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In General > s.a. cosmology [future of the universe];
gravitational phenomenology; modified gravity.
* History: Predicted by
a number of theories, such as Kaluza-Klein; 1912, Einstein worked on
variable-c gravity; 1937, Dirac proposed that α
could vary; 1955, Landau proposal; Bimetric theories predict a variation
of c; 2009, Variations of constants of nature and acceleration of
the universe could be related and governed by the evolution of a single field.
@ Reviews, status:
Carilli pw(01)oct;
Chiba gq/01-proc;
Martins PTRS(02)ap;
Uzan ap/04-proc;
Olive & Qian PT(04)oct;
Barrow & Webb SA(05)jun;
Barrow PTRS(05)ap;
news SFN(05)dec,
Dent AIP(07)hp/06;
Flambaum IJMPA(07)-a0705;
Melnikov G&C(07);
Fritzsch NPPS(10);
Peik NPPS(10);
Berengut & Flambaum JPCS(11)-a1009;
Chiba PTP(11)-a1111;
Calmet & Keller a1410;
Solà MPLA(15)-a1507;
Levshakov a1603-proc [astrophysical methods];
Martins RPP(17)-a1709.
@ General references:
Belinchón & Alfonso-Faus IJMPD(01)gq/04 [\(\hbar\)c = const];
Armendáriz-Picón PRD(02) [model];
Langacker IJMPA(04)hp/03-conf [and extra dimensions];
Buchalter ap/04 [c, G, h, cosmology];
Ignatiev & Carson PLA(04) [e, \(\hbar\), c: constraints];
MacGibbon ap/06,
PRL(07)-a0706 [maximal rate allowed by second law of thermodynamics];
Flambaum AIP(06)phy;
Martins ap/06-proc [and dark energy];
Shaw gq/07 [possible seasonal changes];
Nea RPP(07) [comparisons of atomic frequency standards];
Fritzsch MPLA(08);
Uzan a0907-proc,
LRR(11)-a1009 [general relativity extensions, cosmology];
Dent a1005-MG12;
Levshakov et al ApJ(11)-a1106 [use of methanol lines as tracers];
Monteiro et al a1309-proc,
Thompson a1602-MG14 [and fundamental physics].
@ Theory:
Barrow gq/97-ln;
Dzuba et al PRL(99)phy/98;
Vilenkin PRL(98)ht;
Barrow & O'Toole MNRAS(01)ap/99 [in space];
Duff ht/02;
Uzan RMP(03)hp/02;
Rich AJP(03)oct-phy/02 [consequences];
Barrow ASS(03)gq/02-proc;
Vucetich AIP(03)ap/02 [models];
Marion et al PRL(03)phy/02,
Fischer et al PRL(04)phy/03 [lab experiment];
Dent et al PRD(08)-a0808;
Flambaum PRL(09)-a0808 [critique of black-hole bounds],
reply MacGibbon PRL(09)-a0810;
Dent et al PRD(09)-a0812 [comparison of bounds];
Damour SSR(09)-a0906-conf [and the equivalence principle];
Flambaum & Berengut IJMPA(09);
Thompson MNRAS(12)-a1202 [in slow-roll quintessence];
Duff a1412;
Fritzsch et al EPJC(17)-a1605 [in running vacuum models];
Hassan et al a1807 [from non-perturbative matter-gravity theories];
> s.a. early-universe nucleosynthesis.
@ And other physics:
Gleiser & Taylor PRD(85),
PRD(86) [and Kaluza-Klein theory];
Nunes et al a0910-proc [and cosmological acceleration];
Kozlov & Levshakov AdP(13)-a1304 [and molecular transitions];
Ivashchuk & Melnikov G&C(14)-a1401 [in 10D "Friedmann-Calabi-Yau" superstring cosmology];
Thompson Univ-a1702-proc
[constraints on particle physics parameters].
Specific Constants > s.a. electron
[mass]; fine-structure constant; variation
of newton's gravitational constant.
* Variation of c:
It can be produced in at least two different ways, a classical mechanism
arising from the coupling of the electromagnetic field to other fields,
and a quantum one arising from the interaction of photons with virtual
charged-particle pairs in possibly different vacua.
* Variation of e/p
mass ratio: Given that gluons, not quarks, make up most of the proton's mass,
variations in μ = mp
/ me could arise if the strong
nuclear force changes in time, as some theorists have speculated; 2015,
No evidence of variation over a look-back time of 11.4 Gyr.
