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In General > s.a. 2D quantum gravity;
3D gravity; parametrized
theories; quantum cosmology; time;
topology change.
* The issue: Quantum
gravity does not have a satisfactory interpretation (even minisuperspace
models), mainly because of the difficulty of defining a measurement "made
at a time t''; Time is merely an arbitrary label, only histories are
meaningful; This is in addition to, and much more serious than, the problem
that time measurements are subject to a quantum uncertainty; > s.a.
quantum-gravity phenomenology [including minimum time].
@ Reviews:
Isham in(92)gq,
Kuchař in(92);
in Zeh 92;
Macías & Quevedo gq/06-in;
Anderson a1206.
@ General references: Torre PRD(92);
Barbour PRD(93),
Moffat FP(93);
Kitada gq/94,
& Fletcher Ap-gq/94;
Unruh in(94)gq/93;
Parentani gq/97-MG8;
Shestakova & Simeone G&C(04)gq [canonical],
G&C(04)gq [path integral];
Kiefer a0909-FQXi;
Anderson ch(12)-a1009;
Husain & Pawłowski PRL(12)-a1108,
comment Świeżewski QCG(13)-a1307 [with dust and other fields, complete theory based on lqg];
Huggett et al a1207-in;
Gryb & Thébault BJPS(15)-a1408 [time remains];
Małkiewicz CQG(17)-a1601 [and quantum dynamics];
Bryan & Medved a1811
[the underlying "problem of causality"];
Wüthrich a2009.
@ Time / spacetime as emergent:
Singh IJMPD(10);
Gomes CQG(17)-a1706.
@ Arrow of time: Liu PhSc(93)dec;
Ellis et al CSF(99)ht/98;
Castagnino PRD(98)gq/96,
et al CQG(02)gq [minisuperspace];
Jejjala et al Ent(12)-a1203.
After Quantization: From States > s.a. quantum cosmology.
* WKB interpretation: Assume Ψ
= A exp(iS), nearly classical; From the Hamilton-Jacobi equation
for S, we obtain trajectories in superspace; From these, we get a current.
* From quantum correlations: Time arises
as an approximation, and the Hamiltonian formulation is appropriate for late times.
@ Quantum correlations: Wootters IJTP(84);
Kiefer PRD(88).
@ Probabilistic time: Hartle in(87);
Halliwell PRD(87) [correlations];
Castagnino in(88),
& Mazzitelli PRD(90);
Castagnino & Lombardo PRD(93) [and real clocks];
Abolhasani & Golshani gq/97;
Khosravi & Sepangi PLB(09)-a0903.
@ Other: Bander gq/02 [vacuum expectation value of field energy];
Halliwell & Thorwart PRD(02) [and decoherent histories];
Lawrie PRD(11)-a1011;
Chataignier PRD(20)-a1920 [WKB time and quantum Dirac observables].
Before Quantization: Intrinsic Time > s.a. canonical general relativity
[dust as reference frame]; canonical quantum gravity [gauge fixing]; {& Ashtekar}.
* Idea: Time is a function
of phase space variables (3D), so probabilities are conditional probabilities;
Problems arise because the quantum mechanics analog is not viable; One needs a measure,
and a definition of time such that H is linear in p0.
* Conditions: Not always
possible (> see Taub-NUT); A coordinate
q0 in phase space can be singled out
as an intrinsic time if there is a canonical transformation such that the
Hamiltonian constraint can be written as \(C(p, q) = p_0^{~} + h(p_i^{~}, q^i)\),
with i ≠ 0.
* Variation: Consider Ψ as
a single-particle state in superspace (third quantization).
@ General references: Kuchař in(81),
Page & Wootters PRD(83);
Hájíček PRD(86),
in(86); Barbour in(86);
Unruh & Wald PRD(89);
Kiefer CQG(89) [continuous measurement, by fermions];
in Smolin in(91);
Page in(93)gq;
Doldán et al IJTP(96)ht/94;
Romano gq/95;
Graham & Luckock PRD(97) [cosmological, supergravity];
Pulido et al GRG(01)gq/00;
Simeone 02 [path integral and canonical];
Pestov gq/03;
Mercuri & Montani MPLA(04)gq/03,
NCB(05)gq/04-conf [dust as frame];
Gambini et al NJP(04)gq [and decoherence];
Bryan & Medved a1803 [ideal clocks and the conditional probability interpretation].
@ Examples: McGuigan PRD(90),
Gorobey & Lukyanenko CQG(93),
TMP(93) [3D volume];
Smolin & Soo NPB(95)gq/94 [Chern-Simons functional];
Ashworth PRD(98)qp/97 [oscillator as clock for rest];
Cianfrani et al CQG(09)-a0807 [with perfect fluid, entropy];
Alexander et al CQG(13) [electric vector potential];
Massar et al PRA(15)-a1410 [experiments with trapped ions];
Magueijo & Smolin Univ-a1807 [Chern-Simons time].
@ Problems with clock: Weinstein gq/97-MG8;
Dolby gq/04 [response].
@ Specific types of spacetimes:
Friedman & Higuchi PRD(90) [asymptotically flat];
Romano & Torre PRD(96)gq/95 [2 Killing vector fields].
