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In General
* Status: 2001, Neutron interferometry
sees a statistically significant violation, but atomic interferometry does not.
@ General references: Okon & Callender EJPS(11)-a1008 [conceptual];
Giulini SdW-a1309 [and atom interferometry];
Zych & Brukner a1502 [formulation and tests];
Bjerrum-Bohr et al IJMPD(15)-a1505-GRF;
Nauenberg AJP(16)nov [precise formulation and neutron diffraction experiment];
Seveso et al JPCS(17)-a1702;
Anastopoulos & Hu CQG(18)-a1707 [two versions];
Zych & Brukner nPhys(18)aug [formulation based on equivalnce of energy operators].
@ Weak equivalence principle: Camacho & Camacho-Guardian AIP(09)-a0811 [definition];
de Matos a1006 [and wave packet phase/group velocity];
Bahamonde et al a2005-GRF [and gravitational Casimir effect].
@ Other theory: Aharonov & Carmi FP(73);
Davies & Fang PRS(82);
Candelas & Sciama PRD(83),
in(84); Greenberger AIHP(88);
Hessling NPB(94);
Kleinert qp/96-ln;
Lämmerzahl GRG(96)gq,
Shiekh HI(97)gq/96-proc;
Kauffmann gq/97;
Mannheim gq/98-ch;
Camacho MPLA(99)gq,
Bertoldi et al CQG(00)ht/99;
Mensky gq/02-conf [in terms of paths];
Huerfano et al qp/06;
Kajari et al APB(10)-a1006 [effect of inertial and gravitational mass on wave-function dynamics];
Schwartz & Giulini PRA(19)-a1908 [model atom in a weak gravitational field];
Marletto & Vedral a2004 [for weak fields, and testability].
@ And gravity: Davies CQG(04)qp [tunneling],
CQG(04)qp [transit time];
Giacomini & Brukner a2012 [for superpositions of gravitational fields].
@ Related topics: Matone FPL(02)ht/00 [origin of interactions];
Obukhov PRL(01) [and Dirac fermions];
Herdegen & Wawrzycki PRD(02)gq/01,
Wawrzycki gq/02,
APPB(04)gq/03 [Newtonian];
Castello-Branco & Martins JMP(10) [non-commutative quantum mechanics];
Mousavi et al CQG(15)-a1502 [effect of quantum statistics];
> s.a. coordinate systems [quantum].
> s.a. equivalence principle; quantum gravity;
scalar-tensor theories.
* Idea: The validity
of the equivalence principle in quantum theory has been questioned
by a number of authors.
* In quantum field theory:
A particle detector can read out information about the non-local structure
of spacetime; > s.a. Detector.
* QED corrections to photon
propagation: In curved spacetime, or in the presence of some background
fields, the effective action for Maxwell fields includes curvature terms,
which amounts to a violation of the equivalence principle, and in particular
predict the possibility of dispersion and superluminal phase velocities.
@ Arguments questioning the validity:
Taylor PRD(79);
Datta & Yin a0908;
Chowdhury et al CQG(12)-a1107;
Lebed a1208-MG13;
Lebed a1610-conf
[breakdown of the equivalence an electron's between passive gravitational mass and energy];
Seveso & Paris AP(17)-a1612 [the WEP is untenable for a quantum particle described by a wave function];
Visser IJMPD(17)-a1705-GRF [from probability quadrupole moments];
Flores & Galapon PRA(19)-a1808 [mass-dependent time of arrival distribution];
Lebed a1903
[quantum electron state in a classical gravitational field];
Quach EPJC(20)-a2001 [quantum particle in a gravitational wave background].
@ For composite quantum bodies: Lebed a1304/PRL,
MPLA(20)-a2006 [passive gravitational mass and energy].
@ QED corrections: Shore NPB(02)gq,
@ And quantum gravity: Adunas et al PLB(00)gq,
Rabinowitz IJTP(07);
Göklü & Lämmerzahl CQG(08)-a0804 [metric fluctuations];
Ali CQG(11)-a1101 [and minimal length, gup];
Ghosh CQG(13)-a1303 [non-commutative geometry and gup];
Kajuri PRD(16)-a1609 [in polymer quantum mechanics and deformed Heisenberg algebra];
Lebed IJMPD(17)-a1711 [hydrogen atom example].
@ Related topics: Camacho IJMPD(01) [decoherence-induced];
Accioly et al IJTP(02) [s = 0, 1 tree-level];
Accioly & Paszko PRD(08) [photon scattering in weak gravitational field],
IJMPD(09) [gravitational lensing];
Singleton & Wilburn PRL(11)-a1102 [Hawking radiation and Unruh effect];
Lebed a1205-conf;
Accioly & Herdy a1711
[of the classical equivalence principle but not of the weak one].
Tests > s.a. interference.
@ g − 2: Alvarez & Mann PLB(97)gq/95,
Mann MPLA(97) [leptons].
@ Related topics:
Alvarez & Mann in(94)gq/93,
MPLA(96)gq [Lamb shift],
Viola & Onofrio PRD(97)qp/96;
Onofrio & Viola MPLA(97)qp;
Manirul Ali et al CQG(06)qp;
Massó PLB(09)-a0902 [Lamb shift, zero-point energy];
Bonder et al PRD(13)-a1305 [with unstable particles];
Altschul et al ASR(15)-a1404 [STE-QUEST space mission];
Barrett et al NJP(15)-a1503 [correlative methods for dual-species quantum tests];
Lebed IJMPD(15)-a1608
[suggested experiments on the inequivalence between gravitational mass and energy];
Orlando et al CQG(16)-a1511 [for quantum superpositions];
Rosi et al nComm(17)-a1704 [atoms in superpositions of internal energy eigenstates];
Sancho MPLA(19)-a1907 [and atomic stability];
Albers et al EPJD(20)-a2003 [using rubidium and potassium].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 29 dec 2020