Lab 2

Get the code

Find the Lab 2 code in the class repository.

$ ls  classes/   labs/      scripts/
$ ls labs/lab2
README    cpp/      julia/    python/   rust/
$ ls labs/lab2/cpp
curves.cpp   makefile     triples.cpp

The instructions here focus on C++, but you may carry out the comparable steps in Julia, Python, or Rust. You only need to submit your solutions for a single programming language.

Ordered tuples

The lab2 directory contains a short C++ program named triples.cpp that outputs all strictly ordered triples of the integers 0 to 6 (inclusive). The make command invokes the compiler, which creates an executable named triples.

$ make triples
g++ -o triples triples.cpp -O -ansi -pedantic -Wall
$ ./triples

Modify the program so that instead it counts the number of such triples. Generalize to integers \(\mathsf{0}, \mathsf{1}, \ldots, \mathsf{N}\), and output the results in two-column format for all values of \(\mathsf{N}\) from 2 to 10. You should be able to reproduce the following.

$ make triples
g++ -o triples triples.cpp -O -ansi -pedantic -Wall
 $ ./triples
     2           1
     3           4
     4          10
     5          20
     6          35
     7          56
     8          84
     9         120
    10         165
$ ./triples > trip.dat
$ gnuplot

(If your plot doesn’t persist, you may have to type gnuplot -p Whether the -p flag is required depends on which operating system you’re running. Alternatively, you can add pause -1 as the last line of your gnuplot script.)

Redirection from stdout to a file via > trip.dat is a shell feature and not specific to C++, which is to say that you can do all of the following:

$ cd ../julia
$ julia triples.jl > trip.dat
$ cd ../python
$ python3 > trip.dat
$ cd ../rust
$ rustc
$ ./triples > trip.dat
$ cd ../cpp

Using your solution to triples.cpp as a template, create a program file quadruples.cpp that writes three columns of data: \(\mathsf{N}\) from 0 to 99, the number of weakly ordered quadruples \(\mathsf{(i,j,k,l)}\) formed from the integers \(\mathsf{0}\) through \(\mathsf{N}\), and how many of the sums \(\mathsf{i^2 + j^2 + k^2 + l^2}\) are perfect squares. (Strict ordering of \(\mathsf{i}\), \(\mathsf{j}\), \(\mathsf{k}\), and \(\mathsf{l}\) implies that \(\mathsf{i < j < k < l}\). Weak ordering implies that \(\mathsf{i \le j \le k \le l}\).)

$ make quadruples
g++ -o quadruples quadruples.cpp -O -ansi -pedantic -Wall
$ ./quadruples
     0           1           1
     1           5           3
     2          15           6
     3          35           8
     4          70          14
     5         126          18
     .           .           .
     .           .           .
     .           .           .
    97     4082925       15689
    98     4249575       16213
    99     4421275       16462

Determine whether an integer is a perfect square by whatever means. You may want to use std::sqrt from the cmath library in combination with integer casting.

Following, compose a gnuplot script file that plots the number of perfect squares alongside the 3rd- and 4th-order polynomial fits to the data.

Selection rules

The hydrogen atom consists of a single electron orbiting a positively charged nucleus. The electron can exist only in discrete orbitals characterized by the radial quantum number \(\mathsf{n} = \mathsf{1}, \mathsf{2}, \mathsf{3}, \ldots\) and the angular momentum quantum numbers \(\mathsf{l} = \mathsf{0}, \mathsf{1}, \mathsf{2}, \ldots, \mathsf{n-1}\) and \(\mathsf{m} = \mathsf{-l}, \ldots, \mathsf{-1}, \mathsf{0}, \mathsf{1}, \ldots, \mathsf{l}\). The energy of each orbital, \(\mathsf{E_n} = \mathsf{-(13.6\,\textsf{eV})/n^2}\), is a function of the radial quantum number alone. Hence, each energy level is \(\mathsf{g_n}\)-fold degenerate, where \(\mathsf{g_n} = \mathsf{\sum_{l=0}^{n-1} (2l+1)} = \mathsf{n^2}\). (In other words, there are \(\mathsf{g_n} = \mathsf{n^2}\) states having the same energy \(\mathsf{E_n}\).)


Transitions between orbitals can occur if the electron absorbs or emits a photon. But since a quantum of light has intrinsic angular momentum (1 in units of \(\mathsf{\hbar}\)), conservation laws put a strict limit on which atomic transitions are possible. This leads to the famous electric dipole selection rules: \(\mathsf{\Delta l} = \pm \mathsf{1}\) and \(\mathsf{\Delta m} = \mathsf{0}, \pm \mathsf{1}\). Allowed transitions between the various states with \(\mathsf{n} = \mathsf{1}, \mathsf{2}, \mathsf{3}\) are shown in the following diagram.

Complete the program selection.cpp so that it computes all possible transitions of the form \(\mathsf{n_2} \to \mathsf{n_1}\) with \(\mathsf{n_1} < \mathsf{n_2} \le \mathsf{20}\). Have the program output the results in four columns indicating the initial and final radial quantum numbers, the number of allowed pathways, the energy of the emitted photon \(\mathsf{\Delta E} = \mathsf{E_2} - \mathsf{E_1}\), and its wavelength \(\lambda = \mathsf{hc/\Delta E}\) in nanometers. (Recall that \(\mathsf{hc} = \mathsf{1240}\,\textsf{eV}\cdot\textsf{nm}\).)

