Computational Physics – Specific Areas |
Classical Mechanics > s.a. Boltzmann Equation;
formulations of classical mechanics.
@ Books:
Greene 95 [Maple];
Wilkins 99;
Lynch 09 [dynamical systems, Maple];
Hoover & Hoover 11 [irreversibility, chaos];
Malthe-Sørenssen 15 [II, Python];
Hentschke 17 [Mathematica].
@ General references: Timberlake & Hasbun AJP(08)apr;
Skokos & Gerlach PRE(10)-a1006,
Gerlach & Skokos a1008-proc
[variational equations of Hamiltonian systems, symplectic integration];
Ripperda et al ApJS(18)-a1710 [relativistic particle integrators];
Takato & Vallejo MCS(19)-a1805 [packages for symbolical, numerical and graphical analysis].
@ Simple systems: Müller & Frauendiener AJP(13) [charged particles constrained to a curved surface];
Bensky & Loelter AJP(13)mar [bead on a wire].
@ Non-linear systems:
Enns & McGuire 00 [with Maple],
01 [with Mathematica];
Steeb 08;
Morante & Vallejo EJMT-a1301 [chaotic systems with Maxima].
@ Thermodyamics and statistical mechanics: Newman & Barkema 99 [Monte Carlo];
Tobochnik et al AJP(05)aug
[T and chemical potential, Monte Carlo];
Krauth 06;
Tobochnik & Gould AJP(08)apr;
Tuckerman 10;
Sander 13 [with Python];
Erban PRS(14) [molecular and Brownian dynamics, multi-scale approach];
Binder & Heermann 19 [Monte Carlo];
Landau & Binder 21 [Monte Carlo];
> s.a. Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution;
statistical mechanics [simulations].
Field Theories
> s.a. dirac fields; lattice theory.
@ General references: Ehrlich 95;
Peeters ht/07,
Brewin CPC(10)-a0903 [Cadabra, symbolic and tensor algebra];
> s.a. coordinates.
@ Wave equations: van Putten PRD(97)gq [non-linear, general relativity];
Iriondo & Reula PRD(02)gq/01 [spherical scalar];
Rossmanith et al JCP(04) [hyperbolic systems on curved manifolds];
Visher et al JCP(04) [1+1, stable high-order discretization];
Anderson & Kimn CP(07) [spacetime finite-element approach];
VanWyk 08 [and differential equations in general];
Bernardini & Pirozzoli JCP(09) [Runge-Kutta method];
> s.a. computing languages [Matlab].
@ Maxwell theory:
Cockburn et al JCP(04) [Galerkin method];
Rieben et al JCP(05) [unstructured grid];
Collino et al JCP(06) [mesh refinement for FDTD solution];
> s.a. electromagnetism in curved spacetime;
magnetism [magnetohydrodynamics].
@ Fluids: Zheng et al JCP(05) [multiphase flow, adaptive];
Zanotti & Dumbser CPC-a1312 [special-relativistic hydrodynamics];
Radice et al CQG(14)-a1312 [general-relativistic hydrodynamics];
Chung 14;
Tucker 16;
Sengupta et al ed-16 [transitional and turbulent flows];
Williams & Lind a2006 [smoothed particle hydrodynamics, quantum computing];
Hinch 20 [introductory];
> s.a. H-Theorem; turbulence.
Gravity-Related Areas > s.a. numerical relativity
and models in numerical relativity; regge
calculus; Symplectic Integrators.
@ General references:
MacCallum IJMPA(02) [computer algebra];
Vulcanov & Vulcanov cs/04-conf,
Lake phy/05 [Maple + GrTensorII libraries];
Moylan et al gq/05-MG10 [GRworkbench];
Tertychniy a0704 [GR_EC];
Shirokov a0711 [GRACOS code];
Luminet JPCS(14)-a1309 [overview and examples];
Wainwright et al JCAP(14)-a1312 [bubble collisions];
Hahn & Angulo MNRAS(16)-a1501 [adaptively refined phase-space element method];
> s.a. geometry; newtonian gravity.
@ Astrophysics:
Spurzem ap/97-proc [N-body systems];
Kalashnikov gq/01 [Maple];
Evans et al PRD(05) [relativistic, adaptive mesh];
Spera a1411-proc
[N-body systems, using Graphics Processing Units];
Boekholt & Portegies Zwart a1411 [N-body systems, reliability of simulations];
Stein JOSS(19)-a1908 [Kerr quasinormal modes].
@ Cosmology: Moldenhauer et al AJP(13)jun-a1212 [open-source computational tools for cosmological simulations];
> s.a. cosmic strings.
@ Quantum gravity: Ambjørn et al 97;
Hamber gq/98;
Glaser & Steinhaus Univ(19)-a1811 [Nordita workshop];
> s.a. quantum regge calculus.
Quantum Theory > s.a. pilot-wave interpretation;
quantum mechanics [texts]; schrödinger equation.
@ General references: Feagin 94 [Mathematica];
Horbatsch 95 [Maple];
Ishikawa JPA(02) [accurate method];
Dowling et al JCP(07)qp/05;
Hirayama & Holdom CJP(06)ht/05,
et al CJP(06)hl/05 [classical simulation];
Latorre JPA(07) [and entanglement entropy];
Schuch et al NJP(08) [simulating quantum evolution];
Dakic et al PRL(08)
[simulating quantum measurements with hidden-variable states];
Anastassi & Simos PRP(09) [multistep methods];
Steeb & Hardy 10 [computer algebra];
Dubeibe IJMPC(10)-a1005 [wave-packet evolution];
Schmied a1403-ln [using Mathematica].
@ Quantum simulation: Jordan et al QIC-a1112 [scattering in scalar quantum field theories];
Georgescu et al RMP(14);
Muller & Blume-Kohout ACSN(15)-a1507 [rev];
Whitfield et al PRA(16)-a1605 [fermionic systems];
Hirayama a1912
[quantum field theory, classical simulation];
Farrelly & Streich a2002 [discretization of quantum field theories].
@ Specific systems: Hastings PRB(07)-a0706 [1D systems at finite temperature];
Cabrera et al PRA(16)-a1409
[spin-1/2 relativistic open quantum systems undergoing decoherence].
@ Event-by-event simulations: De Raedt a0712-conf;
De Raedt et al PhyE(09)-a0908.
Related Topics
@ Other areas:
Hocquet & Wieber a1811 [computational chemistry, hist].
> Techniques: see computational physics;
monte carlo method; programming languages
[e.g., Maple, Mathematica, Matlab].
> Subjects: see combinatorics;
condensed-matter physics; integral equations;
random and stochastic process.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at – modified 21 apr 2021