Universal Aspects of Barrier Crossing Under Bias,” Sudeep Adhikari and K. S. D. Beach, Physical Review Research 5, 043068 (2023)

Slow dynamics of the Fredkin spin chain,” Khagendra Adhikari and K. S. D. Beach, Physical Review B 104, 115149 (2021)

Tunable quantum spin chain with three-body interactions,” Khagendra Adhikari and K. S. D. Beach, Physical Review B 102, 184415 (2020)

Reliable extraction of energy landscape properties from critical force distributions,” Sudeep Adhikari and K. S. D. Beach, Physical Review Research 2, 023276 (2020)

Deforming the Fredkin spin chain away from its frustration-free point,” Khagendra Adhikari and K. S. D. Beach, Physical Review B 99, 054436 (2019)

Topological phase transitions with SO(4) symmetry in (2+1)D interacting Dirac fermions,” Xiao Yan Xu, K. S. D. Beach, F. F. Assaad, and Zi Yang Meng, Physical Review B 95, 085110 (2017)

Detection of symmetry-protected topological order in AKLT states by exact evaluation of the strange correlator,” Keola Wierschem, K. S. D. Beach, Physical Review B 93, 245141 (2016)

Time-Resolved Mass Sensing of a Molecular Adsorbate Nonuniformly Distributed Along a Nanomechnical String,” T. S. Biswas, J. Xu, N. Miriyala, C. Doolin, T. Thundat, J. P. Davis, K. S. D. Beach, Physical Review Applied 3, 064002 (2015)

Reconstructing Folding Energy Landscape Profiles from Nonequilibrium Pulling Curves with an Inverse Weierstrass Integral Transform,” M. C. Engel, D. B. Ritchie, D. A. N. Foster, K. S. D. Beach, and M. T. Woodside, Physical Review Letters 113, 238104 (2014)

Determining Intrachain Diffusion Coefficients for Biopolymer Dynamics from Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Measurements,” M. T. Woodside, J. Lambert, and K. S. D. Beach, Biophysical Journal 107, 1647–1653 (2014)

Remote Sensing in Hybridized Arrays of Nanostrings,” T. Biswas, Jin Xu, X. Rojas, C. Doolin, A. Suhel, K. S. D. Beach, J. P. Davis, Nano Letters 14, 2541–2545 (2014)

Two distinct spin liquid states in a layered cubic lattice,” Jin Xu and K. S. D. Beach (2013)

Frustrating antiferromagnetic exchange interactions enhance specific valence-bond-pair motifs,” Xiaoming Zhang, Jin Xu, and K. S. D. Beach (2013)

A general procedure for thermomechanical calibration of nano/micro-mechanical resonators,” B. D. Hauer, C. Doolin, K. S. D. Beach, and J. P. Davis, Annals of Physics 339, 181–207 (2013)

Resonating valence bond trial wave functions with both static and dynamically determined Marshall sign structure,” Xiaoming Zhang and K. S. D. Beach, Physical Review B 87, 094420 (2013)

High-Q Gold and Silicon Nitride Bilayer Nanostrings,” T. S. Biswas, A. Suhel, B. D. Hauer, A. Palomino, K. S. D. Beach, J. P. Davis, Applied Physics Letters 101, 093105 (2012)

The superconducting (BCS) pairing instability in the thermodynamic limit,” F. Marsiglio, K. S. D. Beach, R. J. Gooding, Canadian Journal of Physics 90, 889 (2012)

Dissipation Mechanisms in Thermomechanically Driven Silicon Nitride Nanostrings,” A. Suhel, B. D. Hauer, T. S. Biswas, K. S. D. Beach, J. P. Davis, Applied Physics Letters 100, 173111 (2012)

Orbital-selective Mott transition and heavy-fermion behavior in a bilayer Hubbard model for 3He,” K. S. D. Beach and F. F. Assaad, Physical Review B 83, 045103 (2011)

The SU(N) Heisenberg model on the square lattice: a continuous-N quantum Monte Carlo study,” K. S. D. Beach, Fabien Alet, Matthieu Mambrini, and Sylvain Capponi, Physical Review B 80, 184401 (2009)

Master equation approach to computing RVB bond amplitudes,” K. S. D. Beach, Physical Review B 79, 224431 (2009)

Coherence and metamagnetism in the two-dimensional Kondo lattice model,” K. S. D. Beach and F. F. Assaad, Physical Review B 77, 205123 (2008)

Comment on “Quantum Monte Carlo scheme for frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnets”,” K. S. D. Beach, Matthieu Mambrini, and Fabien Alet, Physical Review B 77, 146401 (2008)

Mean-field study of the heavy-fermion metamagnetic transition,” S. Viola Kusminskiy, K. S. D. Beach, A. H. Castro Neto, and D. K. Campbell, Physical Review B 77, 094419 (2008)

Valence Bond Solid Phases in a Cubic Antiferromagnet,” K. S. D. Beach and Anders W. Sandvik, Physical Review Letters 99, 047202 (2007)

Monte Carlo Simulations of Quantum Spin Systems in the Valence Bond Basis,” A. W. Sandvik, K. S. D. Beach (2007)

Some formal results for the valence bond basis,” K. S. D. Beach and Anders W. Sandvik, Nuclear Physics B 750, 142–178 (2006)

Site dilution of quantum spins in the honeycomb lattice,” Eduardo V. Castro, N. M. R. Peres, K. S. D. Beach, and Anders W. Sandvik, Physical Review B 73, 054422 (2006)

High-precision finite-size scaling analysis of the quantum-critical point of S=1∕2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic bilayers,” Ling Wang, K. S. D. Beach, and Anders W. Sandvik, Physical Review B 73, 014431 (2006)

Heavy fermion fluid in high magnetic fields: an infrared study of CeRu4Sb12,” S. V. Dordevic, K. S. D. Beach, N. Takeda, Y. J. Wang, M. B. Maple, and D. N. Basov, Physical Review Letters 96, 017403 (2006)

Comment on ‘High Precision Measurement of the Thermal Exponent for the three-dimensional XY Universality Class’,” K. S. D. Beach (2005)

Data collapse in the critical region using finite-size scaling with subleading corrections,” K. S. D. Beach, Ling Wang, Anders W. Sandvik (2005)

Demonstration of a Robust Pseudogap in a Three-dimensional Correlated Electronic System,” R. J. Gooding, F. Marsiglio, S. Verga, and K. S. D. Beach, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 136, 191 (2004)

Identifying the maximum entropy method as a special limit of stochastic analytic continuation,” K. S. D. Beach, cond-mat/0403055 (2004)

Field-induced Antiferromagnetism in the Kondo Insulator,” K. S. D. Beach, Patrick A. Lee, P. Monthoux, Physical Review Letters 92, 026401 (2004)

Feedback effects and the self-consistent Thouless criterion of the attractive Hubbard model,” K. S. D. Beach, R. J. Gooding, and F. Marsiglio, Physics Letters A 282, 319 (2001)

New solutions of the T-matrix theory of the attractive Hubbard model,” K. S. D. Beach, R. J. Gooding, and F. Marsiglio, Physica C 341–348, 897 (2000)

A reliable Padé analytical continuation method based on a high accuracy symbolic computation algorithm,” K. S. D. Beach, R. J. Gooding, and F. Marsiglio, Physical Review B 61, 5147 (2000)

Spin twists, domain walls, and the cluster spin-glass phase of weakly doped cuprates,” K. S. D. Beach and R. J. Gooding, European Physical Journal B 16, 579 (2000)