Practical Aspects of Physics Teaching |
In General
* Suggerimento: Provare a
fare un'inchieste all'inizio del corso sulle percezioni degli studenti.
@ Practical guides: Arons 90;
Ashcroft 95;
Swartz & Miner 97.
@ Teacher evaluation: Ehrlich AJP(02)jan;
Fontana EJP(05) [effectiveness parameter].
@ With computers: Wilson & Redish PT(89)jan;
reviews in PW(93)feb;
Brooks 97 [web-based];
> s.a. computational physics.
@ Multimedia: Yeo et al AJP(04)oct [interactive];
Stelzer et al AJP(09)feb [vs traditional textbooks].
@ Use of clickers: Reay et al AJP(05)jun;
Beatty et al AJP(06)jan;
Willoughby & Gustafson AJP(09)feb;
Ding et al AJP(09)jul.
@ Other topics: Rigden PT(90)mar [transparencies];
Van Heuvelen & Maloney AJP(99)mar [Physics Jeopardy];
Crease pw(06)nov [myths];
Jordens & Mathelitsch EJP(10) [physics competitions];
Dylla PT(14)jun [MOOCs];
issue TPT(17)sep [race and physics teaching].
Class Demonstrations and Labs
> s.a. physics teaching by subject [acoustics, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics].
* Mechanics: Static, sliding and rolling friction; Candle seesaw.
* Electrostratics:
Electric force between charged rod and water; Rubber balloon rubbed on wall.
* Electromagnetic induction:
Piece of iron vs magnet through vertical iron pipe.
@ Quantum mechanics:
Costa-Krämer et al SuSc(95) [easy].
@ Labs in general:
Bernard & Epp 95;
AAPT AJP(98)jun [goals];
Squires 01 [statistics];
Lippmann Kung AJP(05)aug [concepts];
issue AJP(10)may;
Sokoloff et al 11,
04 [and active learning];
Huntula et al EJP(11) [pre-lab work];
Jeschofnig & Jeschofnig 11 [teaching lab courses online];
Kraftmakher 14
[and demos, e1r PT(08)mar];
Moore et al AJP(14)may [for future biologists];
Lane TPT(14) [letters home instead of lab reports];
Smith et al PRX(20) [inquiry-based labs].
@ Specific labs:
Karlov TPT(91)jan [measuring the dielectric constant of paper];
Kanim & Subero AJP(10)may
[vector nature of v and a];
Bonnet & Gabelli EJP(10) [Stefan's and Planck's constants];
Lahaye et al AJP(12)jun-a1201 [Fizeau's "aether-drag" experiment];
Bayram & Freamat AJP(12)aug [vibrational spectra of N2];
Cafarelli et al AJP(12)sep [RLC circuit];
Libbrecht & Black AJP(15)may-a1407 [laser interferometer];
Robinson PhysEd(14) [angular momentum];
Huwe & Field TPT(15)#5 [gravitational lensing];
Polak et al TPT(18)jan [Young's modulus from a guitar string];
Jordan et al TPT(18)mar [projectile motion & hoops];
Monteiro et al TPT(19)may [light polarization, using smartphones];
> s.a. friction [rolling];
physical constants [measuring c].
@ Demos in general: Taylor 88;
Ehrlich 90,
AJP(94)feb [ruler],
Gibbs 99;
Crouch et al AJP(04)jun [approaches];
Sprott 06 [source book];
Sokoloff & Thornton 06 [and active learning];
Berg AJP(12)mar [RL];
Kraftmakher 14
[and labs, e1r PT(08)mar];
blog Phys(20)apr,
Wheatland et al AJP(21)mar [smartphone physics].
@ Specific demos:
Jackson AJP(06)apr [paper clips and magnetism];
Roy et al AJP(07)aug [Lenz's law and magnet falling in tube];
Vollmer & Möllmann TPT(11)aug [ring falling into a chain];
Tomasel & Marconi AJP(12)sep [magnet rolling down a conducting plane];
news vox(16)may [the water bottle flip];
Tjossem et al AJP(19)may [candle seesaw].
@ Related topics:
Mamola & Pollock TPT(93) [breaking broomstick];
Jewett TPT(93) [resonances in pipes];
Rezaeezadeh AJP(09)may [hexagonal pencil down an inclined plane];
Gray 13 [experiments at home];
Overduin et al PTP(18)nov [gravitational waves from binaries].
Assignments, Problems and Exams
@ General references: Newbury et al 91;
Rees 94; see issues of AJP in general;
Gnädig et al 01,
Heiner et al AJP(14)oct [pre-reading assignments];
Madsen et al AJP(17)apr
[Research-Based Assessment Instruments (RBAIs)].
@ Homework and tests: TPT 31(93)246 [crossword test];
Arons 94;
Tobias & Raphael 97;
Henderson et al AJP(04)feb [grading];
Cheng et al AJP(04)nov [online homework];
Morris et al AJP(06)may [multiple choice questions];
Kortemeyer AJP(06)jun [asynchronous online homework discussions];
Palazzo et al PRST(10)
+ che(10)mar [copying on homework];
Trefil & Swartz PT(11)nov [gender bias in problem sets];
Wieman et al TPT(14) [two-stage exams and collaborative learning];
Regan TPT(15) [test-item writing guidelines];
Kahn & Anderson 18 [Physics GRE preparation].
