Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy |
In General
> s.a. cosmic microwave background [including history, missions].
* Idea: The cmb is very nearly isotropic;
ΔT/T ≈ 5 × 10−6
on scales Δθ ≈ 10°, but the small variations of the temperature
of the cmb as a function of direction are very important; The main quantity measured is the
average over all directions of the correlation between temperature variations at an angular
separation θ,
c(θ):= \(\langle(\Delta T/T)\)(n1) \((\Delta T/T)\)(n2)\(\rangle\)st avg = (1/4π) ∑ l cl Pl(cosθ) .
* Peaks: The "spectrum''
cl is expected to have peaks as
a function of l, whose position, height and shape give us information on
physical parameters (baryon density, Hubble constant, topological defects vs inflation,
etc); The position of the first peak indicates that the universe is spatially flat.
@ Books, reviews: Rowan-Robinson 93;
Durrer HPA(96)ap,
Page ap/97-proc,
Lasenby CQG(02);
Bersanelli et al RNC(02);
White & Cohn AJP(02)feb [RL];
Subramanian CS(05)ap/04;
Martínez & Vielva ap/05-proc;
Bouchet et al ap/05-proc;
Souradeep Pra(06)ap-proc [cosmology];
Challinor & Peiris AIP(09)-a0903;
Challinor AIP(12)-a1210;
Carlstrom PT(15)mar-a1805 [and particle physics].
@ General references: news pn(92)apr;
Smoot & Scott ap/96,
Bennett et al PT(97)nov;
Wright ap/03-proc;
Eriksen et al ApJ(04)ap/03 [asymmetries];
Magueijo & Sorkin MNRAS(07)ap/06 [Occam's razor and WMAP data];
Bernui et al PLA(06) [and non-extensivity];
Eisenstein & Bennett PT(08)apr;
Hanson & Lewis PRD(09) [anisotropy estimators];
Abramo & Pereira AiA(10)-a1002 [gaussianity, homogeneity and isotropy];
news pw(13)mar,
sn(18)jul [Planck results].
@ Theory: Dodelson ap/97-TX18,
Hu et al PRD(98) [in FLRW models];
Durrer JPS(01)ap;
Trotta PhD(04)ap;
Giovannini IJMPD(05)ap/04 [tools];
Bartolo et al JCAP(06),
ap/07-ln [at second order];
Weinberg PRD(06)ap [no truncation approach];
Zibin & Scott PRD(08)-a0808 [gauge issues];
Pontzen PRD(09)-a0901,
Sung et al MNRAS(10)-a1004,
Clarkson & Regis JCAP(11) [in anisotropic models];
López-Corredoira IJMPD(13)-a1303 [physical interpretation of peaks in the power spectrum];
Benetti et al JCAP(13)-a1303 [indications of new physics in WMAP-9 data].
@ Dipole: Lineweaver ap/96-proc,
et al ApJ(96);
Kamionkowski & Knox PRD(03);
> s.a. standard model.
Related topics: see cmb spatial features; brane cosmology; inflationary phenomenology; cosmological tests of gravity.
Temperature variations in the cosmic microwave background. Credit: ESA and the Planck Collaboration
Other Effects and Special Topics
> s.a. dark matter [indirect evidence];
topological defects [domain wall networks].
* Spectrum and non-Gaussianities: The CMB
temperature anisotropies are almost Gaussian, and well described by the two-point correlation function
in momentum space or power spectrum; Large non-Gaussianity and running index are strongly disfavored,
but small deviations are described by the three-point function in momentum space or bispectrum.
* Lensing:
From cmb statistical properties, one can determine that it has been gravitationally distorted
without knowing where the distorting structures are.
