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Non-Relativistic, Classical Spinning Particles
> s.a. classical particles / classical systems.
@ References: Thomas Nat(26)apr;
Bruce qp/01 [spin-1/2, Hamiltonian];
Rivas JUMS-phy/01-in [generalized Lagrangian],
JPA(03)phy/01 [spinning electron];
Salesi IJMPA(05)qp/04 [and Zitterbewegung];
Recami & Salesi FP(07)qp/05 [from arbitrary-order Lagrangians, and chronons];
Banerjee & Mukherjee CQG-a2003 [canonical formulation].
Relativistic, Classical Spinning Particles
> s.a. particle models / chaotic motion;
dirac fields; Thomas Precession;
* 1998: The motion of
spinning particles in gravitational fields is still not well understood;
Look for clarification in gravitomagnetism.
* Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon equations:
For a particle of velocity va, momentum
pa, and spin tensor S ab,
in the monopole-dipole approximation they are
dua/dτ = va , \(Dp^a/D\tau = {1\over2}\)Rabcd vb S cd , DS ab/Dτ = pa vb − pb va ;
In general, va and pa are
not parallel, and one must use an additional condition to fix pa,
for example pb S ab = 0.
@ Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon equations:
Mathisson ZP(31)
+ tr GRG(10),
ZP(37) + tr GRG(10);
Papapetrou PRS(51),
Dixon PRS(70);
Lompay gq/05;
Singh GRG(08)-a0706 [perturbation method];
Costa et al PRD(18)-a1712 [momentum-velocity relation];
> s.a. gravitating matter;
Wikipedia page.
@ General references: Salesi & Recami AACA-ht/96;
Lyakhovich et al NPB(99)ht/98 [any D, integer s];
Niederle & Nikitin PRD(01) [half-integer spin];
Machin ht/01 [1D, with supersymmetry];
Rivas JPA(03)phy/01 [spinning electron];
Salesi IJMPA(02);
Rivas JPA(06)ht/05-conf [s = 1/2, symmetry group];
Pol'shin MPLA(09) [variational principle];
Kudryashova & Obukhov PLA(10) [explicitly covariant dynamics];
Bratek JPCS(12)-a1111 [indeterminate worldlines];
Kiriushcheva et al CJP(13)-a1305 [gauge symmetries];
Kaparulin & Lyakhovich PRD(17)-a1708 [massive, flat spacetime world sheets];
Plyatsko & Fenyk a1905 [in a gravitational field];
Obukhov JPCS(20)-a1912 [in external fields, formalism].
@ Lagrangian / Hamiltonian formulations:
Muslih mp/00 [canonical];
Bérard et al ht/03 [covariant H];
Hajihashemi & Shirzad IJMPA(16)-a1501;
Andrzejewski et al a2008 [coadjoint orbits method].
@ Models: Rębilas AJP(11)oct [Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi theory];
Deriglazov AP(12)-a1107 [classical Dirac particles without Grassmann variables],
PLA(12)-a1203 [without observable trajectories];
Rempel & Freidel PRD(17)-a1609 [bilocal model in terms of two entangled constituents],
a1612 [in dual phase space];
Kaparulin et al JPCS(19)-a1907 [massive, in 4D Minkowski space].
@ 3D, in 2+1 dimensions:
Ghosh PLB(94) [in 2+1 dimensions];
Valverde & Pazetti JHEP(06)ht [massless, supersymmetric variant];
Schuster & Toro PLB(15)-a1404 [massless, with non-trivial physical spin].
@ In curved spacetime: Burman IJTP(77) [worldlines as geodesics of modified connection];
Khriplovich & Pomeransky JETP(98)gq/97 [equations of motion];
Erler gq/99-proc;
Pezzaglia gq/99/IJTP-conf [and Clifford algebra];
Turakulov & Safonova MPLA(03)gq/01 [vector];
Chicone et al PLA(05)gq;
Wu CTP(08)gq/06 [gravitomagnetism and non-geodesic motion];
Blanchet CQG(07)gq/06 [dipolar particle];
Cianfrani & Montani NCB(07)gq-proc;
Khriplovich APPBS(08)-a0801;
Mohseni IJTP(08)-a0710 [Lagrangian];
Muminov a0802,
a0805 [massless spin-1/2];
Singh & Mobed PRD(09)-a0807,
GRG(10)-a0903-GRF [Lorentz-invariance breaking and muon decay];
Costa et al AIP(12)-a1206 [Mathisson's helical motions],
PRD(16)-a1207 [gravito-electromagnetic analogies];
Mashhoon & Obukhov PRD(13) [spin precession in inertial and gravitational fields];
d'Ambrosi et al PRD(16)-a1511 [and charged, motion];
Kumar a1512-MG14;
Batista & Barbosa dos Santos a2004 [re conserved quantities];
Marsot a2103-PhD.
