Physics 214
Dr. Gladden
Course News and Homework Assignments

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Date Posted

Date Due

Comment, Assignment, or News

5/11 -- The final grades are in. In general, this is one of the highest averages I have had, so congratulations. You may look up your exam and final scores here. I should have corrected the few descrepancies in test scores, but double check. I will submit the final grades this afternoon.

Have a good summer!

5/4 -- I have posted your pre-exam grades. Let me know ASAP if you see anything wrong. The final averages use your test average as your exam score and assumes you will do the extra credit.

For those of you at the review session last night, I have posted the solution to the circuit problem. It's pretty messy if you don't assume the resistors are the same. I wouldn't give you one this hard, but since we started it, I thought you should see it finished.

See you Thursday birght and early - MAKE SURE to be there by 8:00! I can't let you in after 8:30.

4/30 -- I have the grades for Test 3. Click here for the distribution of grades and click here for a page with your score. I also have posted the solution for Test 3.

By Monday I will post a compiled grade sheet for the semester. You should check that carefully to make sure the grades I have recorded for you are correct. It will also let you know your standing going into the Exam.

Some of you have begun the PhET extra credit system. Make sure you complete your 3 hours by the day before the exam (Wed. 5/6 at midnight)

The final exam will be cummulative with some qualitative questions on Chap. 26 & 27. The format will be similar to the tests, but longer. The exam is scheduled for Thursday 8:00 AM May 7 in Lewis 101.

  • You may not leave before 30 minutes is up AND you may not enter after 8:30!!! (set triple alarms if you have to.)
  • You may bring a 4x6" notecard.
  • I will hold a review session early during exam week during the evening (date and time TBA)
  • Use your old tests and HW as a primary study guide and go back to the text book and notes for areas in which you feel weak.



Here (finally!) are the solutions for Test 1. Let me know if you have any questions.

I've also set up the Extra Credit site for you. I will go over it in class, but here is the link for you to get started. The instructions are pretty explicit. You will need your UM student ID number to log in.



Remember that Test 3 on Chaps. 23 – 25 is on Tuesday. There will be 20 MC and 3-4 problems. You can bring a 3x5” card in with you, pencil, and calculator. I will have review session in Lewis 109 from 6-7 pm on Monday evening.

Here are the conceptual question slides from: Chap. 23, Chap. 24, Chap. 26, and Chap. 27. (There aren't a set for Chap. 25)

I will post some practice problems on Mastering Physics for Chap. 26 on Relativity. They will not be for a grade, but you should take a look at them as the material will be covered on the final exam.

Here are some sections we have skipped and you will not be tested on:
For Test 3:
Chap. 23: 9, 10
Chap. 24: 5, 7, 9, 11, 12
Chap. 25: 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12

For the final exam:
Chap. 26: 6, 7, 10
Chap. 27: 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
NOTE: I will mostly be testing you on the concepts in Chaps. 26 & 27, although a length contraction or time dilation calculation would be reasonable.



Important: Test 3 has been postponed until Tuesday 4/28. It will cover Chap. 23-25 and will have the same format as the other tests. I will have a review session on Monday evening (place and time TBA).

I have posted HW for Chap. 25 on MasteringPhysics. It is 8 questions to be completed by Friday night (4/24).

Make sure to keep up with your reading! We covered Chap. 26 on Relativity today. We skipped section 26.10. We discussed all the other sections, but did not go into great detail. Focus mainly on the aspects of the chapter we discussed in class.

I have also posted the “Relativity in 5 Minutes” video I showed today in class.


Here are the solutions for Test2A and the MC solutions for Test2B. Make sure you understand everything you got wrong since you may well see these type of questions again! See me if you have questions. I'll hand back your tests in class tomorrow.


Here are the results for Test #2. The average was an 80 – nice improvement! The distribution of scores can be found HERE and you can look up your score by your secret class code HERE. Make sure to see me if you have questions.

A new HW on Mastering Physics will be posted shortly. Don't get behind on your reading!


Here are the Conceptual Questions from Chaps. 20-22.
[ Chap. 20, Chap. 21, Chap. 22 ].

A reminder I will be around all day on Wed. at my NCPA (1062) if you have questions.

Test #2 will cover Chap. 20-22, will have 20 MC and 4 problems. You may bring a 3x5” notecard with anything you want on it.

Here is a list of sections in the book we did not cover:
Chap. 20: 8, 9, 10, 12
Chap. 21: 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Chap. 22: 6

Don't forget that Chap. 22 HW is due tonight by 11:00 pm!



