Information and Physical Theories  

In General > s.a. critical phenomena; entropy; quantum information [including information flow]; statistical mechanics and states.
* History: 1990, Wheeler launched his "it from bit" project to try and derive physics from information theory.
* Bekenstein-Hod bound: A bound on the information emission rate of a perturbed system, derived from causality and the (generalized) laws of thermodynamics.
@ Reviews: Grandy AJP(97)jun [RL]; Adami qp/04; Gisin qp/04; Bais & Farmer a0708-ch; Mézard & Montanari 09 [computation].
@ General references: Hartle PRD(95)gq/94, comment Kent PRD(97)gq/96 [and decoherent histories]; Kak FP(96) [and computation]; Pospiech qp/00/EJP [intro, quantum mechanics]; Semitecolos qp/02-wd; Faigon qp/03, Busch qp/04-conf [classical and quantum mechanics]; Halvorson SHPMP(04) [characterization of theories]; Paterek et al NJP(10)-a0804 [quantum mechanics and other possible theories]; Karnani et al PRS(09); Knuth AIP(11)-a1009 [from statistical physics to information physics]; Wharton ch(15)-a1311-FQXi [and reality]; Rovelli a1311-FQXi [relative information and foundations]; Alicki a1402 [information is not physical]; Khatam & Shafiee FS(14)-a1510 [von Weizsäcker's view]; Wüthrich a1708-in [in fundamental physics].
@ Information transmission, signaling: Jonsson et al PRL(15)-a1405 [without energy exchange]; Jonsson JPA(16)-a1512 [energyless signaling with 2D massless fields]; Benioff a1803-in [the "no information at a distance" principle]; Beheshti et al a1901 [frame-invariant information]; Simidzija et al PRD(20)-a1908 [through quantum fields]; Tran et al PRX(20) ["nested light cones" in quantum systems]; Carullo et al PRL(21) [black holes as the fastest known information emitters]; > s.a. many-body quantum systems [including spreading, scrambling].
@ Physics from information: Knuth CP(14) [information-based physics]; Walsh & Knuth a1411-conf [influence and forces]; D'Ariano IJTP(17)-a1701 [quantum field theory]; Coll a1712-proc ["epistemic relativity"].
@ Wheeler's "it from bit": Plastino PhyA(04); Foschini a1306-FQXi; Bassi et al a1310-FQXi; Stoica a1311-FQXi; Leifer a1311-FQXi ["bit from it"]; Dreyer a1311-FQXi.
@ Physics is information: Lee a1011; D'Ariano AIP(11)-a1012, a1110-conf; > s.a. physics.
@ Fisher information: Lavis & Streater SHPMP(02); Nettleton JPA(03) [and entropy]; Pennini & Plastino PLA(06) [and canonical ensemble]; Gibilisco et al a0712 [and quantum covariance]; Hyllus et al PRA(12)-a1006 [bounds]; Petz & Ghinea proc(11)-a1008 [quantum]; Facchi et al PLA(10)-a1009 [geometric formulation]; Frieden & Soffer PLA(10) [negative, weighted]; Venkatesan & Plastino PLA(14) [relative, properties]; Plastino et al AMP(15)-a1504 [conjecture]; > s.a. quantum information.

In Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics > s.a. information theory; thermodynamics.
* Rem: The Khinchin axioms fix the most desirable properties an information measure should have, and ultimately lead to the Shannon entropy as the fundamental information measure on which statistical mechanics is based.
@ General references: Horodecki & Horodecki PLA(98)qp/97 [laws]; Fort CP(99) [non-equilibrium matter + radiation]; Rohrlich O&S(01)qp; Alicki et al OSID(04)qp; Maruyama et al JPA(05)qp/04 [cost of accessing]; Plastino PhyA(04); Dahlsten et al NJP(11)-a0908 [work value]; Ellison et al JSP(09) [amount of information stored in the present]; Baraviera et al AMRX(10)-a0911 [thermodynamic formalism], a0911 [dynamical approach]; Baez & Stay a1010 [algorithmic thermodynamics]; Levitin & Toffoli IJTP(11)-a1101 [conversion into work]; Tajima PRE(13)-a1212 [second law]; Horowitz & Esposito PRX(14); Goold et al JPA(16)-a1505 [rev]; Faist a1607-PhD [general framework, quantum coarse-graining]; Bera et al a1805-ch [rev]; Scandolo a1901-PhD [foundations]; Alicki & Horodecki JPA(19)-a1905; Auffèves a2102-ln; > s.a. Coarse-Graining; Open System.
@ And entropy: Cerf & Adami qp/96-proc, PRL(97)qp/95 [S < 0]; Maroney PhD(02)qp/04; Guevara qp/06; Kak IJTP(07); Caticha AIP(07)-a0710; Ben-Naim 08 [replacing entropy]; Beck CP(09) [generalized measures]; Short & Wehner NJP(10)-a0909.

Other Theories and Models > s.a. composite quantum systems; information and spacetime / gravity; photons; spin models.
@ General references: Jizba cm/03-conf [generalized statistics]; Omar IJQI(05)qp/04; Ng & Parwani MPLA(11)-a0908 [relativistic quantum spinors]; Berrada et al PLA(12) [qubit inside a dissipative cavity, quantum]; Zhang & Chen EPJD(15)-a1503 [Dicke model, quantum]; Miguel-Ramiro & Dür a1912 [delocalized information in quantum networks].
@ In quantum field theory: Blanco a1702-PhD, Lashkari a1810 [quantum information measures]; Carney et al a1802 [information-theoretic aspects of QED]; Daguerre et al a2011 [finite-density field theory].
@ And holography: Correa-Borbonet IJQI(05)ht/04 [Shannon & Boltzmann entropies]; Wolf et al PRL(08)-a0704 [thermal equilibrium, area scaling of information and correlations].
@ Other applications: Park et al PRL(13) [heat engine driven by quantum information]; Walker et al 17 [nature and origin of life]; > s.a. quantum technology; stochastic quantization.

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