Quantum Mechanics |
In General
> s.a. formulations; foundations [including ontology and other philosophical aspects];
interpretations; logic; quantum systems.
* Regime: Situations where length scales
are small with respect to energy scales, and a small number of states are occupied.
* Features: Formally, the most
important concept introduced with respect to classical mechanics is that of
probability amplitudes, with their particular combination laws; These yield
amplitudes for processes, described in terms of unique (classical) trajectories;
Physically, the distinguishing features are complementarity (and the related uncertainty
principle), entanglement (related to non-locality), and the measurement problem.
* 2012: Quantum information, quantum
foundations and quantum gravity motivate the idea of considering quantum mechanics
as one of a class of possible theories; A lot of current work seeks to understand
the special features and properties which single out quantum mechanics, and the
possibilities for alternative theories; Some of the formalisms which have been used
in this context are operational theories, categorical and topos-theory-based
quantum mechanics, anhomomorphic logic; > s.a. modified
quantum theory.
> Features:
see complementarity; entanglement;
quantum effects [including applications]; uncertainty;
Wave-Particle Duality.
> Specific concepts:
see complex structure; information;
momentum; observables;
Phase; schrödinger equation;
symmetries; Trajectories.
> Related topics:
see angular momentum; euclidean geometry;
lie algebra; logic; mind;
Quantum Channel; spacetime;
Areas: see experiments; foundations; history; measurement; particle effects; semiclassical quantum theory; technology.
General Aspects and References
> s.a. diffraction [Kapitza-Dirac]; probability;
Process; quantum states; waves.
@ Original papers: Heisenberg ZP(25);
Born & Jordan ZP(25);
Born et al ZP(26);
Dirac PRS(26);
Van der Waerden ed-67.
@ General references: Houston AJP(37)apr;
Gudder & Boyce IJTP(70);
Jauch in(71);
Komar in(71);
Giles in(75);
Loinger RNC(87);
Amann et al ed-88;
Drieschner et al IJTP(88);
Von Baeyer ThSc(91)jan;
Foschini qp/98 [logical structure];
Bub SHPMP(00)qp/99;
Arndt et al qp/05-conf,
comm Mohrhoff qp/05;
Nikolić FP(07)qp/06 [myths and facts];
Rieffel qp/07-conf [from information pov];
Aerts in(09)-a0811 [quantum structures];
Schmelzer FP(09)-a0901 [Hamiltonian operator alone not enough];
Brukner a0905;
Strocchi EPJP(12)-a1112;
Cabello a1212 [Specker's fundamental principle];
Goyal PRA(14)-a1403 [from Feynman's rules];
Haag a1602-post [fundamental aspects];
Khrennikov FP(17)-a1704 [the present situation];
Svensson a1803 [claimed inconsistencies].
@ And foundations of physics: Josephson FP(88)-a1110 [limitations];
Benioff PRA(99)qp/98;
Neumaier qp/00;
Iten et al a1807
[using neural networks to extract physical concepts];
Drossel a1908-talk
[limitations, from condensed matter and statistical physics];
> s.a. foundations of quantum theory.
Books and Lecture Notes
> s.a. physics teaching.
@ Texts: Bohm 51;
Dirac 58
[comment Drago a2101];
Dicke & Wittke 60;
Fermi 61;
Messiah 62;
Blokhintsev 64;
Dirac 64;
Kramers 64;
Gottfried 66;
Flügge 75;
Martin 81;
Prigovecki 81;
Sokolov, Ternov & Zhukovskii 84;
Pauling & Wilson 85;
Umezawa & Vitiello 85;
Das & Melissinos 86;
Wu 86;
Galindo & Pascual 90;
Greenhow 90;
Lévy-Leblond & Balibar 90;
van Fraassen 91;
Park 92;
Peebles 92;
Bohm 93;
Thankappan 93;
Greiner 94;
McGervey 95;
Gottfried & Yan 03;
Liboff 03;
Ghatak & Lokanathan 04;
Basdevant & Dalibard 05;
Basdevant 07;
Schwabl 07; Auletta et al 09;
Mathur & Singh 09;
Afnan 11 [ebook];
Das 12;
Le Bellac 12;
McIntyre 12
[r AJP(12)jul];
Fayyazuddin & Riazuddin 13;
Sakurai & Napolitano 20.