@ Problem solving: Tonti 77 [mechanics];
Maloney AJP(78)jun [by groups];
Fuller PT(82)sep;
Heller et al AJP(92)jul,
Heller & Hollabaugh AJP(92)jul [collaborative];
Scarl 94;
Leonard et al AJP(96)dec [strategies];
Elby 95,
Singh AJP(02)nov [strategies and intuition];
Hsu et al AJP(04)sep [RL];
Grimvall 07 [puzzles and brainteasers];
Mason & Singh AJP(10)jul;
Byun & Lee AJP(14)sep
[number of problems solved vs problem-solving and learning strategies];
Kortemeyer TPT(16)jan [the plug-and-chug problem].
@ Problems, questions:
blog io9(12)jan [the Leaning Tower of Lire];
Riley 19
[wide range of ug subjects, with solutions].
Undergraduate Students > s.a. physics teaching by subject.
@ General references:
Verbrugge PT(60)sep [nationwide plan]; Van
Zytveld AJP(90)oct [research];
letter PT(90)sep;
Rigden & Tobias ThSc(91)jan;
Cadwell AJP(93)mar [liberal arts colleges];
Whitten et al PT(03)sep [women];
Manogue & Krane PT(03)sep [upper level];
Henley & Dash 11;
Curtis EJP(12) [21st-century perspective as course beginning];
White TPT(18)nov
[gender and the introductory physics classroom].
@ Textbooks: Holbrow PT(99)mar;
Bohren AJP(09)feb;
Cunningham 15 [guided discovery approach, with Mathematica].
@ Programs and majors: Cooper AJP(52)apr;
Hilborn & Howes PT(03)sep [programs];
news che(07)jan [growth];
news nsbp(11)sep [Texas decision to close programs].
@ Types of courses: Efthimiou & Llewellyn phy/04-conf
+ pw(04)apr ["physics in films"].
@ Individual colleges:
Kleppner PT(91)jan [Collège de France].
Graduate Students > s.a. physics teaching by subject.
@ Problems: Cronin et al 79;
Lim 90 [qualifying-statistical mechanics];
Cahn & Nadgorny 94 [qualifying exam];
Di Giacomo et al 94;
Steeb 09 [mathematical physics].
@ Training:
Garland PT(91)jul [advice to beginning physics speakers];
Smith et al AJP(02)nov [PhD training];
Price & Finkelstein AJP(08)jul [preparing physicists-educators];
Snieder & Larner 09 [students and mentors; r PT(10)jun];
Mao a1006-proc [in astronomy].
@ Other topics: Cooper AJP(52)nov [programs];
Hestenes AJP(95)dec
+ comment AJP(96)may [orals];
Jossem AJP(00)jun [graduate assistants, RL];
Sanders et al JSET-a1308 [interactive software modules];
Das Sarma PT(19)mar [unity of physics and qualifying exams].
Middle School and High School
> s.a. physics teaching by subject; quantum computing.
* 1994: Only 21% of high
school students take physics in the US (15% of female students and 10% of
black and Hispanic students, and about 1% of all students take a second year
of physics), even though 98% of students go to schools that offer physics
classes; By comparison, nearly 50% of students take chemistry (physics is
still traditionally offered only after students take biology and chemistry).
* 1999: The percentage
of US high-school students taking physics has risen by 8% in the last decade,
reaching an all-time high of 28% since the end of World War II; In the late
1990s, girls now represent almost half (47%) of students taking high-school
physics (as opposed to 39% in 1987); However, African-American and Hispanic
students remain underrepresented in physics classes; The same holds true
for women and non-white physics teachers.
(> s.a. AIP statistics site.)
@ General references:
Pallrand & Lindenfeld PT(85)nov;
Neuschatz PT(89)aug;
Tobin et al ed-90;
issue PT(91)sep;
Gollub & Spital PT(02)may [Advanced Placement];
Feder PT(07)mar [rising enrollment];
Zheng ed-09 [Asian Physics Olympiad problems and solutions];
news nbsp(12)mar [National Alliance of Black School Educators endorses "Physics First"];
Otero & Meltzer PT(17)may [past and future, in high school].
@ Textbooks: Williams, Trinklein & Metcalfe 80 [standard, encyclopedic];
Project Physics; PSSC;
Holbrow PT(99)mar [evolution over 150 years];
Hubisz PT(03)may [middle school texts].
@ Related topics: Downie 03 [activities];
Meltzer & Otero AJP(14)jul [teacher preparation].
Elementary Grades and Students in General
@ References: Karplus PT(64)oct [elementary grades];
Adams & Hamm 08 [activities, lesson plans];
Gibson pt(16)aug [particle physics and preschoolers].
Online Resources > see Planetjemma [young women and physics, pw(03)sep]; Phun [physics simulations]; The Physics Classroom.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at &ndash modified 20 apr 2021