Fields in Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker Backgrounds |
Scalar and Standard-Model-Type Fields
> s.a. chaotic motion; gravitational-wave
solutions and propagation; thermodynamics;
wave tails.
@ Scalar field: Schmidt AN(90)gq/01 [k = 1, massive];
Santiago & Silbergleit PLA(00)gq/98;
Leach et al G&C(01) [integrability];
de Siqueira gq/01 [massive];
Christodoulakis et al gq/03 [Klein-Gordon];
Maeda & Harada PLB(05)gq/04 [kink instability];
Guo & Cai gq/05 [multi-scalar, evolution as geodesic];
Giambò et al JMP(06) [variational approach];
Maciejewski et al JPA(08)-a0803 [integrability];
Reyes a0806 [spatially flat];
Copeland et al PRD(09)-a0904;
Moradi MPLA(09) [charged];
Höhn et al PRD(12)-a1111 [effective relational dynamics];
Bernardini & Bertolami AP(13)-a1212 [Hamiltonian formalism];
van Holten IJMPA(13)-a1304 [and inflation];
Szydłowski et al IJGMP(14)-a1308-proc;
Abbasi & Craig PRS(14)-a1404 [initial-value problem and wave propagation through the singularity];
Brizuela PRD(15)-a1501 [massless, classical vs quantum cosmology];
Kuryanovich a1512 [exact solutions];
Costa et al JHDE(19)-a1801 [massless, decay].
@ Scalar field, general potential: Giambò et al GRG(09)-a0802;
Faraoni & Protheroe GRG(13) [geometrical structure of phase space].
@ Scalar field, non-minimal coupling:
Alberghi et al PRD(00)gq/99;
Castagnino et al PRD(00)gq/99,
PRD(02) [conformal];
Gunzig et al PRD(01)gq/00 [and superinflation];
Coelho et al JPA(08) [conformal, integrability];
Hrycyna & Szydłowski JCAP(09)-a0812;
Hrycyna et al a1012-conf [plus barotropic fluid];
Simon JNMP(14)-a1309 [non-integrability];
Fadragas & León CQG(14)-a1405.
@ Scalar field, variations: Kamenshchik et al IJMPD(97)gq/98 [including fractal];
Figueiredo et al IJTP(02)gq [quintessence + scalar];
Williams & Kevrekidis CQG(03) [and Ermakov-Pinney equation];
Berera & Ramos PRD(05)hp/04 [+ other];
Vakili et al MPLA(14)-a1408 [classical polymerization];
Alho et al AP(15)-a1409 [+ fluid, with microscopic velocity diffusion];
Sharma a1501 [non-canonical, bouncing models];
Bains et al JCAP(17)-a1512 [with oscillatory attractor behavior];
Dimakis et al EPJC(19)-a1904 [two coupled scalar fields];
Sloan a1907 [multiple scalar fields, and the singularity];
> s.a. quintessence.
@ Scalar + spinor fields:
Khvedelidze & Palii CQG(01)gq;
Osetrin et al MPLA(15)-a1411 [non-minimal scalar].
@ Einstein-Yang-Mills: Henneaux JMP(82);
Donets et al PRD(99)gq/98 [N = 2 supersymmetry];
Shchigolev & Samaroo GRG(04) [+ non-linear scalar].
@ Plane waves: Tsamis & Woodard CQG(03)ap/02 [k = 0 case].
@ Spinor / Dirac fields:
Barut & Duru PRD(87);
Epstein GRG(99) [k = 0 case];
Sarkar & Biswas IJMPA(00);
Zecca NCB(03);
Armendáriz-Picón & Greene GRG(03)ht;
Vakili et al JCAP(05) [classical and quantum cosmology];
Balantekin & Dereli PRD(07)gq [Majorana fermion + scalar];
de Berredo-Peixoto et al JCAP(12) [torsion and Barbero-Immirzi parameter];
Saha IJTP(14);
Cotăescu IJMPA(19)-a1809 [propagator];
Cotăescu a2005;
> s.a. cosmological constant [as fermion condensate];
dirac fields on curved spacetime.