$ make selection
g++ -o selection selection.cpp -O2 -ansi -pedantic -Wall -lm
$ ./selection | head -n5
 2->1         3            10.2         121.569
 3->1         3         12.0889         102.574
 3->2        15         1.88889         656.471
 4->1         3           12.75         97.2549
 4->2        15            2.55         486.275

Modify selection.cpp so that the spectral lines in the visible spectrum, \(\mathsf{380}\,\textsf{nm} < \mathsf{\lambda} < \mathsf{750}\,\textsf{nm}\), are marked with a lowercase v.

$ make selection
g++ -o selection selection.cpp -O2 -ansi -pedantic -Wall -lm
$ ./selection | head -n5
 2->1          3            10.2         121.569
 3->1          3         12.0889         102.574
 3->2v        15         1.88889         656.471
 4->1          3           12.75         97.2549
 4->2v        15            2.55         486.275
$ ./selection | grep v
 3->2v        15         1.88889         656.471
 4->2v        15            2.55         486.275
 5->2v        15           2.856         434.174
 6->2v        15         3.02222         410.294
 7->2v        15         3.12245         397.124
 8->2v        15          3.1875          389.02
 9->2v        15          3.2321         383.652

Spin sectors

Quantum particles have a property called spin, which is an intrinsic angular momentum. The spin of a particle is restricted to be a multiple of \(\mathsf{\hbar/2}\). In units where \(\mathsf{\hbar} = \mathsf{1}\), the spin is either an integer or an odd multiple of one half. Electrons have spin \(\mathsf{s=1/2}\).

The total spin \(S\) of a collection of electrons is determined by the angular momentum summation rule \(\mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}} \otimes \mathsf{S} = \mathsf{(S-\tfrac{1}{2})} \oplus \mathsf{(S + \tfrac{1}{2})}\). The possible spin sectors for two, three, and four electrons are shown below.

\[\begin{aligned} \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}} \otimes \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}} &= \mathsf{0} \oplus \mathsf{1}\\ \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}} \otimes \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}}\otimes \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}} &= \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}} \oplus \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}} \oplus \mathsf{\tfrac{3}{2}}\\ \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}} \otimes \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}}\otimes \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}}\otimes \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}} &= \mathsf{0} \oplus \mathsf{0} \oplus \mathsf{1} \oplus \mathsf{1} \oplus \mathsf{1} \oplus \mathsf{2}\\ &\ \, \vdots \\ \underbrace{\mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}} \otimes \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}}\otimes \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}}\otimes \cdots \otimes \mathsf{\tfrac{1}{2}}}_{\mathsf{2N}~\textsf{times}} &= \prod_{\mathsf{2S=0}}^\mathsf{N} \underbrace{\mathsf{S} \oplus \mathsf{S} \oplus \cdots \oplus \mathsf{S}}_{\mathsf{C_S^{(N)}}~\textsf{times}} \end{aligned}\]

The final line shows the general result for \(\mathsf{N}\) electrons. The coefficient \(\mathsf{C_S^{(N)}}\) denotes the number of states in a given spin sector. One can show that the total number of states in the singlet (\(\mathsf{S=0}\)) sector is

\[\mathsf{C_0^{(N)}} = \mathsf{\frac{1}{N/2+1}{N \choose N/2}} = \mathsf{\frac{N!}{(N/2)!(N/2+1)!}}\]

and that the total number of states—counting the \((\mathsf{2S+1})\)-fold degeracy—is

\[\sum_{\mathsf{2S=0}}^\mathsf{N} \mathsf{(2S+1) C_S^{(N)}} = \mathsf{2^{N}}. \]

The \(\mathsf{2^N}\) result is just the number of ways to orient \(\mathsf{N}\) electrons either spin-up or spin-down.

Read over the file moments.cpp. It provides the skeleton of a program that computes the coefficients \(\mathsf{C_S^{(N)}}\) and displays them in a table. Determine how elements of the array current (indexed by the integer \(\mathsf{2S}\)) should be incremented in terms of the values in last. Accumulate the total number of states into the variable num_states. The output of your program should be identical to the following.

$ make moments
g++ -o moments moments.cpp -O2 -ansi -pedantic -Wall -lm
$ ./moments
         0    0.5      1    1.5      2    2.5      3    num
  1|            1                                    |      2
  2|     1             1                             |      4
  3|            2             1                      |      8
  4|     2             3             1               |     16
  5|            5             4             1        |     32
  6|     5             9             5             1 |     64
  7|           14            14             6        |    128
  8|    14            28            20             7 |    256
  9|           42            48            27        |    512
 10|    42            90            75            35 |   1024
 11|          132           165           110        |   2048
 12|   132           297           275           154 |   4096
 13|          429           572           429        |   8192
 14|   429          1001          1001           637 |  16384
 15|         1430          2002          1638        |  32768
 16|  1430          3432          3640          2548 |  65536

Write a function verify_singlet that computes \(\mathsf{C_0^{(N)}}\) explicitly. Check its result against last[0] for each even value of n from 2 to Nmax.