Acceleration of the Cosmological Expansion Rate |
In General
s.a. inhomogeneities and other proposed explanations.
* 1998: Two teams (High-z
Supernova Search Team and Supernova Cosmology Project) published results showing
that, contrary to standard wisdom, the universal expansion is accelerating, from
observation of the redshift-luminosity distance relationship for 80 supernovae
out to z = 0.8.
* 2002: Acceleration parameter
q0 = −0.56 ± 0.04; Many models
proposed, most assuming that the current acceleration began at z ≤ 1.
* 2004: Chandra observations
confirm that the acceleration began about 6 Gyr ago.
* 2007: SNLS 3rd-year data
to be released with 250 new supernovae, SNAP mission will yield about 2000
supernovae per year and will be able to exclude many proposed explanations.
* 2008: ESSENCE results for over 200 type-Ia
SNe in the range 0.2 < z < 0.8 are consistent with a cosmological constant.
* 2009: Data seem to favor a scenario in
which expansion is slowing down again, but are consistent with a cosmological constant.
* 2011: Nobel Prize in physics awarded to Saul
Perlmutter, Adam Riess, and Brian Schmidt [@ news PT(11)dec, comment PT(12)feb].
* 2013: Discrepancy between global (cmb) and
local measurements of the Hubble constant, and more evidence for q < –1.
@ Non-technical: Ostriker & Steinhardt SA(01)jan;
Riess & Turner SA(04)feb [onset];
news pw(07)dec,
Krauss pw(07)dec,
Crease pw(07)dec [X anniversary];
Krauss & Scherrer SA(08)mar;
news msnbc(11)sep [acceleration could be an illusion];
news sa(16)apr [faster acceleration?].
@ Reviews: Filippenko PASP(01)ap;
Schmidt CQG(02);
Leibundgut & Sollerman EPN(02)ap/02;
Perlmutter PT(03)apr;
Shapiro & Turner ApJ(06)ap/05 [without assuming general relativity];
Perivolaropoulos ap/06-conf;
Durrer & Maartens GRG(08)-a0711;
Frieman AIP(08)-a0904;
Goldhaber a0907-proc [history];
Brax a0912-ln;
Bean a1003-ln;
Blanchard A&A(10)-a1005 [evidence and status];
Huterer a1010-ch;
Sapone IJMPA(10);
Schwarz et al PPNP(11)-a1012-conf;
Clocchiatti a1112-proc;
Weinberg et al PRP(13)-a1201;
Astier & Pain CRAS(12)-a1204 [evidence];
Astier RPP(12)-a1201 [and supernovae];
Sami & Myrzakulov IJMPD-a1309-talk;
Baltay IJMPD(14).
@ General references: Mannheim PRD(98)ap [theoretical implications],
Sidharth in(00)hp/98;
Starkman et al PRL(99)ap;
Straumann EJP(99)ap;
Turner ap/99-proc;
Liddle NAR(01)ap/00;
Updike PT(05)apr;
Rapetti et al MNRAS(07)ap/06 [kinematical study];
Cattoën & Visser gq/07 [the case is less watertight than usually assumed];
Daly & Djorgovski AIP(07)-a0710;
Bolejko & Andersson JCAP(08)-a0807 [apparent and average acceleration];
Lima et al a0905 [independent method];
Bull & Clifton PRD(12)-a1203 [local and non-local measures of acceleration in inhomogeneous models];
Pavón IJGMP(14) [and entropy increase];
Tutusaus et al A&A(17)-a1706
[low-redshift probes are consistent with a non-accelerated universe];
Dinda a1904 [model-independent parametrization].
@ General references: Riess et al AJ(98)ap;
Perlmutter et al ApJ(99)ap/98,
PRL(99)ap [the original results];
Gong & Wang PRD(06) [constraints];
Albrecht AIP(07)-a0710 [the case for an aggressive observational program];
Sherwin et al PRL(11) [from cmb alone];
Sutherland MNRAS(12)-a1105 [test using baryon acoustic oscillations];
Tsagas PRD(11)-a1107 [peculiar motions, apparent acceleration and dipole anisotropy];
Darling ApJL(12)-a1211,
Yu et al PRL(14) [towards a direct measurement using 21-cm line redshifts];
Amendola & Euclid Theory Working Group LRR(13) [upcoming Euclid mission];
Frieman PT(14)apr
[upcoming Dark Energy Survey of 200 million galaxies];
Gómez-Valent JCAP(19)-a1810;
news Phys(20) [DESI to start collecting data].
