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In General
> s.a. cosmological models; modern
cosmology [theory]; observational cosmology [including age].
* Idea: The standard ΛCDM
cosmological model depends on 6 parameters, extensions include additional parameters;
The main tools to obtain estimates of their values are measurements of the microwave
background, supernovae, and galaxy clusters (distribution, lensing, X-rays,
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect).
@ Reviews: Lahav & Liddle ap/04-PDG,
Sánchez et al ap/06-ASP;
Lahav & Liddle PLB(04)-a1002;
Croft & Dailey QPR-a1112
[analysis of parameter determinations 1990-2010];
Lahav & Liddle a1401-PDG.
@ General references: Freedman PNAS(98)ap/97;
Carlberg ap/98-conf;
Tegmark et al ap/98/ApJL;
Noyes gq/99;
Roos & Harun-or-Rashid ap/99-proc;
Turner AIP(99)ap;
Freedman PS(00)ap/99-in,
Primack ASP-ap/99,
Novosyadlyj et al A&A-ap/99,
Fukugita ap/00-in;
Durrer & Novosyadlyj MNRAS(01)ap/00;
Peebles ap/00-IAU;
Krauss ap/01-proc;
Leach et al PRD(02)ap [and inflation];
Freedman IJMPA(02)ap-proc;
Deustua et al ap/02-conf;
Roos & Harun-or-Rashid ap/02;
Shemi-Zadeh gq/02 [??];
Krauss ESO(03)ap-proc;
Blanchard ap/03-conf;
Bridle et al Nat(03)ap [open issues];
Douspis CRP(03)ap/04 [method];
Roos ap/05 [consensus];
Wilczek hp/05-conf [reasoning];
Balbi PoS-ap/06;
Apunevych et al a0802 [WMAP2006];
Wraith et al PRD(09) [adaptive importance sampling];
Sato et al PRL(10)-a1011 [using a copula likelihood function];
Gong et MNRAS(13)-a1110 [effect of different observational data];
Paoletti et al MNRAS(12)-a1112 [multifrequency approach];
Axelsson et al ApJL(13)-a1303 [directional dependence];
Crandall & Ratra PLB(14)-a1311 [median statistics values].
@ Models and parameter sets:
Liddle MNRAS(04)ap;
Godłowski & Szydłowski PLB(05) [with dark energy];
Hajian PRD(07) [Hamiltonian Monte Carlo technique];
Eifler et al A&A(09)-a0810 [and cosmic shear];
Liddle ARNPS(09)-a0903 [statistical methods];
Dinculescu ASS(09)-a0907 [tentative derivation];
Shafieloo & Linder PRD(11)-a1107 [data used and degeneracy in parameter values];
Dossett & Ishak PRD(12)-a1205 [effect of spatial curvature];
Sharov & Vorontsova JCAP(14)-a1407 [ΛCDM, generalized Chaplygin gas and multidimensional model];
> s.a. standard model [including extensions].
@ Errors: Dodelson & Schneider PRD(13)-a1304 [effect of covariance estimator error];
Joachimi & Taylor IAU-a1412 [cosmological parameter covariance].
> Related topics: see acceleration;
expansion rate; geometry; matter content
[including density values] and distribution; relativistic
cosmology [averaging].
From the Cosmic Microwave Background > s.a. cmb.
@ General references: Jungman et al PRD(96);
Hancock et al MNRAS(98)ap/97;
Bartlett et al ap/98-proc;
Efstathiou ap/00;
Tegmark & Zaldarriaga ApJ(00)ap;
de Bernardis et al Nat(00)apr-ap;
Lange et al PRD(01)ap/00 [Boomerang];
Christensen et al CQG(01) [Bayesian];
Cornish PRD(01) [acoustic peak];
Douspis et al A&A(01)ap;
Sakellariadou ap/01-conf;
Melchiorri ap/02-conf;
Kosowsky et al PRD(02)ap;
Wang et al PRD(02)ap [consistency];
Rubiño-Martin et al MNRAS(03)ap/02 [from VSA];
Contaldi & CBI ap/02-proc;
Melchiorri & Ödman PRD(03)ap [pre-WMAP];
Lineweaver ap/03-ln [and inflation];
Bouchet ap/04-proc;
Rebolo et al MNRAS(04)ap [VSA data];
Das et al JCAP(15)-a1406 [after BICEP 2 and BOSS].
@ And large-scale structure:
Percival et al MNRAS(02)ap [+2dF survey];
Doux et al MNRAS(18)-a1706.
@ And lensing: Contaldi et al PRL(03)ap;
Chantavat et al PRD(16)-a1409 [with cosmic voids].
@ And polarization:
Jiménez et al PRD(04);
QUaD collaboration ApJ(09)-a0901;
Cheng & Huang EPJC(14)-a1403 [from BICEP2, Planck and WMAP].
