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In General > s.a. cosmological principle [homogeneity, isotropy];
matter distribution in cosmology [including cosmic web].
* Distance determination: For nearby galaxies,
variable stars like Cepheids; For other ones, (type Ia) supernovae and Hubble's law.
* 1908: C V I Charlier proposed
a hierarchical model of galaxy distribution.
* 1986: Bubble structure observed from
survey of 1100 galaxies near the galactic north pole, with visible light, and 2700
galaxies in another region, with 21 cm radiation; The size of bubbles is as large as
50 Mpc; These could be formed by first generation explosions (quasars, supernovae?).
* 1989: A galaxy in formation seen
at 65 Mly, 10 times larger than the Milky Way.
* 1994: Galaxies as faint as
magnitude 27 (blue) can be seen with CCDs.
* 1996: Youthful galaxies studied
at z ~ 3.5, 15% of present time, when galaxy formation was under way.
* 1998: 0140+326RD1 at z
= 5.34, other at z = 6.68 [this must have not been confirmed, see 2002].
* 1999: Information on \(5 \times 10^7\)
galaxies collected by Digital Palomar Sky Survey; The most numerous ones are dwarves;
About 104 redshifts have been measured (notice that
z space is not identical with real space, because of virialization).
* 2002: Most distant galaxy so far (not
a quasar) seen at \(z\) = 6.56, or 15.5 Gly, using the Abell 370 cluster as lens.
* 2006: First observational
evidence that galaxies are not randomly oriented, but follow the dark-matter pattern
[@ news sr(06)apr].
* 2009: Large-volume cosmological surveys
reveal that galaxies are distributed along filaments, connected to form a percolating
network, the cosmic web.
@ Large-scale structure:
de Lapparent et al ApJL(86) [bubble picture];
Coles Nat(90)aug;
Hendry & Simmons ViA(95)ap;
Pietronero et al ap/95-proc;
Einasto NAR(01)ap/00,
Nabokov & Baryshev Astr(10)-a1004,
Astr(10)-a1004 [at Gpc scales];
Scargle et al ApJ(17)-a1510 [Fourier transform].
@ Books, reviews: Rowan-Robinson 85;
Dressler 94 [I];
Saslaw 00;
Lahav & Soto LRR(04) [redshift surveys].
@ Rotation alignment: Lee ApJL(04)ap;
Longo ap/07,
a0908-wd [handedness and preferred axis];
Hahn et al MNRAS(10)-a1002 [large-scale orientations];
Aryal RAA(11)-a1010 [winding around the Local Supercluster];
Lee ApJ(11)-a1011 [high statistical significance];
Shamir PLB(12) [handedness asymmetry at z < 0.3];
Blazek et al JCAP(15)-a1504,
a1504-proc [tidal alignment];
Joachimi et al SSR(15)-a1504 [rev];
> s.a. galaxies [rotation].
@ Related topics: Kraan-Korteweg et al ap/98-proc [on other side of Milky Way];
Sylos Labini A&A(10)-a1007 [gravitational field and large-scale flows];
Finkelstein PASA(16)-a1511 [searches for galaxies at z > 6];
> s.a. higher-dimensional gravity.
> Online resources:
The Extragalactic Distance Database site.
Groups, Clusters, Superclusters, Filaments, Sheets > s.a. cosmological
constant; local group; types of galaxies.
* Difference: Galaxy groups differ
from clusters primarily by way of their lower masses, \(M\sim10^{14}\,M_\odot\) vs.
* Largest structure: In 1999, a
filament at least 4 × 108 ly long, perhaps
\(10^9\) ly, in Aquarius, with at least \(10^5\) galaxies.
* Assembly bias: The fact that the
distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters depends both on the total mass of the
objects and on the assembly history.
@ General references: Abdullah et al MNRAS(11)-a1408 [nearby, dynamical properties];
Sepp & Gramann IJGMP(14)-a1309-proc [rev];
Sepp & Gramann IJGMP(14) [rev];
Holanda & Alcaniz APP(15)-a1404 [cosmological constraints].
@ Catalogs, surveys: Bernardi ap/03-in [SDSS];
Lahav & Suto LRR(04) [and cosmology];
Strauss SA(04)feb;
Driver et al MNRAS(05)ap [MGC];
Zhan et al ApJ(06)ap/05 [future, applications];
Padmanabhan et al MNRAS(07)ap/06 [SDSS];
SubbaRao & Aragón-Calvo pw(08)dec [maps];
Scranton et al a0902-rp,
Myers a0903-rp [the case for deep, wide surveys];
Bonvin & Durrer PRD(11)-a1105 [what is really measured];
Percival a1312-ln;
Bland-Hawthorn IAU(15)-a1410 [Hector: integral field spectroscopy of 100,000 galaxies].