@ Supernovae:
Drell et al ApJ(00)ap/99;
Gott et al ApJ(01)ap/00;
Riess PASP(00)ap [rev],
et al ApJ(01)ap;
Filippenko LNP(04)ap/03;
Jain & Ralston ApJ(06)ap/05;
SNAP ap/05-rp [goals];
Gong et al JCAP(07),
Seikel & Schwarz JCAP(08)-a0711,
JCAP(09) [model-independent evidence];
Leibundgut GRG(08)-a0802;
Cattoën & Visser PRD(08)-a0809,
a0906-proc [treat data with some caution];
Krisciunas a0809 [results of ESSENCE survey];
Perlmutter RMP(12) [Nobel lecture];
Howell AS(13);
Haridasu et al A&A(17)-a1702 [strong evidence].
@ 2016 controversy: Nielsen et al SRep(16)-a1506,
Nielsen a1508-MS [marginal evidence for acceleration];
Rubin & Hayden ApJL(16)-a1610,
Ringermacher & Mead a1611 [the evidence for acceleration is strong];
Colin et al a1912 [evidence consistent with zero].
@ Galaxies: Guzzo et al Nat(08)-a0803 [redshift surveys];
Marinoni & Buzzi Nat(10)nov [Alcock–Paczyński Nat(79)oct geometric test applied to pairs of galaxies].
@ Gravitational waves: Seto et al PRL(01)ap [0.1 Hz, proposal];
Yagi et al JCAP(12)-a1112 [and inhomogeneous models vs ΛCDM].
@ Anisotropy search: Cooke & Lynden-Bell MNRAS(10)-a0909 [inconclusive];
Antoniou & Perivolaropoulos JCAP(10)-a1007,
Cai & Tuo JCAP(12)-a1109
+ news PhysOrg(11)sep [evidence for preferred axis];
Zhao et al IJMPD(13)-a1305;
Javanmardi et al ApJ(15)-a1507 [some evidence];
Bernal et al PLB(17)-a1606 [evidence];
> s.a. dark energy.
@ Related topics: Faraoni PDU-a1508 [turnaround radius].
Change in Acceleration
> s.a. cosmological expansion [expansion history].
* 2005: There is some
evidence for oscillations in the Hubble expansion history.
* 2006, 2009: There is
clear statistical evidence for a late time transition from a decelerating
to an accelerating phase.
* 2010: Articles reporting
evidence of a present slowing down of the cosmic acceleration, and possible
current deceleration.
* Theory: LambdaCDM with the
currently preferred cosmological density Ω0
and cosmological constant ΩΛ,
predicts that the Universe expansion decelerates down to redshift z
~ 0.9 and accelerates at later times; Conformal gravity predicts that the
cosmic expansion has always been accelerating.
@ Theory: Blandford ap/04-proc [jerk and equation of state];
Ponce de León IJMPD(06)gq/05 [model];
Popławski PLB(06)gq [in f(R) gravity];
Kim & Yoon PLB(06)gq [2D non-commutative dilaton model];
Melchiorri et al PRD(07)-a0706 [beginning of acceleration];
Linder PRD(10)-a1006 [acceleration as an occasional phenomenon];
Wang et al ApJ(16)-a1509 [slowing down of cosmic acceleration].
@ Data: Lazkoz et al JCAP(05)ap [snIa Gold data set fit];
John ApJ(05)ap,
Elgarøy & Multamäki JCAP(06)ap [past deceleration, Bayesian analysis];
Ishida et al APP(08)-a0706 [beginning of acceleration];
Daly et al ApJ(08)-a0710;
Shafieloo et al PRD(09)-a0903 [slowdown? data and interpretation];
Blomqvist et al JCAP(10)-a1006 [data consistent with no fluctuations];
Li et al JCAP(10)-a1011 [combination of data];
Wu & Yu a1012 [evidence for present deceleration];
Carvalho & Alcaniz MNRAS(11)-a1102 [from the expansion rate H(z)];
Diaferio et al JCAP(11)-a1103 [using GRBs as probes];
news lbl(12)mar
[BOSS measurement of the era when acceleration set in];
Rest et al ApJ(14)-a1310 [PanSTARRS1 data indicate that q < –1];
Odderskov et al JCAP(14)-a1407
[discrepancy in values of H0 exceeds expected variance].
Differing Points of View
* Suggestions: 2002,
Supernovae may look dimmer because photons turn into axions along the way.
@ References: Loeb ApJL(98)ap [deceleration!];
Csáki et al PRL(02) [axions];
Narlikar et al PASP(02)ap [alternative];
Mészáros ApJ(02)ap [statistical, premature];
Sawicki ap/02 [R < 0];
Vishwakarma MNRAS(03)ap;
Choudhuri ap/06 [Thomson scattering];
Middleditch ap/06 [supernovae, no acceleration];
Arp a0712 [deceleration and variable particle masses];
Vishwakarma & Narlikar RAA(10)-a1010;
Skarke a1508 [as an optical illusion];
Zloshchastiev Univ-a2011 [scale-dependent gravity].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at – modified 26 nov 2020