Cosmology in Modified Gravity Theories II |
Theories with Varying Constants > s.a. variation of
constants / branes, Metric-Affine Gravity,
supergravity, other theories.
* Motivation: A scale dependence of G
and Λ is given by the flow equation of the effective action for gravity.
@ Varying c: Albrecht & Magueijo PRD(99)ap/98;
Barrow PRD(99)ap/98;
Coule MPLA(99)gq/98;
Bassett et al PRD(00)ap;
Magueijo PRD(00)gq;
Chimento & Jakubi IJMPD(01) [pfluids];
Alexander & Magueijo ht/01-proc [non-commutative geometry];
Niemeyer PRD(02)ap/01 [stringy cutoff];
Moffat IJMPD(03)ht/02,
IJMPA(05)gq/04-conf [bimetric];
Youm PRD(02)ht [and second law of thermodynamics];
Barrow PLB(03)gq/02;
Szydłowski & Krawiec PRD(03)gq/02 [dynamical systems];
Chakraborty et al PS(03) [with fluid];
Kragh SHPMP(06) [historical];
Nassif & Amaro PRD(12)-a1205 [variation with temperature];
> s.a. cosmological constant.
@ Varying G:
Barrow & Parsons PRD(97);
Barrow et al PLB(02)gq [and α].
@ Varying cosmological constant:
Liu & Wesson ApJ(01)gq.
@ Varying G and cosmological constant: Abdel Rahman NCB(00);
Bonanno & Reuter PRD(02) [from renormalization];
Singh IJTP(06),
MPLA(06) [k = 0 FLRW model + pfluid];
Bonanno et al CQG(07)gq/06 [Noether symmetry approach];
Piedipalumbo et al GRG(12)-a1104;
Khurshudyan CEJP(14)-a1311.
@ Varying α: Barrow & Mota CQG(02)gq;
Barrow et al PRD(02)ap/01;
Mota & Barrow PLB(04);
Barrow & Graham PRD(13)-a1307 [general dynamics].
@ Related topics: Belinchón IJTP(00);
Sandvik et al PRL(02)ap/01 [e or α];
Barrow et al CQG(04)ap [and bounces].
Theories with Generalized Forms of Matter > s.a. Chameleon Field;
Galileon Field; Phantom Field.
* Cardassian expansion:
An accelerating, quintessence model, in which the Friedmann equation becomes
H2 = a new function of the energy
density; The universe is flat, matter dominated, and accelerating, and the
distance-redshift relation predictions can be very different from that of
generic quintessence models; > s.a. quintessence.
@ Cardassian expansion: Freese & Lewis PLB(02)ap;
Freese NPPS(03)hp/02;
Gondolo & Freese PRD(03)hp/02 [fluid interpretation];
Das & Das PRD(03) [WMAP constraints];
Wang et al ApJ(03)ap [and supernova data];
Alcaniz et al ApJ(05)ap [constraints from lens statistics];
Freese NAR(05)ap;
Koivisto et al PRD(05) [cmb spectrum];
Lazkoz & León PRD(05) [exponential potentials];
Szydłowski & Czaja AP(05) [behavior];
Liu et al PLB(06)ap/05 [exponential];
Wang & Wu PLB(09) [observational constraints];
Zhai et al PRD(17)-a1705 [from an action, with torsion].
> Related topics:
see Barker's Theory; cosmological perturbations;
Lyra Geometry; modified general relativity;
multiverse; relativistic cosmological models [including bounces];
types of singularities [including sudden].
Higher-Dimensional Theories > s.a. branes; brane
cosmology [including ekpyrotic]; kaluza-klein phenomenology.
@ References: Jantzen in(87)gq/03;
Bernardeau & Uzan PRD(01) [lensing a gravitational potential];
Paul PRD(01)gq [viscous fluid];
Chakraborty & Debnath IJMPD(04) [Szekeres metric with pfluid and cosmological constant];
Milton G&C(02) [and terrestrial];
Buettner et al IJMPA(04) [early-universe spectroscopy];
Bernardeau ap/04/PRL [galaxy surveys, cosmic shear];
Balasubramanian et al JHEP(08)-a0712 [topology from cosmology];
Afshordi et al JCAP(09)-a0812 [evidence for cosmological-size extra dimensions];
Steinhardt & Wesley a1002 [dark energy and variation of Newton's constant];
Shankar et al PRD(12)-a1203 [with torsion, spherical solutions and FLRW cosmology].
@ And dark matter: Qin et al ap/05/PRL;
Cembranos et al eConf-ap/05;
Fucito et al JCAP(06) [string-inspired];
Hooper & Profumo PRP(07);
Kahil & Harko MPLA(09)-a0809;
> s.a. kaluza-klein theory.
@ And dark energy:
Milton G&C(03);
Fabi et al PRD(06)ht [Casimir energy from non-commutative extra dimensions].
Other Types of Gravity Theories
@ Fractal: Pompilio & Montuori CQG(02)ap/01;
> s.a. fractals in physics.
@ Teleparallel theories: Wu & Yu PLB(10)-a1007 [teleparallel, f(T) theories].
@ f(T) gravity theories:
Capozziello et al PS(08)-a0810;
Wu & Yu PLB(10)-a1007,
Chen et al PRD(11)-a1008,
Dent et al JCAP(11)-a1010 [and perturbations];
Bengochea PLB(11)-a1008;
Cardone et al PRD(12)-a1204 [constraints];
> s.a. bianchi I and bianchi IX models;
Birkhoff's Theorem; dark-energy models;
laws of black-hole thermodynamics.
@ Other theories with torsion: Wanas a0705,
IJMPA(07)-a0802 [torsion energy];
Popławski PLB(10)-a1007 [Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory as an alternative to inflation];
Tilquin & Schücker GRG(11)-a1104,
Schücker & Tilquin IJMPD(12)-a1109 [Einstein-Cartan theory and dark energy];
Setare & Mohammadipour JCAP(12)-a1211 [viability as dark-energy models];
Järv & Toporensky PRD(16)-a1511 [scalar-torsion theory, general relativity as an attractor];
> s.a. theories of cosmological acceleration; FLRW
models; inflationary scenarios; torsion in physics;
torsion phenomenology.
@ Area-metric cosmology:
Schuller & Wohlfarth JCAP(07)-a0705.
@ Other theories: Carmeli IJTP(99)gq,
02 [cosmological relativity];
Easson et al PRD(05)ap [quantum-gravity-motivated deformation].
> Metric theories: see cosmology in general relativity;
cosmology in higher-order gravity; bimetric gravity.
> Other theories: see cosmology in gravitational theories I
[(post-)Newtonian cosmology, scalar-tensor and Hořava-Lifshitz gravity]; brane-world cosmology.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at – modified 13 mar 2018