@ In curved spacetime, Hamiltonian:
Barausse et al PRD(09)-a0907;
d'Ambrosi et al PLB(15)-a1501;
Kunst et al PRD(16)-a1506 [for different tetrad fields];
Witzany et al CQG(19)-a1808.
@ Infinite-spin: Edgren et al JHEP(05)ht,
Edgren & Marnelius JHEP(06) [higher-order Lagrangian].
@ Other special types and generalizations: Krishna et al IJMPA(13)-a1210 [1D supersymmetric, BRST formalism];
Deguchi et al IJMPA(14)-a1309 [4D massless, twistor model, canonical];
Buchbinder et al JHEP(18)-a1805 [with continuous spin].
> Related topics:
see diffusion; spin,
2-spinors and 4-spinors;
spinors in field theory; test-body motion
/ quantum particles.
Specific Spacetimes and Generalizations
> s.a. particles in kerr, reissner-nordström
and schwarzschild spacetimes.
@ de Sitter spacetime: Obukhov & Puetzfeld PRD(11)-a1010,
Fröb & Verdaguer JCAP(17)-a1701 [quantum corrections].
@ Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime:
Ali IJTP(02);
Mortazavimanesh & Mohseni GRG(09)-a0904;
Plyatsko et al GRG(18)-a1811 [non-equatorial circular orbits].
@ Other black holes: Stuchlik & Kovar CQG(06)gq [Kerr-de Sitter];
Kubizňák & Cariglia PRL(12)-a1110 [higher-dimensional spinning, integrability];
Witzany PRD(19)-a1903 [near black holes, Hamilton-Jacobi equation].
@ Vaidya spacetime: Singh PRD(05);
Singh PRD(08)-a0808 [perturbation approach].
@ In other curved spacetimes: Garcia de Andrade gq/02 [Gödel spacetime];
Mohseni PLA(02)gq,
et al CQG(01)gq/03 [gravitational wave];
Mohseni IJMPD(06)gq/05 [pp-wave and uniform B field];
Bini et al IJMPD(06)gq [massless, in vacuum algebraically special spacetime];
Obukhov et al PRD(09)-a0907 [in the field of a rotating source];
Barbot & Meusburger GD-a1108 [stationary flat spacetimes];
Zalaquett et al CQG(14)-a1308 [in conformally flat spacetimes];
Toshmatov et al EPJC(20)-a2003 [non-asymptotically flat spacetimes];
> s.a. orbits of gravitating objects [spin-orbit and spin-spin effects].
@ With electromagnetic field:
Bargmann et al PRL(59) [precession];
Künzle JMP(72) [and gravitational field];
Cianfrani et al gq/06-MGXI,
Cianfrani et al PLA(07) [from 5D Kaluza-Klein framework];
Pozdeeva JSI(09)-a0708 [neutral massive spin-1/2 particle, interaction H];
Barducci et al EPJC(10)-a1006 [with anomalous magnetic moment];
Deriglazov PLA(12)-a1106 [and Zitterbewegung];
Hushwater AJP(14)jan
+ a1410 [discovery of the classical equations of motion];
Deriglazov & Guzmán AMP(17)-a1710 [in external gravitational and electromagnetic fields];
Obukhov et al PRD(17)-a1708.
@ With torsion: Wanas ASS(97)gq/99 [torsion correction to geodesic];
Messios IJTP(07);
Popławski PLB(10)-a0910 [classical Dirac particles cannot be pointlike],
[intrinsic spin requires gravity with torsion and curvature].
@ In non-commutative geometry: Das & Ghosh PRD(09)-a0907 [Hamiltonian];
Dvoeglazov AIP(09)-a0909;
Adorno et al PRD(10)-a1008 [wave equation].
Classical Spinning Particles Coupled to Gravity
> s.a. classical particles; motion of gravitating bodies.
@ General references: Wald PRD(72);
Kánnár GRG(94) [Lagrangian];
Rietdijk TMP(94);
Mashhoon APPS-a0801-conf;
Cianfrani & Montani EPL(08)-a0810 [Papapetrou coupling from Dirac equation];
Obukhov & Puetzfeld a1509-proc
[conservation laws and covariant equations of motion, with minimal and non-minimal coupling];
Fröb JHEP(16)-a1607 [quantum gravitational corrections];
> s.a. tests of the equivalence principle.
@ With electromagnetic fields: Lyakhovich et al IJMPA(00)ht [massive];
Tucker PRS(04).
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 1 apr 2021