Quantum Black Hole Entropy/Area  

In General > s.a. black-hole entropy [including corrections]; black-hole formation [in high-energy collisions]; black-hole thermodynamics.
@ Reviews: Frolov IJMPD(96); Majumdar Pra(00)ht-conf; Mukhanov a1810-in.
@ Quasinormal modes: Dreyer PRL(03)gq/02 [and Immirzi parameter], IJMPD(03)gq/04, gq/04-proc [and quantum gravity]; Corichi PRD(03)gq/02; López-Ortega CQG(11)-a1003 [Reissner-Nordström black hole]; Pal at al IJMPD(15)-a1312 [approach]; Carneiro a2012 [in lqg].
@ Black hole states: Carlip gq/95, gq/96-conf; Lifschytz & Ortiz NPB(97)ht/95; Atzmon gq/96; Rovelli PRL(96)gq, HPA(96)gq; Brown PRD(98)gq/97; Alekseev et al PLB(03)ht/00; Alexandrov gq/04 [lqg state counting]; Dreyer et al NPB(06)ht/04 [symmetries and noisless subsystems]; Livine & Terno NPB(06)gq/05 [corrections and entanglement]; Ghosh & Mitra PRD(06), a0805, PRL(09)-a0809 [lqg], MPLA(11)-a1105 [state counting]; Engle et al JHEP(11)-a1103 [lqg state counting]; Rovelli a1710 [state counting and Bekenstein-Hawking entropy].
@ Related topics: Kastrup PLB(98)gq/97 [quantum statistics interpretation]; Moffat ht/98; da Cruz ht/00 [fractal statistics]; Das et al CJP(08)-a0708; Medved MPLA(09)-a0906 [re equidistant spectrum]; Ropotenko PRD(10)-a0911, a1001-wd; Ropotenko PRD(12)-a1202 [quantum of area, diffusion-equation approach]; Faraoni & Zambrano PRD(13)-a1208 [quantization rules for horizon areas do not seem to be universal]; Cristofano MPLA(13) [quantization of black-hole entropy and cosmological consequences]; Skákala BJP(14)-a1308 [quantization of black-hole entropy]; > s.a. horizons [horizon wave functions].

In Loop Quantum Gravity / Quantum Geometry
@ In general: Ashtekar et al PRL(98)gq/97; Kaul & Majumdar PLB(98); Husain PRD(99)gq/98; Rainer G&C(00); Khriplovich PLB(02)gq/01; Alekseev et al PRD(05)ht/04; Corichi et al PRL(07)gq/06 [equidistant S spectrum with non-equidistant area spectrum]; Corichi et al JPCS(07)gq; Sahlmann CQG(08)-a0709 [toy model]; Agulló et al PRL(08)-a0810, PRD(08)-a0802; Barbero & Villaseñor PRD(08)-a0805, PRD(11)-a1101 [generating functions]; Tanaka & Tamaki JPCS(10)-a0808 [general area spectrum]; Corichi ASL-a0901-proc [rev]; García-Islas CJP(10)-a0907; Kong & Yoon JKPS(16)-a0910; Shao et al IJMPA(10); Engle et al PRL(10)-a0905 [and SU(2) Chern-Simons Theory]; Agulló et al PRD(10)-a1101; Barbero & Villaseñor CQG(11)-a1106 [thermodynamic limit]; Cao & Barrau a1111; Kaul Sigma(12)-a1201; Lochan & Vaz PRD(12)-a1202 [canonical partition function]; Lochan & Vaz PRD(12)-a1205; Frodden et al EPL(14)-a1212 [and complex Ashtekar variables]; Bodendorfer PLB(13)-a1307 [higher dimensions]; Majhi AHEP(16)-a1312; Pérez PRD(14)-a1405 [statistical and entanglement entropy]; Mitra NPPS(14)-a1406 [re log corrections]; Carlip CQG(15)-a1410; Majhi MPLA(16)-a1609; Song et al a2002; > s.a. 3D quantum gravity [BTZ black hole].
@ And isolated horizons: Díaz-Polo & Pranzetti Sigma(12)-a1112; Barbero et al a1203-proc.
@ Special type of black holes and theories: Ashtekar & Corichi CQG(03)gq [non-minimal coupling]; Corichi et al CQG(07)gq/06 [microscopic black holes]; Kloster et al CQG(08)-gq/07 [toroidal black holes].

In Other Theories > s.a. modified uncertainty principle.
@ String theory: Horowitz gq/97; Youm PRP(99)ht/97; Khuri MPLA(98) [polymers], NPB(01)ht [entropy and horizon degrees of freedom]; Susskind & Lindesay 04; Mathur CQG(06)ht/05 [rev]; Horowitz a0708-proc [rev]; Visser JHEP(12)-a1204 [on spectra of horizon areas, Kerr-Newman black hole]; Dabholkar & Nampuri LNP(12)-a1208 [finite-size corrections]; Bena & Warner a1311 [supergravity and microstate geometries].
@ Other formulations / theories: Berezin NPPS(97)gq [sqrt quantization]; Peltola & Kunstatter PRD(09)-a0902 [effects of polymerization]; Khatsymovsky a1206 [in the Faddeev formulation of gravity]; Lee a1206 [non-commutative geometry].

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