Quantum Spacetime – Proposals |
Based on Math / Geometry
> s.a. critical phenomena; differential geometry;
lattice field theory; spacetime structure [generalizations].
* Abstract homotopy theory:
View points as relational, maps between spaces (Grothendieck and topology of any category).
@ From null surfaces: Frittelli et al CQG(97)gq/96.
@ By extension to higher dimensions:
Snyder PR(47),
PR(47) [5D de Sitter];
Honeycutt IJTP(91).
@ d-space: Gruszczak et al JMP(88),
Multarzyński & Heller FP(90);
Kull & Treumann IJTP(95).
@ Topology:
Kaplunovski & Weinstein PRD(85) [dynamical topology and dimension];
Zapatrin IJTP(93),
gq/95-conf [finite];
Madore & Saeger CQG(98)
[undefined at lP];
Crane MPLA(05) [relational topology];
Spaans IJMPD(13) [quantum foam of mini-black-holes and prime 3-manifolds].
@ Topos theory:
Guts & Grinkevich gq/96;
Raptis IJTP(07)gq/05;
Crane a0706.
@ More proposals: Aref'eva & Frampton MPLA(91) [p-adic spacetime];
Álvarez et al PRD(92) [quantum metric space];
Pirogov PAN(03)hp/01 [symplectic];
Stuckey gq/01 [Borel set];
Porter gq/02 ['fractafolds'];
Efremov & Mitskievich gq/03,
[discrete T0 spaces];
Crane a0804-GRF [loop space; non-distributive lattice];
Dahm PAN(12)-a1102-conf [from groups/Lie algebras].
> Related topics: see connections;
fractals in physics [including multifractal spacetime]; monopoles
and solitons [fuzzy]; Non-Associative Geometry;
non-commutative geometry; world function.
Based on Algebra / Logic
@ Algebraic:
Bohm et al pr(81)qp/06;
Bannier IJTP(94);
Yurtsever CQG(94)gq/93;
Parfionov & Zapatrin IJTP(95)gq;
Zapatrin gq/95-conf;
Raptis & Zapatrin IJTP(00) [and continuum correspondence];
Jaramillo & Aldaya JPA(99);
Freidel et al a1606
[Heisenberg algebra polarization and modular spaces].
@ Categorical: Isham FP(05);
Crane a0810,
@ Other logic, abstract: Wheeler in(80),
Finkelstein in(68),
Moore IJTP(00) [order].
@ Self-organising information:
Cahill & Klinger PLA(96)gq,
Cahill et al ThPh(00)gq.
Based on Quantum Theory / Other Physics > s.a. branes;
emergence [including entanglement]; holographic field
theory; non-commutative geometry; strings.
@ Spatial manifold from quantum theory:
Balachandran qp/97;
Kempf RPMP(99)ht/98;
Kryukov FP(04);
Chew et al a1603 [quantum space];
Freidel et al PRD(16)-a1609
[Euclidean quantum space as a choice of polarization for the Heisenberg algebra of quantum theory].
@ Branching spacetime: Belnap Syn(02)ps/03;
Kowalski & Placek IJTP(00) [GHZ/Bell theorems];
Weiner & Belnap Syn(06);
Wroński & Placek SHPMP(09)-a0706 [Minkowskian].
@ String theory: Hata et al PLB(86);
Amati et al PLB(89);
Ellis et al PLB(92);
Bergman ht/96,
ht/96 [string-bits];
Witten PT(96)apr;
Ansoldi et al CSF(99)ht/98,
Li & Yoneya CSF(99)ht/98;
Polchinski IJMPA(99)ht/98;
Smolin NPPS(00)ht/98 [and spin networks];
Horowitz NJP(05)-gq/04;
Fontanini et al PLB(06) [0-point length];
Schimmrigk CMP(11)-a0812 [string-theoretic modular motives];
West JHEP(14)-a1403 [and gauge transformations].
@ Condensed-matter ideas: Lobo et al PRD(15)-a1412 [microscopic defects and effective metric-affine geometry];
Tenev & Horstemeyer a1603 [mechanics of the cosmic fabric];
> s.a. defects; emergent gravity.
@ More proposals: Marlow IJTP(82),
Müller-Hoissen AIHP(84) [from gauge theory];
Marlow IJTP(95),
Lyre qp/97/IJTP [ur-spins-tetrads-spacetime vectors];
Ambjørn et al NPB(98) [c = −2];
Anandan IJTP(02)qp/00-conf [relations between states];
Yaremchuk qp/01,
[ℵ0 < card < ℵ1];
Khrennikov qp/03-conf,
qp/03 [prespace];
Brody & Hughston PRS(05)gq/04 [higher-dimensional quantum spacetime];
Raussendorf et al a1108 [measurement-based quantum computation];
Dvali & Gómez JCAP(14) [spacetime as composite of soft gravitons];
Steinacker a1911 [higher-spin theory];
> s.a. higgs mechanism [gravitational].
Other Proposals
> s.a. Accelerated Fields; manifolds;
quantum field theory [generalizations]; spacetime foam.
@ General references: Cole IJTP(68),
IJTP(69) [causality without a metric];
Barut in(82);
Banai IJTP(84);
Prugovečki 84;
Terazawa in(84);
Ali RNC(85);
Liebscher in(85);
Whipple NCA(86);
Szabó JMP(86),
Chew & Stapp FP(88);
Görnitz IJTP(88),
Majid CQG(88) [Hopf algebra];
Görnitz & Ruhnau IJTP(89);
Szabó IJTP(89);
Stapp FP(88);
Hemion IJTP(89);
Lev JMP(89);
Prugovečki FPL(90);
Namsrai IJTP(91);
Amati in(92);
Chapline MPLA(92),
ht/98 [coherent graviton state],
MPLA(99) [anyonic superconductivity];
Lev JMP(93);
Wetterich NPB(93) [from general statistics];
Gibbs ht/95 [event-symmetric physics];
Leifer qp/96 [superrelativity, non-locality];
Mäkelä gq/07,
a0805 [graph with black holes at vertices].
@ Károlyházy proposal: Károlyházy et al in(82);
Diósi & Lukács NCB(93)gq, PLA(93) [excluded by phenomenology];
Ma PLA(98),
comment Diósi PLA(99);
Frenkel FP(02)qp/00;
> s.a. cosmological acceleration; quantum-gravity phenomenology.
@ Other: Stainsby & Cahill PLA(90) [Euclidean spacetime inside hadrons];
Stavraki TMP(90) [discrete operator fields];
Rylov JMP(91) [generalized Lorentz manifold];
Antonuccio gq/93 [quasi-number algebra];
McCall 94;
Prugovečki FP(94) ["quantum frames"];
Finkelstein et al CQG(97)qp/96;
Stuckey gq/02/JPA;
Hohmann et al a0809
[quantum manifold locally isomorphic to Schwartz space];
de la Torre a1705 [spacetime fabric model].
@ Doubtful, bogus:
Krasnoholovets IndJTP(00)qp/01,
ht/02/FizB ["inertons"];
Bogdanoff & Bogdanoff AP(02) [KMS condition].
> Related topics: see discrete geometries
[time]; discrete spacetime models; geometrodynamics
[including generalized space of spaces]; information and spacetime / gravity;
networks; regge calculus; topological
field theories; twistors; wormholes.
Even More Speculative > see physics [higgledy-piggledy etc].
"Everybody thinks spacetime should be an output rather than an input of a final theory" – Nathan Seiberg, NYT 26.06.2001.
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– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 16 jul 2020