nebula (M20) is a pretty molecular cloud.

The Dumbell Nebula (M27) is a great-looking colorful planetary in Vulpecula.

We have great images of the Orion Nebula (M42),
             a molecular cloud where stars are forming now. 

Great detail in our images of the Ring Nebula (M57), a colorful planetary in Lyra.

The Little Dumbell (M76) is a colorful planetary nebula in Perseus.

The Owl nebula (M97) is a planetary in the Big Dipper.


The Pacman Nebula (NGC 281) is a HII region in Cassiopeia.

The Elephant's Trunk (IC 1396) is an emission nebula in Cepheus.

The Eskimo nebula (NGC 2392) is a little but colourful planetary nebula.

The Crescent Nebula, (NGC 6888) is another HII region in Cygnus.

The Cirrus Nebula, part of the Veil, (NGC 6960) is a HII region in Cygnus.

The Helix Nebula (NGC 7293) is a large planetary nebula in Aquarius.

The Bubble Nebula (NGC7635) is a HII region in Cassiopeia.

The glowing nebula (NGC7380) is a HII region in Cepheus.

The Heart Nebula, (IC 1805) is a HII region in Cassiopeia.

A H-alpha filter helped to a nice Horsehead (IC 434).
It really looks like the head of a horse!

The Pelican Nebula (IC 5067) is a HII region in Cygnus.

The Cocoon Nebula (IC 5146) has an low surface brightness,
so it barely sticks out of skyglow.

                    NEW IMAGE IN FALL 2023.

Minor planets, Pluto, and comets:

Pluto is very faint (14.5 mg) and is low over the horizon,
          we still found it.

Here is a movie of asteroid 369 Aeria.

Planet Neptune with its largest moon.

Comet 17P/Holmes after its unexpected outburst of Oct. 24, 2007.

Comet 103P/Harley 2 on Oct. 4, 2010.

Comet 2014 Q2/Lovejoy Spring 2015.

Comet 46P/Wirtanen December 2018. 


In Puppis, M46 is an open cluster with a planetary nebula.


An open cluster and a reflection nebula (NGC 7129 / NGC 7142).

The learning curve towards building a mosaic of the Moon; and where we are now.

             Several Moon mosaics taken with a H-alpha filter. A 2021 image is here.

In April 2004 we took a few nice exploratory pictures of the Moon and Jupiter.

Light curves of pulsating variable stars (AE Ursae Maioris 1;

             improved: AE Ursae Maioris 2; BP Pegasi).

Nova Cassiopeiae 2021, a classical nova.

A preliminary Herzspring-Russel Diagram of the open cluster M 67.

We used the Questar 7-inch telescope to image Mars and Saturn, with mixed results.