@ Variation of c: Dicke RMP(57) ['electromagnetic' theory of gravitation];
Tiwari in(80)gq/02;
Ellman phy/98;
Moffat ap/98-fs;
Coule MPLA(99);
Albrecht AIP(99)ap;
Manida gq/99;
Clayton & Moffat PLB(99)ap/98,
PLB(01)gq/01 [bimetric];
Carlip PRD(03)gq/02 [and black-hole thermodynamics];
Magueijo 03,
Ellis & Uzan AJP(05)mar-gq/03;
Bel gq/03;
Jafari & Shariati IJMPD(04)gq/03 [as reformulations of special relativity];
Ellis GRG(07)ap [requirements on theories],
comments Magueijo & Moffat GRG(08)-a0705;
Iorio GRG(09)-a0901 [planetary tests];
Izadi & Shojai CQG(09) [in extended-gravity theories];
Qi et al PRD(14)-a1407;
Coumbe a1509-MG14 [and dimensional reduction];
Salzano et al PRD(16)-a1511 [with future galaxy surveys];
> s.a. mach's principle; vacuum phenomenology.
@ Variation of c and G:
Avelino & Martins PLB(99)ap [cosmology].
@ Variation of G and Λ: Sharif & Kausar JKPS(09)-a0911 [Bianchi III and Kantowski-Sachs cosmologies].
@ Varying-speed-of-light cosmology:
Barrow PRD(99);
Magueijo PRD(09)-a0807 [bimetric, primordial fluctuations];
Roshan et al PLB(09)-a0901 [solutions];
Afshordi & Magueijo PRD(16)
+ news csm(16)nov [bimetric, critical geometry and scalar perturbations].
@ e/p mass ratio: Barshay & Kreyerhoff ap/07 [and a small cosmological constant];
Dent EPJST(08)-a0802-ln;
Avelino PRD(08) [and α];
Malec et al MNRAS(10)-a1001,
in(09)-a1001 [optical molecular transitions];
Landau & Scóccola A&A(10)-a1002 [and α];
Landau et al APP(12)-a1010 [depending on the local value of the Weyl tensor];
van Weerdenburg et al PRL(11)-a1104;
Bagdonaite et al ApJ(14)-a1308,
Mohamadnejad MPLA(19)-a1806 [from variation of Higgs VEV with cosmic time].
@ Coupling constants: Chamoun et al PLB(01) [strong coupling constant];
Kostelecký et al PRD(03) [and Lorentz violation];
Shaw & Barrow PRD(05)gq/04 [electroweak, quantum corrections];
Bambi & Drago APP(08)-a0711 [bounds from GRBs];
Ferrero & Altschul PRD(10) [Fermi constant GF];
Ferreira & Martins PRD(15)-a1506 [stability].
@ QCD parameters:
Dmitriev & Flambaum PRD(03)ap/02 [\(m^~_q/\Lambda^~_{\rm QCD}\)];
Beane & Savage NPA(03)hp/02 [\(m^~_q\) and nuclear physics];
Damour & Donoghue CQG(11)-a1104 [and lunar laser ranging];
Fischbach et al a1505-proc [indications of time-varying nuclear decay constants].
@ Planck's constant:
Seshavatharam1 & Lakshminarayana IJA(13);
Mangano et al IJMPA(15)-a1509 [theory];
de Gosson & Mohageg a1612 [dependence of quantum states on h];
de Gosson a1706
[consequences for transitions between pure and mixed quantum states].
@ Other constants: Bekenstein & Sagi PRD(08)-a0802 [\(G\) and Milgrom's \(a^~_0\) MOND parameter];
Scherrer a0903 [time variation of π :-)];
Milgrom PRD(15)-a1412 [MOND parameter].
> Various theories:
see brane cosmology; cosmological
constant; dark matter;
FLRW models; gravitation
["variable lightcone"]; inflationary phenomenology;
quantum cosmology; quantum geometrodynamics;
relativistic cosmology; renormalization;
types of gauge theories [with varying effective charge].
Bounds and Phenomenology
> s.a. cosmic acceleration; modified lorentz
symmetry; scalar-tensor gravity; spacetime
* c, status:
2002, P Davies et al say examination of black holes and thermodynamics
suggests that \(\dot\alpha/\alpha\) is due to \(\dot c\).
* e/p mass ratio, status:
2006, Evidence from extreme UV lines of H for a 0.002% change over 12 Gyr, at the
3.5-σ level; 2007, Stronger upper bound of (−1 ± 3)
× 10−16/yr [from the inversion spectrum of ammonia]; 2008,
Upper bound (−3.8 ± 5.6) × 10−14/yr; 2009, Integrated
Δμ/μ measured is (−7 ± 8) × 10−6;
2011, New bound (0.3 ± 3.2stat ± 1.9sys)
× 10−6 from z = 2 to current time; 2013, Tighter
bounds; 2014, \(\dot\mu/\mu\) = 0.2(1.1) × 10−6/yr.