@ Analysis:
Lessner GRG(04) [non-acoustic peaks];
Land & Magueijo MNRAS(05)ap/04 [independent components];
Liu & Li a0806/ApJ [errors in WMAP maps];
Bernui PRD(08)-a0809 [North-South asymmetry];
Herranz & Vielva a0909 [compact-source detection];
Liu & Li SCPMA(10)-a0911 [lack of power at low l];
Efstathiou et al MNRAS(10)-a0911 [large-angle correlations consistent with ΛCDM model];
Hamann et al JCAP(10)-a0912;
Komatsu et al ApJS(11)-a1001 [WMAP 7-year data];
Aurich et al CQG(10) [hot-pixel contamination];
Dickinson PoS-a1212 [interferometry];
Bennett et al ApJS(13)-a1212 [WMAP 9-year data];
Hazra & Shafieloo PRD(14)-a1308 [consistency between Planck and WMAP].
@ Non-Gaussianities:
Kung PRD(93) [and Sachs-Wolfe effect];
Creminelli et al JCAP(06) [bounds from WMAP];
Bernui et al EPL(07)ap [and non-extensive statistical mechanics];
Jeong & Smoot a0710 [WMAP3 data];
McEwen et al MNRAS(08)-a0803 [WMAP5 data];
Martínez-González a0805-proc;
Yadav & Wandelt AiA(10)-a1006 [rev];
Fergusson et al JCAP(12)-a1006,
Pettinari PhD(16)-a1405 [bispectrum];
Lacasa a1406-PhD [and extragalactic foregrounds];
Buchert et al CQG(17)
& CQG+ [model-independent analysis].
@ And primordial magnetic fields: Paoletti et al MNRAS(09)-a0811;
Kunze PRD(11)-a1007;
Hortúa & Castañeda IAU(14)-a1408;
> s.a. magnetism.
@ And primordial gravitational waves: Saito et al JCAP(08)-a0705;
Baskaran et al a1004-MG12;
dos Santos a1202 [cmb temperature shift];
Zhao et al a1403 [hint];
Ota et al JCAP(14)-a1406 [μ distorsion];
Shandera et al a1903.
@ Related topics:
Sakellariadou HPA(96)ap [and inflation vs topological defects];
Corasaniti & Melchiorri PRD(08)-a0711 [acoustic waves];
Fosalba & Doré PRD(07) [correlation with peculiar velocities];
Bunn & Bourdon PRD(08)-a0808 [large-scale power deficit];
Scodeller et al PRD(09)-a0901 [from acausal scaling seeds];
Kanzaki et al PTP(10)-a0907 [effects of dark-matter annihilation];
Hernández-Monteagudo A&A(10)-a0909 [cross correlation with NVSS];
Kim & Naselsky ApJL(10)-a1008 [tension between even and odd multipole data];
Martin & Vennin PRD(16)-a1510 [origin];
> s.a. gravitational constant [variation]; parity
[violation]; sound; types of lensing.
@ Different interpretations:
Cover ap/06 [image reconstruction].
And Quantum Gravity > s.a. cmb;
lorentz-violation phenomenology;
quantum-gravity phenomenology.
@ General references: Hamada et al PRD(06)ap,
PTP(07)-a0705 [quantum conformal gravity];
Queisser et al CQG(07);
Powell & Kinney PRD(07) [primordial power spectrum];
Groeneboom & Elgarøy PRD(08)-a0711;
news an(08)dec [before the Big Bang];
Kiefer & Krämer PRL(12)-a1103,
IJMPD(12)-a1205-GRF [and primordial power spectrum];
Bini et al PRD(13)-a1303 [from a semiclassical expansion of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation];
Kraemer a1303-MG13;
Cai & Wang PLB(14)-a1404;
Bini & Esposito a1506-MG14;
de Alwis a1811
[from Hartle-Hawking and tunneling (Vilenkin) wave functions].
@ In lqc: Barrau a0911-MG12 [lqg];
Grain a1206-proc;
Agulló PRD(15)-a1507 [anomalous power asymmetry];
Ashtekar et al a2103 [addressing anomalies].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at – modified 2 apr 2021