Quantum Computers |
In General
> s.a. computation; grassmann manifolds;
Lambda Calculus; logic; quantum
chaos; quantum information; time;
Turing Machine.
* Idea: A computer which can be in
a superposition of quantum states.
* Motivation: It would allow faster
computation in some cases, like factoring large numbers (used in cryptography),
search and optimisation, simulation of quantum systems, and solution of large systems
of linear equations.
* Precursors: 1961, Landauer, dissipation
and irreversible operations; 1973, Bennett, reversible dissipationless computation.
* History: Early 1980s, Ideas pioneered
by P Benioff, R Feynman, and others; 1989, Deutsch, universal three-qubit quantum
logic gate; 1994, A concrete algorithm for factorization; 1999, Kitaev, definition
and use of complexity class QMA, the quantum analog of the class NP.
* Qubit: A quantum system that can be in
(a superposition of) two states; > s.a. quantum
* And complexity: The quantum analog of
the class NP is Kitaev's complexity class QMA.
@ I: Lloyd SA(95)oct;
Milburn 98;
Grover ThSc(99)jul;
Aaronson SA(08)mar;
Monroe & Lukin pw(08)aug [rev];
Monroe & Wineland SA(08)aug;
Bacon pw(09)feb;
news cosmos(18)jul,
Phys(19)oct [towards quantum supremacy].
@ II: Deutsch PW(92)jun;
Haroche & Raimond PT(96)aug;
Mermin 07;
Stolze & Suter 08;
Stenholm & Suominen 05;
Harrow ACM(12)-a1501 [motivation];
Benenti et al 18 [and III];
Hughes et al a2004 [course for high school students];
Kasirajan 21;
Espitia & Park a2105 [in scientific computing and cybersecurity].
@ Quantum speedup: Hemaspaandra et al qp/99;
Castagnoli & Finkelstein PRS(01);
Castagnoli a0906/Nat,
Cuffaro PhD(13)-a1304 [reason];
Howard et al Nat(14)jun-a1401 [contextuality as a critical resource];
> s.a. quantum state evolution [speed].
@ Other theory: Deutsch PRS(89);
Unruh PRA(95)ht/94 [coherence];
Jozsa in(97)qp;
issue PRS(98)#1969;
issue PTRS(98)#1743;
Gudder IJTP(00);
Anders et al FP(08) [as a form of phase transition];
Castagnoli IJTP(08);
Pérez-Delgado & Kok PRA(11)-a0906 [criteria],
Horsman & Munro a0908-conf [hybrid quantum-classical computation];
Chiribella et al PRA(13)-a0912 [without fixed causal structure];
Venegas-Andraca MSCS(10)-a1103 [conceptual];
Preskill a1203-conf [the entanglement frontier];
Van Meter FP(14) [outlook];
Loveridge et al PRS(15)-a1408 [topos logic as a quantum computational resource];
Raussendorf QIC-a1602 [cohomological framework];
Holik et al a1811 [quantum computational logics];
Trindade et al a2003 [in terms of algebraic spinors];
Svozil a2011-in
[quantum computational states as vectors, classical ones as set elements].
@ Books: Berman et al 98;
Macchiavello et al ed-01;
Le Bellac 06;
Geroch 09;
Rieffel & Polak 11 [r PT(12)feb];
Steeb & Hardy 11 [problems and solutions];
Perry 12 [readable];
Wootton et al a2012 [interactive textbook].
@ Intros, reviews: Barenco CP(96)qp;
Brassard qp/96-proc;
Di Vincenzo cm/96-in;
Bennett et al qp/97-in;
Preskill PRS(98)qp/97 [assessment];
Steane RPP(98)qp/97;
Aharonov ARCP-qp/98;
Rieffel & Polak ACM-qp/98;
Scarani AJP(98)nov-qp;
Vedral & Plenio PQE(98)qp;
Zalka qp/98;
Lomonaco qp/00-ln;
Knill & Nielsen qp/00-en;
Ekert et al qp/00-ln,
Greenland CP(01);
Arrighi qp/03;
Zalka qp/03-ln;
Chatterjee qp/03;
Eisert & Wolf qp/04-ch;
Rosinger qp/04-ln;
Gerjuoy AJP(05)qp/04;
Bub qp/05-ch;
Benenti & Strini QB(07)qp [short];
Yanofsky a0708;
Duplij & Shapoval a0712-conf;
Ladd et al Nat(10)-a1009;
Burell a1210 [using cavity QED concepts];
Dyakonov a1212-conf [rev];
Wiebe a1401 [and foundations of physics];
Montanaro a1511 [short survey];
Biswas et al a1704 [NASA perspective];
Castagnoli a1710 [the seminal Deutsch algorithm];
Calude & Calude a1712;
Landsberg a1801 [for mathematicians];
Dyakonov a1903-conf,
Martonosi & Roetteler a1903 [status];
de Wolf a1907-ln;
Jazaeri a1908;
Alexeev et al a1912 [needs, opportunities, and challenges];
Catt & Hutter a2005;
Bishnoi a2006 [book length];
Cuffaro a2103-ch [philosopher's perspective].