@ General references: Sisterna & Vucetich PRD(90);
Nordtvedt IJMPA(02)gq [and equivalence principle];
Olive et al PRD(02);
Chengalur & Kanekar PRL(03)ap,
Kanekar et al PRL(05) [using OH lines];
Rich AJP(03)oct-phy/02 [consequences];
Shaw & Barrow PRD(06)gq/05,
Barrow & Shaw GRG(07)gq/06 [local effects];
Kanekar MPLA(08)-a0810 [techniques];
Landau et al PRD(08) [fine-structure constant, Higgs vacuum expectation value, electron mass];
Shaw & Barrow a1002-proc [constraints from seasonal variations];
Kanekar et al ApJ(10)
+ news ns(10)jun [from conjugate radio-wave absorption and emission lines in gas cloud spectrum];
Rellergert et al PRL(10);
Curran et al A&A(11)-a1108;
Kanekar et al ApJL(12)-a1201;
Levshakov et al A&AL(12)-a1203;
Rahmani et al MNRAS(12)-a1206 [using 21-cm absorbers];
Leite & Martins PRD(16)-a1607 [constraints on Bekenstein-type models];
Hart & Chluba MNRAS(18)-a1705;
Amendola et al JCAP(18)-a1712 [Planck mass, from direct detection of gravitational waves];
Pašteka et al PRL(19) [monitoring the size of solids].
@ Spatial variation: Barrow PRD(05)ap [cosmological bounds];
Levshakov et al A&A(10)-a1004 [\(\alpha^2/(m_e/m_p)\) in the Milky Way galaxy];
Berengut et al PRD(11)-a1009;
Iorio MNRAS(11)-a1104 [orbital effects].
@ Dependence on gravitational potential: Dent PRL(08) [Eötvös-type bounds];
Bagdonaite et al PRL(14)-a1409 [e/p mass ratio].
@ And nucleosynthesis:
Ichikawa & Kawasaki PRD(02);
MacDonald & Mullan PRD(09)-a0904 [strong force and anthropic principle];
Coc et al a1301-proc.
@ And inflation: Martins ap/00-conf;
Chamoun et al IJMPD(07)ap/06 [strong coupling constant].
@ Planck's constant: Kentosh & Mohageg PRL(12)-a1203,
comment Berengut & Flambaum PRL(12)-a1203 [from GPS clock-correction data];
Calmet PTRS(15)-a1504 [energy scale dependence, bounds];
Huang PRD(16)-a1511 [observational effects].
@ e/p mass ratio:
Tzanavaris et al PRL(05)ap/04,
MNRAS(07)ap/06 [21-cm + UV lines];
Barrow & Magueijo PRD(05)ap [cosmological constraints];
Ivanchik A&A(05)ap;
Reinhold et al PRL(06)
+ pn(06)apr [evidence];
Chiba et al PRD(07);
Flambaum & Kozlov PRL(07)
+ pw(07)jun;
Shelkovnikov et al PRL(08) [lab constraint];
Murphy et al Sci(08)jun
+ sr(08)jun,
King et al PRL(08)-a0807 [quasar spectra];
Thompson et al ApJ(09)-a0907 [consistent with no change over 11.5 Gyr];
Levshakov et al IAU-a0911;
Beloy et al PRA(10) [diatomic molecules];
King PhD(11)-a1202 [quasar absorption lines];
King et al MNRAS(11)-a1106 [H2 transitions in quasar spectra];
Bagdonaite et al Sci(12)dec
+ news at(12)dec [ethanol torsional spectrum];
Levshakov et al a1307-proc;
Wendt AN(14)-a1310 [based on H2 observations];
Huntemann et al PRL(14),
Godun et al PRL(14) [atomic clock measurements];
Kanekar et al MNRAS(15)-a1412 [methanol lines];
Bagdonaite et al PRL(15);
Daprà et al MNRAS(15)-a1509 [from H2 absorption];
Owens et al MNRAS(15) [from vibrations of hydronium, protonated water];
Ubachs et al RMP(16)-a1511 [with H2 quasar absorption method];
Ubachs SSR(18)-a1709-conf.
@ Variation of c: Albrecht & Magueijo PRD(99) [cosmology];
Bekenstein ap/03 [and lab spectroscopy].
> Related topics:
see torsion and physical theories
[constraints on f(T) gravity].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 13 oct 2020