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In General
* Primary source:
1990, Not yet exactly known; Probably multiple origin, with lower-energy
(< 1015 eV) electrons and ions accelerated
by supernova shocks in our galaxy, and more energetic ones extragalactic;
1995, First evidence of cosmic rays from supernova [@ Koyama et al
2007, High-energy cosmic rays originate in AGNs (probably accelerated by a
stochastic process of multiple bounces off moving clouds carrying magnetic
fields); 2009, Gamma-ray emission from ordinary galaxies supports idea that
lower-energy cosmic rays originate mostly from shock waves in supernova
remnants, although some argue that the link is actually to star-forming regions
rather than SNRs; 2013, Supernova origin of galactic cosmic rays confirmed.
@ General references: Dar & De Rújula PRP(08)hp/06 [single type of extrasolar source];
Abraham et PA a0907-conf;
Drury APP(12)-a1203;
Istomin a1406 [extragalactic and galactic];
Drury a1412-conf.
@ Galactic center: Guo et al NJP(13)-a1101-ln;
Istomin NA(14)-a1110;
Abramowski et HESS Nat(16)mar-a1603 [PeV protons];
Fujita et al a1603 [Sgr A*].
@ Other galactic sources: Butt Nat(09)aug-a1009;
Prantzos A&A(12)-a1112;
Blasi NPPS(13)-a1211;
news pw(13)feb;
Amato IJMPA(14).
@ Extragalactic sources:
Kashiyama & Mészáros ApJL(14)-a1405 [galaxy mergers];
Settimo a1612-proc [rev].
@ Supernovae: Dar NCB(04)ap/04 [bipolar jets];
Berezhko & Voelk ApJL(07)-a0704 [remnants];
Tatischeff PoS-a0804;
Cardillo et al NPPS(14)-a1410;
Morlino a1611-ch,
a1706-IAU [rev].
@ Galactic vs extragalactic: Allard et al APP(07)ap/05;
Aloisio et al PRD(08);
Berezinsky APP(14)-a1301-conf [signatures].
@ Other types of sources: Vachaspati PRD(10) [from cusps on cosmic strings].
@ Anisotropy: Mollerach a0902-proc;
Toscano et IceCube a1011,
news livesci(10)aug [evidence from IceCube];
Giacinti et al JCAP(12)-a1112 [and transition from galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays];
Deligny a1612-eConf [rev].
Other aspects: see cosmic rays; UHE
cosmic rays; propagation [including acceleration mechanisms].
* Spectrum: The observed energy
spectrum of cosmic rays on earth is not the source spectrum of these particles.
@ Sources, spectra:
Abdo et FLAT PRL(09)
+ Winstein & Zurek Phy(09)
[e+-e− spectrum, 20 Gev–1 keV];
Abraham et PA a0907-conf [spectrum];
Schwarzschild PT(10)jan;
Halzen a1010-conf;
PA Collaboration a1107-conf;
> s.a. high-energy cosmic rays [acceleration].
@ Spectrum, Tsallis statistics: Beck PhyA(04);
Włodarczyk & Wilk a0706-conf [thermal sources].
@ Spectrum features:
Apel et KASKADE-Grande Collaboration PRL(11) [second knee-like structure];
Giacinti et al PRD(14)-a1403 [the knee and cosmic-ray escape from the galaxy];
Deligny CRP(14)-a1403 [interpretation of the ankle];
Giacinti et al PRD(14) [spectrum above the knee as escape from the galaxy];
Widom et al a1501
[the knee as sign of a second-order phase transition].
Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays > s.a. GZK Effect.
* Idea: The most likely candidates
are supernovae, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and active galactic nuclei (AGNs).
@ General references: Farrar ap/05 [5-event cluster];
Pierpaoli & Farrar ap/05 [galaxy clusters];
Jain & Panda ap/05 [not primordial black holes];
Erlykin & Wolfendale JPG(05)ap;
Blasi MPLA(05)ap;
Inoue ap/07-conf;
Fraschetti PTRS(08)-a0809 [rev, and propagation];
Waxman & Loeb JCAP(09)-a0809 [transient sources];
Katz et al JCAP(09) [flux and spectrum];
Farrar et al a0904,
a0904 [correlations];
Albuquerque & Chou JCAP(10)-a1001 [highest-energy Auger event];
Aloisio & Boncioli APP(11)-a1002 [model for effects of source distribution];
Piran a1005 [composition and distances];
Stanev MPLA(10) [review];
Dado et al NCC-a1011;
Vladimirov et al ApJ(12)-a1108;
Pe'er & Loeb JCAP(12)-a1111 [constraints from high-energy Fermi satellite observations];
Yoshida & Ishihara PRD(12) [and neutrinos];
Aloisio EPJwc(13)-a1207 [galactic and extra-galactic];
Blasi CRP(14)-a1403;
Anchordoqui a1707-proc;
Fargion PoS-a1805.
@ AGNs: Auger Collaboration Sci(07)-a0711
+ pw(07)nov
+ PT(08)jan [nearby];
Gorbunov et al a0804;
Moskalenko et al ApJ(09)-a0805,
Stanev a0805 [criticism];
Nagar & Matulich A&A(08)-a0806 [Auger, nearby radio galaxies];
Hardcastle et al MNRAS(09)-a0808 [Centaurus A];
Biermann et al IJMPD(09);
Fraija et al a1007 [Cen A];
Nemmen et al ApJ(10)-a1007 [Fermi data];
Kim & Kim JCAP(11)-a1009,
IJMPD(13)-a1203 [statistical analysis].
@ GRBs:
news pw(12)apr [surprisingy few neutrinos from GRBs seen by IceCube];
news ns(12)jul [possible after all];
Mészáros NPPS(14)-a1407 [rev].
> Online resources:
see NASA 2017 video.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 8 oct 2018