@ From HJ formalism: Peres in(98)gq/97;
Simeone JMP(99) [FLRW models].
Before Quantization: Extrinsic Time > s.a. unimodular gravity.
@ General references: Beluardi & Ferraro PRD(95)gq/94;
Kauffman & Smolin gq/97,
comment Kitada & Fletcher gq/97;
Ferraro & Sforza PRD(99);
Ferraro G&C(99);
Giribet & Simeone PLA(01)gq [closed de Sitter example].
@ Spacetime volume: Henneaux & Teitelboim PLB(89);
Brown & York PRD(89);
Unruh & Wald PRD(89);
Bombelli in(91);
Bombelli et al PRD(91);
Sorkin IJTP(94).
More Radical > s.a. semiclassical cosmology.
* Modify quantum mechanics:
Maybe no Hilbert space, ...: & Penrose, Smolin.
* Relational time, no time needed:
Quantum gravity is fine as is, time does not an essential role in its formulation;
Trouble is, find observables; & Barbour, Hawking, Misner.
@ Relational: Englert PLB(89);
Rovelli pr(88),
Isham & Butterfield gq/99-ch;
Smolin in(00)gq/01 [criticism];
Gambini & Porto PRD(01)gq [models];
Butterfield BJPS-gq/01;
Colosi & Rovelli PRD(03)gq [model];
Gambini et al NJP(04)gq,
PRD(04)gq [and decoherence],
PRL(04)ht [and black-hole information];
Gambini et al PRD(09)-a0809 [with Dirac observables],
a0903-FQXi [and free will, decidability];
Rovelli a0903-FQXi;
Gryb CQG(09)-a0810;
Anderson CQG(11) [relational particle model];
Kajuri IJMPD-a1705-GRF [conceptual issues];
Höhn & Vanrietvelde a1810 [dynamics relative to different quantum clocks];
Marchetti & Oriti a2008 [in emergent spacetime].
@ Ehrenfest equation: Greensite NPB(90),
Padmanabhan Pra(90);
Squires PLA(91);
Brotz & Kiefer NPB(96)gq.
@ Self-measurement: Mensky CQG(90);
Camacho & Camacho-Galván NCB(99)gq.
@ Other approaches: Meyer GRG(93) [and quantum gravity phase transition];
Horwitz IJMPD(96)gq/95 [quantum tunneling];
Heller & Sasin PLA(98)gq/97 [non-commutative geometry];
Hitchcock qp/00 [information, causal networks];
Roy gq/03-conf [from discreteness];
Dreyer a0904-FQXi;
Markopoulou a0909-FQXi [quantum gravity is spaceless, not timeless].
References > s.a. discrete spacetime [discrete time];
parametrized theories [model]; geometrodynamics;
gravitational thermodynamics.
@ General: Ruelle CMP(82);
Hájíček PRD(86);
Zeh PLA(86),
Hartle in(89), in(91);
Unruh IJTP(89);
Unruh & Wald PRD(89);
Mensky PLA(90);
Fukuyama & Kamimura MPLA(91);
Menskii GRG(91);
Pegg JPA(91);
Smolin gq/93;
Wald PRD(93)gq;
Carlini & Greensite PRD(95)gq/94;
Anderson & York PRL(98)gq;
Biswas et al IJMPD(01)gq/99;
Kheyfets & Miller IJMPA(00)gq;
Tronconi et al PRD(03)gq [and inflaton];
Guendelman & Kaganovich gq/03-conf [time-dependence of \(\langle\)A\(\rangle\)s];
Bojowald et al PRD(04)gq [lqg];
Larsson ht/05 [from anomalies upon quantization];
Thibeault & Simeone IJMPD(07)gq/06 [2-component Wheeler-DeWitt equation];
Sawayama a0705;
Anderson IJMPD(09)-a0709,
a0711-proc ["records theory"];
Carroll a0811-FQXi;
Anderson CQG(12)-a1204 [combined histories, timeless and semiclassical approach],
a1306-conf [Machian approach];
Kamenshchik et al IJMPD(19)-a1809 [gauge fixing vs Born-Oppenheimer method];
Anderson a1905,
a1905 [local resolution];
Di Gioia et al a1912 [semiclassical approach];
Cherkas & Kalashnikov Univ(20)-a2003 [approaches].
@ From constraints as expectation values:
Kheyfets et al IJMPA(96);
Nikolić gq/03 [\(\langle\)H\(\rangle\) = 0].
@ More than one timelike directions: & Vafa's "F theory" – NS(97)nov1;
Vongehr ht/99-conf,
ht/99 [black holes];
Dvali et al hp/99-in.
@ Related topics: Marolf CQG(95)gq/94 [parametrized theories];
Hori PTP(98)ht [quantum black holes];
George et al gq/03-proc [reduced phase space];
Monton in(07) [presentism and quantum gravity];
Jannes FP(15)-a0904-FQXi [insights from condensed matter];
Barbour et al GRG(13)-a1301 [in a point-particle analogue model of scale-invariant gravity].
Online Resources > see tau, Time and Universe.
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send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 14 feb 2021