@ Electromagnetic fields:
Mashhoon PRD(73) [k = 1];
Hogan & Ellis CQG(97) [and gravitational waves];
Dariescu & Dariescu IJMPA(03);
Haghighipour GRG(05) [asymptotic properties and tails];
Khanal CQG(06)ap/05 [+ Dirac, NP formalism];
Huguet & Renaud PRD(13)-a1310 [2-point function];
Craig & Reddy a1910 [electromagnetic wave equation];
> s.a. Proca Theory; modified
electromagnetic theory and QED.
Other Types of Fields > s.a. supergravity.
@ Fluids: Myrzakul et al ASS(14)-a1406 [two coupled fluids];
Galiakhmetov G&C(14) [with ghost scalar and torsion];
Kehayas & Scherrer JCAP(15)-a1509 [barotropic, oscillating solutions and instabilities];
> s.a. friedmann equation [perfect fluids].
@ Phantom field:
Singh et al PRD(03)ht;
Chimento & Lazkoz PRL(03)gq;
Guo et al PLB(04);
Szydłowski et al PRE(05)ap/04;
Johri PRD(04);
Dabrowski & Stachowiak AP(06)ht/04.
@ With non-commutativity: Bina et al IJTP(08)-a0709 [with scalar and minimal length];
Obregón & Quirós PRD(11)-a1011 [and acceleration];
Neves et al a1109 [and cosmological evolution].
@ Related topics:
Cavaglià & Vargas CQG(01) [from M-theory];
van Holten PRL(02) [Einstein-Higgs];
Zecca NCB(06) [arbitrary spin, separation of variables];
Klinkhamer PRD(10)-a0904 [gluon condensate and acceleration];
Zecca IJTP(09) [spin-2 fields];
Joukovskaya JHEP(09) [with infinitely-many time derivatives];
Koivisto & Nunes PLB(10)-a0907 [self-interacting 3-forms];
Chimento & Jakubi a1208-proc [mathematical features];
> s.a. dark energy; modified
quantum mechanics; tachyons.
Quantum Fields
> s.a. entanglement examples; linearized quantum
gravity; quantum dirac fields; semiclassical gravity.
@ General references:
Shirai & Wada NPB(88) [perturbations];
Guven et al PRD(89) & refs;
Finelli et al CQG(99)gq [electromagnetic + Dirac fields];
Bouhmadi-López et al PRD(02)gq [radiation + cosmological constant + perturbations];
Eltzner & Gottschalk RVMP(11) [dynamical backreaction];
Ashtekar et al PRD(20)-a2004 [emergence of classicality in the early universe];
> s.a. inflation.
@ Scalar field:
Castagnino & Chimento GRG(86) [adiabatic vacuum];
Boyanovsky et al PRD(97);
Redmount PRD(99)gq [massive, k < 0 FLRW models];
Tichavsky mp/06 [Hadamard condition];
Arteaga JPA(07),
et al IJTP(07);
Olbermann CQG(07)-a0704 [low-energy states];
Dappiaggi et al JMP(09)
[distinguished states and Hadamard property];
Saharian & Mkhitaryan EPJC(10)-a0908 [vacuum fluctuations and topological Casimir effect];
Weinberg PRD(11)-a1101 [cosmological correlations];
Huang et al CQG(12)-a1106,
IJMPA(12)-a1106 [and early-universe cosmology];
Gomar et al EJTP-a1212 [with time-dependent mass, spatially flat and compact];
Agulló et al PRD(15)-a1412 [preferred instantaneous vacuum].
@ Particle creation: Lombardo et al MPLA(99)gq/98 [and classical chaos];
Setare IJTP(04) [and Casimir effect];
Pascoal & Farina IJTP(07);
Moradi IJTP(09) [Dirac fields, and exact solutions];
Pereira et al PLB(10)-a0911 [in f(R) gravity];
Haouat & Chekireb MPLA(11);
Parker JPA(12)-a1205 [rev];
Ema et al PRD(16)-a1604 [and cosmological implications];
Rajeev et al PRD(19)-a1904;
Leonhardt a2011 [cosmological horizon radiation];
> s.a. particle effects.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at – modified 17 jan 2021