@ Description and detection:
Pimbblet PASA(05)ap [filaments];
Noh & Lee ap/06/ApJL [local pancakes];
Simon et al ApJ(06)ap [fundamental line for disk galaxies];
Sarkar & Bharadwaj MNRAS(09)-a0812 [local dimension];
Shandarin JCAP(09)-a0812 [great walls];
Makarov & Karachentsev a0908-proc [groups in the Local Supercluster];
Gay et al MNRAS(10)-a0910 [filamentary environment];
Einasto et al A&A(10)-a1007 [Sloan Great Wall];
news ps(10)oct [most massive cluster known seen in cmb distorsions, with 800 trillion solar masses];
Capozzi et al MNRAS(12)-a1207 [Shakhbazyan groups];
Kovetz & Kamionkowski PRD(13)-a1210 [masses, using 21-cm radiation lensing];
Balaguera-Antolínez A&A(14)-a1306 [spatial distribution of galaxy clusters and scaling relations];
Kovács & García-Bellido MNRAS(16)-a1511 [Cold Spot, Eridanus Supervoid, and Great Walls].
@ Dynamics and implications:
Jackson MNRAS(72)-a0810 [velocity dispersion and "Fingers-of-God" effect];
Bahcall ap/98-ln;
Schindler ap/00-conf,
ap/01-conf [simulations],
ap/01-conf [rev];
Reed et al MNRAS(09)-a0804 [first galaxies, simulations];
Rossetti et al A&A(11)-a1106 [cool core and non-cool core clusters];
Kravtsov & Borgani ARAA(12)-a1205 [clusters, formation];
Ota a1211-conf [particle acceleration, gas heating];
Guo et al ApJ(15)-a1403 [galaxies in filaments have more satellites];
Yoo CQG(14)-a1409 [galaxy clustering, relativistic effects];
Miyatake et al PRL(16)
+ Dalal Phy(16) [evidence for assembly bias];
Rudnick PT(19)jan [interactions].
@ Specific clusters: Biviano ap/97-conf [properties of the Coma cluster];
Sorce et al MNRAS(16)-a1605 [Virgo cluster, formation].
@ Related topics:
Brosch a0906-conf [truly isolated galaxies];
Cavaliere & Lapi PRP(13) [intracluster plasma].
> Catalogs and surveys:
see the Abell Catalog of galaxy clusters;
Sloan Digital Sky Survey of galaxies
(and Wikipedia page);
2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey.
> Related topics: see galaxies [velocity fields];
phenomenology of higher-order gravity [cluster density profiles].
Voids and Motions > s.a. cosmic acceleration
and inhomogeneities; Intergalactic Matter.
* Bulk flow: A (scale-dependent)
volume average of the peculiar velocities of galaxies, and a useful probe of the mass
distribution on large scales.
@ Local Void: Iwata et al ASP-ap/05;
Tully IAU(07)-a0708 [evacuation, really empty];
Iwata & Chamaraux A&A(11)-a1105;
Whitbourn & Shanks a1307-MNRAS [from galaxy counts and redshifts];
Xie et al MNRAS(14)-a1401 [statistical analysis];
Cusin et al JCAP(17)-a1609 [lensing signature].
@ General references: Peebles ApJ(01)ap;
Serpico ap/07-proc;
Tikhonov AL(07)-a0707;
von Benda-Beckmann & Mueller a0710/MNRAS;
Park & Lee PRL(07) [ellipticity and cosmology];
Gaite a0802;
Foster & Nelson ApJ(09)-a0904 [SDSS, void catalog];
Slosar & White JCAP(09) [alignment of nearby-galaxy spins];
Giovanelli a0909 [Void Phenomenon];
Gaite JCAP(09)-a0911 [statistics];
van de Weygaert & Platen MPLA(11)-a0912-conf,
et al a0912-in [rev];
Aragón-Calvo et al MNRAS(10)-a1002 [hierarchical identification];
Einasto et al A&A(11)-a1105 [understanding void formation];
Thompson & Gregory a1109 [historical view];
Alpaslan et al MNRAS(14)-a1401 [filaments of galaxies detected within voids];
Hamaus et al PRL(14) [universal density profile];
Szapudi et al MNRAS(14)-a1405 [and the cmb cold spot];
Hamaus et al a1409-IAU [void statistics];
Tavasoli et al ApJL(15)-a1410 [properties of galaxies residing in voids];
Nadathur & Hotchkiss MNRAS(15)-a1504 [void finders and theoretical models];
Pycke & Russell ApJ(16)-a1602 [statistical perspective];
> s.a. cmb anisotropy [Cold Spot and supervoid].
@ And tests of fundamental physics:
Triay & Fliche PTPS(08)-a0801 [voids and the cosmological constant];
Cai & Padilla a1410-IAU [and gravity tests];
Pisani et al PRD(15) [void counts and the dark energy equation of state];
> s.a. cosmological tests of general relativity.
@ Dynamics, and bulk flows: Yoo et al PRD(09)-a0907;
Ma et al PRD(11)-a1010;
Bland-Hawthorn & Sharma a1410-IAU [and void asymmetries in the cosmic web];
Padilla a1410-IAU;
Nusser MNRAS(16)-a1508 [comparing several estimators];
Lambas et al MNRAS(16)-a1510 [bulk motions];
Kumar et al a1512 [bulk flows and gravitational potential wells];
Andersen et al MNRAS(16)-a1609 [peculiar velocities and cosmological models].
@ Related topics: Pavlovski et al MNRAS(08)-a0709,
a0709/MNRAS [buoyant bubbles].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 10 sep 2020