@ From WMAP data: Lewis ap/03-conf [questioning models for WMAP];
Hansen et al MNRAS(04)ap;
Komatsu et al ApJS(09)-a0803,
Dunkley et al ApJS(09)-a0803,
Lewis PRD(08) [5-year results];
Jarosik et al ApJS(11)-a1001 [7-year results];
Finelli et al MNRAS(13)-a1207 [WMAP-7 reanalysis];
Hinshaw et al ApJS(13)-a1212 [9-year results].
@ From Planck data: Planck Collaboration A&A(16)-a1502.
@ Theory: Komatsu & Seljak MNRAS(02)ap [Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect];
Perotto et al JCAP(06)ap/06 [Monte Carlo simulations];
Smidt et al PRD(10) [impact of secondary non-Gaussianities];
Catena & Notari JCAP(13)-a1210 [impact of cmb aberration].
From Other Observations > s.a. early-universe
cosmology [nucleosynthesis]; observational cosmology [chemistry].
@ HI clouds / 21-cm background: Mao et al PRD(08)-a0802;
Bharadwaj et al PRD(09)-a0809;
Visbal et al JCAP(09)-a0812;
> s.a. astronomy.
@ Galaxy surveys: Tegmark PRL(97);
Peel & Knox NPPS(03)ap/02 [peculiar neutrinos];
Tegmark et al PRD(04)ap/03 [SDSS];
Pope et al ApJ(04)ap [SDSS];
Del Popolo & Ercan IAU(04)ap [theory];
Gaztañaga et al MNRAS(06)ap/04 [and cmb];
Seljak et al PRD(05)ap/04 [and SN, WMAP, Ly-α];
Reboul & Cordoni A&A(06)ap [interacting galaxies];
Tozzi LNP(07)ap/06;
Xanthopoulos et al AIP(06)ap [VLA];
Blake et al MNRAS(07)ap/06 [SDSS];
Sánchez & Cole MNRAS(08)-a0708 [power spectrum difference between 2dFGRS and SDSS];
Betancort-Rijo et al MNRAS(09)-a0901 [statistics of voids];
Sánchez et al MNRAS(09)-a0901;
Hamann et al JCAP(10)-a1003;
Allen et al ARAA(11)-a1103 [galaxy clusters];
Burenin & Vikhlinin AL(12)-a1202 [galaxy-cluster mass functions];
Di Dio et al JCAP(14)-a1308 [large-scale structure];
Penna-Lima et al JCAP(14) [biases on estimators].
@ Supernovae: Nesseris & Perivolaropoulos PRD(04)ap [models];
Odman et al IJMPD(04)ap;
Wang & Dai MNRAS(06)ap/05 [and GRBs];
Neill et al ApJL(07)-a0704,
Gordon et al PRL(07) [using supernova peculiar velocities];
Kowalski et al ApJ(08)-a0804;
Kessler et al ApJS(09)-a0908 [SDSS-II];
Kirshner a0910-ch;
March et al MNRAS(11)-a1102;
Baumgärtel a1106
[k = 1 in Friedmann equation, and constraints on other parameters];
Gao & Gong CQG(14)-a1308 [tension with cmb results];
Benítez-Herrera et al MNRAS(13)-a1308 [model-independent approach];
Li et al ApJL(14)-a1409 [associated with GRBs].
@ Gravitational waves: Cutler & Holz PRD(09)-a0906 [BBO];
Del Pozzo PRD(12) [second-generation interferometers];
Zhang et al a1907 [simulated ET standard siren data].
@ Other observations:
Bagla et al CA(96)ap/95 [matter];
Coe & Moustakas ApJ(09)-a0906 [lensing delays];
Behera & Wagner a0908-in [EBL attenuation of VHE spectra];
Jullo et al Sci(10)-a1008 [strong lensing];
Pavlov et al ApJ(12)-a1206 [space-based galaxy surveys];
van den Bosch et al MNRAS(13)-a1206 [galaxy clustering and lensing];
Moresco et al JCAP(12) [expansion rate of the universe];
Prasad & Souradeep PRD(12),
Prasad a1412 [using particle swarm optimization];
Wei et al ApJ(13)-a1301,
Amati et al IJMPD(13) [GRBs];
Khadka & Ratra MNRAS-a2007.
@ Effects of inhomogeneities: Buchert & Carfora CQG(02)gq,
PRL(03)gq/02 [smoothing and dressed parameters];
Valkenburg & Bjaelde MNRAS(12)-a1203 [living near the Great Attractor];
Fleury et al PRD(13)-a1302;
Fleury a1511-PhD;
> s.a. cosmological principle.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 13 sep 2020