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In General
s.a. black-hole phenomenology; quasinormal modes;
chaotic motion; horizons;
numerical black holes; quantum black holes.
* Stability: Stationary
(M > 0) black holes are stable under local perturbations; The
proof uses the fact that the linearized field equations imply the vanishing
of an integral which would not vanish for frequencies with positive imaginary
part; M < 0 black holes are unstable.
@ General references: Pani IJMPA(13)-a1305-ln [techniques and open problems].
@ Stability:
Cohen & Wald JMP(71) [+ point charge];
Wald JMP(73),
in Chandrasekhar 83;
Kokkotas PRD(88);
Whiting & York PRL(88);
Whiting JMP(89) [Kerr black hole];
Wald JMP(92);
Monteiro et al PRD(09)-a0903 [rotating black holes];
Burinskii GRG(09)-a0903 [electrovac black holes];
Monteiro PhD(05)-a1006 [classical and thermodynamic];
Prabhu & Wald CMP(15)-a1501;
Coutant et al CQG(16)-a1601 [dynamical instabilities in general];
Dafermos et al a2104 [stability of Schwarzschild family of solutions];
> s.a. black-hole geometry [black strings]; black-hole solutions;
lovelock gravity; schwarzschild spacetime.
@ Evaporating, late-time behavior: Barack PRD(99)gq/98;
Parikh & Wilczek PLB(99)gq/98;
Hod PRD(99)gq,
@ Changing M and a: Petrich et al PRL(88) [accreting];
King & Kolb MNRAS(99)ap [binaries];
Abramowicz et al ed-10 [accretion].
@ Horizon fluctuations:
Iso et al PLB(11)-a1008 [non-equilibrium];
> s.a. black-hole entropy; gravitational thermodynamics.
@ Related topics: Loustó & Whiting PRD(02)gq
[Ψ and (ψ4, ψ0)];
Cartas-Fuentevilla JMP(00)gq/02 [conservation laws];
Sinha et al FP(03)gq/02 [backreaction and influence functional];
Perjés & Vasúth CQG(03)gq [principal null directions];
Birmingham & Carlip PRL(04)ht/03 [non-quasinormal modes];
Ferrari et al PRD(06) [extended sources, general hybrid approach];
Zenginoğlu PRD(11)-a1104 [geometric framework];
> s.a. multipoles [polarizability].
Perturbations around Kerr
> s.a. modified general relativity; kerr spacetime [stability].
* Description: Massless fields of
spin s = 1/2, 1, 3/2, or 2 are usually described in terms of Weyl scalars
ψ4 and ψ0,
which satisfy Teukolsky's complex master equation, a wave equation with added curvature terms,
and respectively represent outgoing and ingoing radiation; They can also be described in terms
of (Hertz-like) potentials Ψ in outgoing or ingoing radiation gauges; Equations describing
massive spin-1 fields have not been shown to be separable.
@ Linear: Misner BAPS(72) [scalar, stability];
Kalnins et al PRS(96) [spin-1 and 2];
Fernandes & Lun JMP(97) [gauge-invariant];
Barack & Ori PRL(99) [decay of scalar perturbations];
Campanelli et al CQG(01)gq/00;
Moreno & Núñez IJMPD(02)gq/01;
Ori PRD(03)gq/02 [particles/objects];
Loustó CQG(05)gq [in terms of Weyl scalars];
Yunes & González PRD(06)gq/05 [tidally perturbed];
Wang BJP(05)gq [rev];
Núñez et al PRD(10)-a1002;
Lukes-Gerakopoulos et al PRD(10) [observable signature];
Aksteiner & Andersson CQG(11) [various spins];
Pani et al PRD(12)-a1209 [massive vector (Proca) fields];
Aksteiner & Andersson CQG(13)-a1301 [non-radiating gravitational modes and conserved charges];
Berti & Klein PRD(14)-a1408 [mixing of spherical and spheroidal modes];
Casals & Zimmerman PRD(19)-a1801 [and late-time tails];
Aksteiner & Bäckdahl PRL(18)-a1803 [all local gauge invariants];
Grant & Flanagan a2005 [conserved currents].
@ Teukolsky equation:
Hartle & Wilkins CMP(74);
Campanelli & Loustó PRD(97)gq [regularization];
Campanelli & Loustó PRD(98),
et al PRD(98),
PRD(98)gq [Cauchy data];
Bini et al PTP(02)gq;
Pazos-Ávalos & Loustó PRD(05)gq/04 [numerical];
Fiziev CQG(10)-a0908 [exact solutions].
@ Higher-order: Campanelli & Loustó PRD(99)gq/98;
Green et al a1908 [Teukolsky framework].
Other Single Black Holes > s.a. horizons;
models in numerical relativity; perturbations
in general relativity; quantum black holes.
@ Reissner-Nordström: Burko PRD(99)gq [axial];
Perjés GRG(03)gq/02;
Berti & Kokkotas PRD(03)ht;
Motl & Neitzke ATMP(03)ht [asymptotic frequencies];
Pfister PRD(03) [t-independent];
Dotti & Gleiser CQG(10)-a1001 [instability in inner static region];
Aretakis CMP(11) [extreme, scalar perturbations];
Hod PLB(12)-a1304,
PLB(13) [stability under charged scalar perturbations];
Hod PLB-a1410 [weakly-magnetized SU(2) black holes];
Luk & Oh DMJ(17)-a1501 [instability of the Cauchy horizon under scalar perturbations];
Sela PRD(16)-a1510 [extremal, late-time decay of perturbations];
Giorgi a1904-PhD
[stability, linear gravitational and electromagnetic perturbations];
Dotti & Fernández PRD(20)-a1911.
@ Reissner-Nordström-AdS: Berti & Kokkotas PRD(03)gq.
@ Kerr-NUT: Bini et al PRD(03)gq;
Mukhopadhyay & Dadhich CQG(04)gq/03,
gq/04-MG10 [scalar and spinor].
@ Other types:
Onozawa et al PRD(97) [supersymmetric];
Perjés gq/02/CQG [rotating, and Λ];
Das & Shankaranarayanan CQG(05) [generic singularities];
Hamilton a0706 [self-similar, Newman-Penrose formalism];
Dafermos CMP(14)-a1201 [without spacelike singularities].
@ In other theories: Molina et al PRD(10)-a1005 [Chern-Simons-modified gravity];
Varghese & Kuriakose MPLA(11)-a1010 [Hořava gravity, electromagnetic and Dirac perturbations];
Kobayashi et al PRD(12)-a1202,
PRD(14)-a1402 [scalar-tensor theory, around a static, spherically symmetric solution];
Pratten CQG(15)-a1503 [f(R) gravity].
> Other types: see black-hole
geometry [black rings]; higher-dimensional black holes;
kerr-newman solutions; schwarzschild
spacetime; schwarzschild-de sitter spacetime.
Colliding Black Holes > s.a. models in numerical relativity.
@ General references: Hawking PRL(71);
Loustó & Price PRD(97)gq,
PRD(98)gq/97 [data];
> s.a. orbits of gravitating bodies.
@ Close limit: Pullin PTP(99)gq-in;
Gleiser et al NJP(00)gq;
Khanna PRD(01)gq,
@ Approach to stationarity: Hod PRL(00)gq/99;
Kamaretsos et al PRD(12)-a1107 [ringdown signals and progenitor parameters].
@ Related topics: Rácz & Wald CQG(96)gq/95 [global extensions].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 20 apr 2021