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Formation > s.a. chaotic systems;
cosmic strings; dark matter;
fluids; inflationary phenomenology.
* Criteria: A theory has to explain
the blackbody nature and isotropy of the microwave background.
* Theory and simulations: 2008,
It is believed that galaxies were assembled via chaotic hierarchical mergers between
massive cold dark matter halos, in which baryonic star forming matter was embedded;
2009, Some simulations indicate galaxies primarily formed as a result of intensive
cosmic streams of cold gas (mostly hydrogen) and not primarily from galactic mergers;
2010, Simulations show a first rapid phase at z > 2 with in-situ star
formation, and a second, extended phase at z < 3 with accretion of ex-situ
* Primary mechanisms:
Protogalaxies can form from growth of primordial fluctuations, or aggregation of
material around cosmic string hoops or dark matter; A protogalaxy forms a galaxy if
the energy dissipation time (by radiation) is smaller than the gravitational collapse
time, otherwise it is too hot to collapse.
* Secondary mechanisms:
Triggered by shock waves from supernovas; Tidal interactions and mergers play
an important role in determining the kind of galaxy.
* Biasing: Characterized by the
degenerate parameter combination β = Ω0.6/b,
or just the linear bias parameter b, the ratio of the fluctuation amplitudes
of the galaxy and mass distributions.
@ Books: Longair 08;
Binney & Tremaine 08;
Mo et al 10 [and evolution].
@ Reviews: Ellis Nat-ap/98;
McGaugh ap/98-conf;
Kauffmann & van den Bosch SA(02)jun; van den
Bergh PASP(02)ap;
Dekel ap/04-conf [scales];
Schombert ap/04-conf;
Avila-Reese ap/06-ln;
van Dokkum & Quadri a0704-proc [evolution and environment];
Palouš RAJ-a0708-ln;
Combes a0909-conf; Geach SA(11)may;
news sci(11)sep [simulations];
Silk et al a1312-ln;
Conselice ARAA(14)-a1403 [evolution over cosmic time].
@ Structure formation: Padmanabhan IAU-ap/95;
Brandenberger ap/95;
Hu & Eisenstein PRD(99)ap/98;
Silk AIP(04)ap [and dark matter];
Ostriker & Naab PT(12)aug [concordance cosmological model].
@ First galaxies: Macchetto & Dickinson SA(97)may;
Baugh & French pw(99)may;
Madau & Kuhlen ap/03-proc;
Loeb ap/06-ln;
Schaerer a0706-ln;
Greif et al AIP(08)-a0709;
Bromm et al Nat(09)may-a0905;
Greif PhD(09)-a0905;
Finkelstein ASP-a1004;
Johnson ch(12)-a1105 [theory and simulations];
Dunlop ch(12)-a1205 [rev];
news sn(19)aug [massive active galaxies seen in the early universe].
@ Formation, mergers: Silk PT(87)apr;
Peebles & Silk Nat(90)jul;
Gawiser ASP-ap/05;
Conselice ASP-a0706 [massive galaxies];
Gilmore IAU(09)-a0808 [rev];
van den Bergh Nat-a0810;
Fontanot et al MNRAS(09)-a0901 [hierarchical models and observation];
De Lucia AIP(09)-a0904;
Kraemer et al a0904-rp [active galactic nuclei];
D'Onghia et al Nat(09)jul-a0907 [dwarf spheroidals, resonant stripping];
Benson PRP(10)-a1006 [formation theory];
Oser et al ApJ(10)-a1010 [two phases of formation];
Conselice a1212-conf [rev];
Cimatti et al 19 [and evolution].
@ Spiral galaxies:
Athanassoula PRP(84),
ap/02-conf [bars];
Efremov et al SPU(89);
Friedli ASP-ap/99 [bars];
Silk ApSS(03)ap/02-proc;
Combes SA(05)oct;
Stringer & Benson ASP-a0712;
Silk IAU-a0809;
D'Onghia et al ApJ(12)-a1204 [self-perpetuating spiral arms];
Kiselev a1308 [formation];
Sellwood RMP(14);
Johnston et al IAU(15)-a1410 [transformation of spirals to lenticulars];
Pour-Imani et al ApJL(16)-a1608 [evidence for density-wave theory].
Observation > s.a. galaxies [rotation
and motion, velocities]; milky way galaxy;
quasars; types of galaxies.
* Theory and observations: 2015,
Observations show that massive galaxies formed much earlier than the current hierarchical
merging paradigm and the standard ΛCDM model predict.
* Interactions, mergers: In the 1990s,
evidence accumulated that interactions are common and very imporant for galaxy evolution.
@ Formation: news pw(11)apr [clues from metallicity gradients];
Steinhardt et al ApJ(16)-a1506 [the impossibly early galaxy problem].
@ Evidence of past: Ivans et al ap/99-proc [metal-poor, high-velocity stars].
* Mergers: 2012, It seems that major collisions
between large galaxies lead to increased mass density at the center of massive elliptical galaxies,
while when a small galaxy merges with a larger one, the smaller galaxy is ripped apart and its stars
remain near the outskirts of the larger galaxy.
@ General references: Steinhardt & Speagle ApJ(14)-a1409
[common history, and galactic evolution "main sequence"].
@ Later evolution and star formation: Kurbatov AR(07)-a0709 [and turbulent dissipation];
Poggianti et al IAU(13)-a1212 [evolution of galaxy sizes].
@ Chemical evolution: Ziegler ap/04-proc;
Matteucci a0704-ln [rev];
Schild a0708 [puzzle of solar abundances at large z];
Prantzos EAS(08)-a0709;
McWilliam a1011-proc;
Zahid et al ApJL(13)-a1303 [star-forming galaxies out to z = 2.3];
Haywood a1401-conf;
Maio & Tescari MNRAS(15)-a1509;
Matteucci JPCS(16)-a1602-ln;
van Dishoeck IAU(18)-a1710 [astrochemistry, rev].
@ Role of supermassive black holes: Cattaneo et al Nat(09)jul-a0907;
Heckman & Best ARAA(14)-a1403 [information from large surveys].
@ Interactions, collisions, mergers:
Alladin & Narasimhan PRP(82);
Struck PRP(99)ap [intro];
Goto ap/06-proc,
Martínez & Muriel MNRAS(06)ap [environmental effects];
Renzini MNRAS(09)-a0906 [approach];
Wetzel & White MNRAS(10)-a0907 [satellite galaxy merging/disruption];
Tonnesen & Cen MNRAS(12)-a1111 [pair interactions versus environment];
news ea(12)oct [results of galaxy mergers];
Lilly et al IAU(13)-a1302 [phenomenological approach].
@ Numerical simulations: Miller AS(92);
Davé et al ap/05-proc [formation].
@ Related topics: Berlind et al ApJ(01)ap/00 [biasing and β];
Tolstoy ApSS(03)ap/02-in [dwarfs];
Dobbs & Price MNRAS(08)-a0710 [effect of magnetic field];
Welker et al a1410-IAU [building up spin];
> s.a. galaxy distribution [including bulk flow];
Intergalactic Matter.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 23 jun 2020