@ Special emphasis: Paul 08 [quantum effects];
Razavy 10 [Heisenberg approach];
Müller-Kirsten 12 [path integrals];
Gitterman 12 [modern, r CP(12)];
Salasnich 14 [light and matter];
Commins 14 [experimentalist's approach];
Chang & Ge 17 [recent developments];
Coecke & Kissinger 17 [diagrammatic];
D'Ariano et al 17 [information theory];
Komech a1907-ln [for mathematicians].
@ Conceptual: Jauch 68;
Mayants 84;
Krips 88;
d'Espagnat 89,
Ballentine 90;
Peres 94;
Bitbol 96;
Home 97;
Omnès 99 [II];
Mohrhoff 11;
Baaquie 13;
Ballentine 14;
Bricmont 16 [II];
Dhand et al a1806 [II, for non-science majors];
Dhand et al a1806 [simple experiments];
Becker 18 [I];
Greenstein 19.
@ Problems: ter Haar ed-75;
Squires 95;
Lim 98;
Capri 02;
Tamvakis 05;
Basdevant & Dalibard 06;
Galitski et al 13 [r CP(13),
@ Applications: Osborn 88;
Singh 96;
Landshoff et al 98;
Fitts 99 [chemistry];
Harrison 00;
Robinett 06 [II];
Swanson 06;
Desai 09 [field theory;
r CP(11)];
Schumacher & Westmoreland 10 [information, processes];
Le Bellac 14;
Bagarello 19 [social sciences, etc];
Basdevant & Dalibard 19 [modern physics];
Petersson et al a2012-ln [applied mathematics];
> s.a. electricity [semiconductors].
@ I: Hoffmann 59;
Bohr 61;
Bergmann 62; Guillemin 68;
Hey & Walters 87; Rohrlich 87;
Albert 93; Gilmore 94;
Zukav 94; Styer 00;
Al-Khalili 03;
Bruce 04;
Kakalios 10
[r CP(11)#6, not good];
Lederman & Hill 10;
Scarani et al 10 [interesting simple systems];
Ford 12;
Whitaker 12;
Griffiths 13;
Ball 18
and Becker 18
[r sn(19)jan];
> s.a. physics.
@ II: Eisberg & Resnick 74;
French 78;
Sudbery 86 [particle physics];
Chester 87;
Smith 91 [historical];
Białynicki-Birula et al 92;
McMurry 94;
Hannabuss 97;
Levin 01;
Capri 02;
Gasiorowicz 03;
Englert 06 [II/III];
Rae 08;
Gaasbeek a1007;
Wilcox 12 [and particles, many illustrations];
Townsend 12;
Longair 13 [historical];
Binney & Skinner 14;
Susskind & Friedman 14;
Griffiths & Schroeter 18;
Shoshany a1803-ln [high-school level];
Reynolds a1809.
@ III: Dyson 51
& qp/06 [advanced];
Schiff 68;
Lipkin 73 [selected topics];
Cohen-Tannoudji et al 77;
Coleman ln(94)-a2011;
Shankar 94;
Merzbacher 98;
Rosu phy/98-ln;
Lindenbaum 99;
Newton 02;
Cohen qp/06-ln [II/III];
Gyftopoulos a0709 [current understanding];
Schwabl 08 [advanced];
Konishi & Paffuti 09;
Dyson & Derbes 11;
Barletta a1201-ln;
Scheck 13;
Adler a1401-conf [the future of quantum mechanics];
Weinberg 15;
Picasso 16;
Dick 16 [materials and photons].
@ III, operational / qualitative: Migdal 77;
Busch et al 95;
Olshanii 13.
@ III, mathematical: Von Neumann 55;
Mackey 63;
Nikodym 66;
Hannabuss 97 [coherent states, group representations];
Kalmbach 98;
Steeb 98;
Naudts mp/00 [from symmetry];
Komech mp/05-ln;
Villaseñor AIP(08)-a0804 [Segal's approach];
Govaerts a0812-proc;
Strocchi 08;
Bohm et al RPMP(09) [rev];
Dimock 11;
Heinosaari & Ziman 12 [r CP(12)];
Gustafson & Sigal 12;
Dereziński & Gérard 13 [r CP(14)#2].
@ Abstract: Mielnik CMP(68);
Piron 76;
Ludwig 83-85,
@ And group theory: Weyl 50; Mackey 68;
Simms 68;
Aldaya & Azcárraga FdP(87);
Mirman 95;
Lam 09 [symmetries and geometry].
> Online resources: see Lee Smolin
at PI, 2019-04-17.
Quantum Mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 26 jan 2021