@ Intros for computer scientists: Mermin AJP(03)jan-qp/02;
Nannicini a1708.
> s.a. complexity; computation.
* Shor's algorithm: An algorithm,
proposed in 1994, which can potentially factor large integers in a time proportional
to L2 for an L-digit number, a
fraction of the exp{L1/3} time needed
for the best digital computers; 2001, It has factored the number 15.
@ Information, cryptography, security: Lo PRA(97)qp/96;
Ekert qp/97;
Zbinden et al EL-qp/97 [experiment];
Lo & Chau Sci(99)qp/98;
Pawłowski & Czachor qp/04 [security and interpretations];
> s.a. quantum information.
@ Factoring: Shor in(94);
Lomonaco qp/00;
Mermin PT(07)apr;
Dattani & Bryans a1411 [4-qubit factorization of 44929];
Anschuetz et al a1808 [variational].
@ Algorithms: Abrams & Lloyd; Jozsa PRS(98)qp/97-proc;
Czachor APS(98)qp [non-linear];
Hogg et al IJMPC(99)qp/98 [tools];
Ohya & Volovich qp/99 [for NP problems];
Shor qp/00-ln [intro];
Hunziker et al qp/03 [quantum learning];
Hodges qp/05 [re classically unsolvable problems];
Rosinger qp/06 [comments];
Furrow qp/06-conf;
Richter NJP(07)qp/06 [random walk];
Mosca a0808-en [survey];
Harrow et al PRL(09)-a0811,
Harrow a1501-en [systems of linear equations];
Abbott nComm(12)-a0910-proc [Deustch-Jozsa problem];
Mosca & Smith a1001-ch;
Childs & van Dam RMP(10) [rev];
Yung et al PRA(10)-a1005 [simulating a thermal state];
Patel pn-a1102 [database search algorithm];
Fowler et al PRA(12)-a1208 [surface codes, intro];
Zeng a1512-PhD [abstract structure];
Hangleiter a2012-PhD [quantum sampling algorithms];
> s.a. 3-manifolds; computation;
integration theory; knot invariants;
ramsey theory; random processes [random numbers];
@ Programming languages: Blaha qp/02;
Mlnařík a0708;
Green et al ACM(13)-a1304-proc,
LNCS(13)-a1304 [Quipper].
Special Topics
> s.a. implementations [including counterfactual computation, topological quantum
computing, applications]; quantum measurements; spin models.
@ And complexity: Svozil ht/94;
Fortnow qp/00-talk;
Aharonov & Naveh qp/02-ln [quantum NP].
@ Limits: Pati et al qp/02;
Gambini et al in(06)qp/05 [from quantum gravity].
@ Other views and theoretical aspects: Castagnoli & Monti qp/98-conf [and particle statistics];
Rudiak-Gould qp/06 [sum-over-histories view];
Roser MS-a1012 [and pilot-wave theory];
Ohzeki a1204-in [and statistical mechanics].
@ Universal quantum computer: Deutsch PRS(85);
Yu Shi PLA(02)qp/99;
Raussendorf PRA(05)qp/04 [quantum cellular automaton];
> s.a. computation.
@ Quantum simulations:
Obenland & Despain qp/98-conf;
Sanders LNCS(13)-a1307 [universal quantum simulators];
Cohen et al a2003 [for lqg].
@ Other topics: Jozsa qp/98-proc [quantum effects];
Lloyd & Braunstein PRL(99)qp/98 [continuous variables];
Viola et al JPA(01) [physical qubits];
Fujii qp/01 [holonomic];
Aerts & Czachor JPA(07) [quantum-like computing];
Delfosse et al PRX(15)
[with rebits, using contextuality and Wigner function negativity as computational resources];
Adlam & Kent IJQI(15) [deterministic relativistic quantum bit commitment];
Vourdas JPA(18)-a1810 [fermionic];
> s.a. quantum information [including storage].
In Generalized Theories
> s.a. interference [with higher-order interference];
probability in physics [generalised probabilistic theories].
@ Many-worlds view: Hewitt-Horsman qp/02,
Duwell PhSc(07)dec;
Cuffaro SHPMP(12) [against].
@ And quantum gravity: Hardy qp/06-proc [quantum gravity computer];
Mielczarek a1803-GRF;
Vaid a1912
[quantum error correction in quantum gravity].
@ With closed timelike curves:
Deutsch PRD(91);
Brun FPL(03)gq/02;
Bacon PRA(04)qp/03;
Aaronson & Watrous PRS(09)-a0808 [equivalent to classical];
Stannett QIC-a1103-in.
"Nature isn't classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation of nature, you'd better make it quantum mechanical." – R. Feynman.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 31 may 2021