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In General > s.a. astrophysics; dark-matter
phenomenology; star properties [age].
* Energy source: The
sequence of nuclear reactions in stars was proposed by Bethe (1938).
* Observational puzzles:
The neutrino problem and solar pulsations.
@ General references: Eddington 26;
Smart 38 [classic];
Chandrasekhar 42,
Saslaw 85;
Dejonghe PRP(86);
Gurzadyan in(94)-a1407 [10 key theoretical problems];
Binney & Merrifield 98;
Ray SA(00)aug [early life];
Gurzadyan ap/03-IAU [dynamics and stability];
Cassisi a0909-IAU [stellar models, rev];
Benacquista 13 [II];
Srinivasan 14 [II];
Beccari & Carraro ch(14)-a1406 [rev].
@ Fate of stars:
Frohlich Phys(19)dec [intermediate-mass stars].
@ Related topics: Giannotti a1611-proc [hints of new physics, axion-like particles].
@ Non-technical: Greene AS(01) [protostars];
Heavens AS(05) [and galaxy history];
Narlikar 12;
Lequeux 13.
Star Formation in General and in the Local Universe
> s.a. milky-way galaxy; solar system
[planetary system, solar neighborhood]; star clusters.
* Idea: The main
model of star formation originated with the Jeans (1902) theory of the
evolution of density perturbations in a medium; Below a certain level,
they propagate as sound waves; Above it they give rise to structure
by gravitational instability [& Hoyle 53;
Peebles & Dicke 68;
Zel'dovich et al 67];
The exact evolution depends on what mechanisms are
available for energy loss; Not much is known in detail.
@ Books and reviews:
Smith 04;
Chrysostomou & Lucas CP(05);
Ward-Thompson & Whitworth 11
+ Bodenheimer 11 [r PT(12)jan];
Krumholz a1511 [book];
Tan a1512-proc [short rev];
Krumholz 17.
@ General references: McKee & Ostriker ARAA(07)-a0707;
Salmeron a0903-proc,
ApSS(11)-a1106 [role of magnetic fields];
Larson IAU-a1006 [computational];
Kritsuk et al IAU(11)-a1011 [role of interstellar turbulence];
Price IAU(10)-a1012 [Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, state of the art];
Glover & Clark MNRAS(12)-a1105 [(non-)importance of molecular gas];
Bate MNRAS(11)-a1108 [pre-stellar disks];
Elmegreen IAU(11)-a1201 [triggers];
Papadopoulos & Thi proc(13)-a1207 [initial conditions and cosmic rays as regulators];
Krumholz ApJ(12)-a1208 [at extremely low metallicities it occurs in a cold atomic phase of the ISM];
Guszejnov & Hopkins MNRAS(16)-a1507 [and turbulence];
Lada IAU(15)-a1508;
Tabatabaei a1604-proc [and feedback in galaxies];
Federrath PT(18)jun [and turbulence].
@ Special types of stars: Kennicutt & Evans ARAA(12)-a1203 [in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies];
Stamatellos proc(14)-a1302 [low-mass stars and brown dwarfs];
Krumholz in(15)-a1403,
Woosley & Heger in(15)-a1406 [very massive stars].
Cosmic Star Formation History
* Primordial stars: Population
III stars may have formed right after recombination (≈ 5 ×
105 yr) at masses of ≈
MSun (brown dwarves); This may account for
a significant fraction of dark matter and the high mass end, upon explosion, for the
heavy elements found in population II stars; 2018, The first stars seem to have
appeared 180 million years after the Big Bang.
* Puzzle: There was a dramatic
drop of the star formation activity after z ~ 1.
@ General references: Madau & Dickinson ARAA(14)-a1403 [rev];
Popesso et al A&A(15)-a1407 [role of massive halos].
@ Primordial stars: & Rees 76;
Silk 77;
Ozernoy & Mukhanov AIP(96);
Panagia ASP-ap/02 [first generations];
Dolgov & Blinnikov PRD(14) [in the very early universe, before nucleosynthesis];
news sn(18)feb.
Compact Objects > s.a. black-hole phenomenology and
solutions; computational physics;
gravitating matter; matter;
neutron stars and pulsars.
* Accretion disks: They
became important since the discovery of compact binary X-ray sources.
* Eddington Limit: The
maximum accretion rate, beyond which the pressure from radiation emitted
by the infalling matter would stop further accretion.
@ Accretion disks: Frank et al 85;
Treves et al ed-89;
Blaes SA(04)oct;
Ji & Balbus PT(13)aug [role of turbulence];
> s.a. matter near black holes.
@ Instabilities: Chandrasekhar & Friedman PRL(71) [rotating star];
Bechhoefer & Chabrier AJP(93)may [in higher dimensions];
Villain EAS(06)ap.
@ Jets: Blandford, Begelman & Rees SA(82)may;
Königl IJMPD(10)-a1001-proc [outstanding questions];
Foschini a1003;
Ghisellini a1112-conf;
Foschini a1205-GRF
[Blandford-Znajek theory and black hole/jet/disk feedback];
Morabito & Meyer a1211 [and accretion disks, rev];
news at(12)dec [mass independence of jet producing mechanism];
Foschini IJMPCS(14)-a1310 [unification];
Kumar & Zhang PRP(15)-a1410 [rev];
> s.a. gravitomagnetism; matter around black holes.
@ Related topics: Shapiro & Teukolsky 83;
Ziólkowski NCB(05)ap-conf [in the Milky Way];
Lavagetto et al MNRAS(05)ap [X-ray binaries and general relativity];
Mishra & Iyer PRD(10)-a1008 [head-on infall];
Postnov & Yungelson LRR(14) [evolution of compact binaries];
> s.a. Roche Lobe.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 6 jan 2020