The HW for Chap. 21 is now posted on MasteringPhysics. It will be due the Tuesday after spring break – I suggest you get as far as you can before the break!

Here is a list of sections in Chap. 21 that we skipped: 21.6, and 21.8 - 14.

I also found a website that might be useful. It is the companion site to our textbook. They have sets of conceptual MC questions you can answer for practice. The website will then grade your response. No record is kept of this – just for practice. Here's the link: PrenHall Giancoli Site



Your midterm grades (including Test #1) are now posted. You can view them here. You will need your secret class code I emailed to you an hour ago. The average was about a 74 on Test 1, which is pretty good. You can also look at the distribution of grades here.

HW5 on Chap. 20 is now posted on Mastering Physics and will be due by Monday at 11:00 pm. We are starting Chap. 21 on Thursday, so make sure to keep up with your reading!!


Here are the conceptual questions for Chap. 19.

A note about the test: You will not be responsible for any material in a starred section in the book. We did talk about a few in class, but I will not test you on that.


Review Session for Test 1 today! 5:00 – 6:00 pm in Lewis 109
We will review the main concepts from each chapter and I will discuss the basic format of the test as well as suggest study strategies.

Remember the test will cover Chap. 16 – 19. You will be allowed to bring in a 3x5” notecard with anything you want on it, calculator, and pencils. There will be about 20 multiple choice questions mainly focused on concepts and 4 problems. Fundamental and material constants will be provided, however equations will not. Please be a little early so we can get started right on time.

I will be out of town from Tuesday noon to Friday afternoon. I will make myself accessible by cell phone during the test time, but may or may not be able to respond to your emails before the test.



HW3 is now posted on MasterPhysics and will be due next Tues. 2/17 by 11:00 pm.

You should now be finishing up reading Chap. 18. We'll begin Chap. 19 on Tuesday, so get a head start on that reading!

I've also posted the Conceptual Questions for Chap. 18.

I've decided not to post HW solutions since they are available to you in the MasteringPhysics site. If anyone needs help accessing the solutions, let me know.


Don't forget HW2 is due Wed. 2/11 by 11:00 PM!

Here are the solutions for HW1. Make sure you read through them and understand each and every question! You never know when you might see a question like that again...

Here are PDF files of the conceptual questions we have looked at in class – and actually a bunch more than that. I suggest you do a “Full Screen” view, try to answer the question, and only then advance to the next slide which has the answer and an explanation.

The files are password protected since this is copyrighted material. The password was emailed to you.

Chap. 16 Conceptual Questions
Chap. 17 Conceptual Questions


We have started Chap. 17 today, so you should be reading that chapter in your book. Here are some sections we have/will skip in Chaps. 16 and 17:
16.10 (on Gauss' Law) and 17.6 (on dipole potentials).

Don't forget that HW1 is due Wed. by 11:00 pm. I will post solutions here shortly after the due date for each assignment.



All who needed an Mastering Physics code should have received it by email today. If you do NOT need the code I sent you, please let me know. Make sure to register as soon as possible. If you need help registering, follow the link below.

The first HW assignment will be posted there today and will be due next Wednesday (2/4).



I have posted a practice session on Mastering Physics. If you are familiar with the system, you simply need to take a look at it, otherwise take some time to work through the different types of problems.

The Mastering Physics course ID for this sections is: MPGLADDEN48696

Here is a link to Instructions on Registering with Mastering Physics.


I have posted a useful guide to solving physics problems written by an instructor for this course a few years ago.  It is a bit "tongue in cheek", but is very helpful.  We will not be turning in written problem sets,  but I STRONGLY encourage you to work your solutions as described in this guide during homework because it is the kind of thing I will be looking for in your written test solutions.  Feel free to contact me with questions, or bring your written out HW solutions for me to look over during office hours.

Another good source of help is the Physics Tutoring Center which is just across the hall from our classroom.  There is a graduate student or professor in there many hours of the day to help students with problems (but NOT solve them for you!)  There is a specific schedule posted on the door.


Visit the "Course Resources" page to learn more about the on-line homework system, clickers, and other things that will help you be successful in this course.


Welcome to Physics 214 with Dr. Gladden!
This is the page to which you should refer most often.  It is where I will post homework assignments, make announcements, post test scores and distributions, and will be my primary mode of communication with you (other than lectures of course!).  Make sure to take a good look at the course syllabus (pdf) and let me know if there is anything you do not understand.  The lecture schedule will be posted here shortly - make sure to mark test days on your calender.