Spacetime Subsets |
In General > s.a. causal structures and causality
conditions; Edge; singularities.
* Achronal set: A subset S of a
Lorentzian manifold M is called an achronal set if none of its points is in the
chronological future of any other, or there are no p, q ∈ S
such that q ∈ I +(p), or
I +(S) ∩ S = Ø.
* Causally closed set: A set S
such that S'' = S, where S' is the causal complement of
S (S' is always closed).
* Terminal Irreducible Past / Future set
(TIP / TIF): One which is not the union of two past/future sets (unless one
is contained in the other), nor of the form I
±(p), p ∈ M; It is then of the
form I ±[γ], with
γ a future/past-endless causal curve; It can be used to define boundary
points or singularities.
* Submanifolds: The submanifolds of
a given (Riemannian or) Lorentzian manifold can be classified into some interesting
subfamilies, such as minimal (maximal), totally geodesic, Einstein, isotropic submanifolds,
etc, most of which have been extensively studied;
> s.a. Extremal Surface;
Totally Geodesic Submanifold.
@ References: Thomas & Wichmann JMP(97);
Casini CQG(02) [lattice structure];
Perlick gq/05-conf [totally umbilical submanifolds];
Cabrerizo et al JGP(12) [isotropic submanifolds];
Sanders CQG(13)-a1211 [spacelike and timelike compactness].
> s.a. causality violations [closed timelike curves]; geodesics;
lines [timelike/causal curves]; minkowski space;
* Null curve: A curve γ: \(\mathbb R\) →
M with an everywhere null tangent vector, gab
γ·b =
0 [@ Urbantke JMP(89)].
@ References: Martin CQG(06)gq/04 [compactness of the space of causal curves];
Minguzzi JMP(08)-a0712 [limit curve theorems];
Duggal & Jin 07,
JGP(10) [null curves and hypersurfaces];
Adamo & Newman CQG(10)-a0911
[complex world-lines and shear-free null geodesics in Minkowski space];
> s.a. topology.
Surfaces > s.a. extrinsic
curvature [extremal surfaces]; geometry
of FLRW models; Light Cones.
* Outer rotosurface: The
circularity limit, boundary of the outer connected region outside a black
hole where a timelike orbit (with tangent vector a linear combination
of k and m) can represent uniform circular motion; It
must lie outside or on both the outer ergosurface and the horizon; Defined
as the locus of points in a stationary axisymmetric spacetime where
σ:= −\(1\over2\)ρab ρab = VX + W 2 = 0 ,
with ρab:=
2k[a mb],
k = stationary Killing vector field; m = axisymmetric Killing vector field;
X:= ma
V:= −ka
W:= ka
@ General references: Nolan et al a1812 [arbitrary character, first order perturbations].
@ Null surfaces: Silva-Ortigoza GRG(00) [in 3Minkowski, singularities];
Duggal & Jin 07,
JGP(10) [null curves and hypersurfaces];
Gorkavyy DG&A(08)
[in nMinkowski, minimal];
Inoguchi & Lee IJGMP(09) [in 3Minkowski];
Grant AHP(11)-a1008 [properties of the area of slices of the null cone of a point];
Padmanabhan PRD(11)-a1012 [Navier-Stokes fluid dynamics of null surfaces];
Adamo & Newman PRD(11)-a1101 [shear-free null geodesic congruences, and future null infinity];
Chakraborty & Padmanabhan PRD(15)-a1508,
Dey & Majhi PRD-a2009
[thermodynamical interpretation of geometrical variables];
> s.a. gravitational thermodynamics.
@ Photon surface: Claudel et al JMP(01)gq/00 [arbitrary spacetime].
@ Other types: Catoni et al NCB(05)mp [constant curvature, in Minkowski];
Andersson gq/05-en [critical surfaces];
Senovilla CQG(07)gq [2-surfaces, classification];
Hasse & Perlick a0806-in [2D timelike, classification];
> s.a. Cauchy Surface;
foliations; horizons;
Horismos; Hypersurface;
Slice; Trapped Surface.
Causal Future / Past of a Subset of Spacetime
$ For a point: For p ∈ M,
J+ is the set of points that can be reached from p
by a future-directed causal curve, J ±(p):=
{q ∈ M | ∃ λ: [0,1] → M timelike or null,
future/past-directed, such that λ(0) = p and λ(1) = q}.
* Properties: The causal future/past of a point is always
a closed set in flat spacetime or in any globally hyperbolic spacetime, but not in general.
$ For a subset: The union of
the causal futures/pasts of its points, J
±(S):= ∪p
∈ S J ±(p).
@ References: Akers et al PRD(18)-a1711 [boundary of the future];
Neuman & Galviz a2005 [conceptual].
Chronological Future / Past of a Subset of Spacetime
$ For a point: The chronological
future/past of p ∈ M is the set of points that can be reached
from p by a future/past-directed timelike curve,
I ±(p):= {q ∈ M | ∃ λ: [0,1] → M timelike, future/past-directed, such that λ(0) = p, λ(1) = q} .
$ For a subset: The union of
the chronological futures/pasts of its points, I
±(S):= ∪p ∈
S I ±(p).
* Remark: This can be generalized to
I ±(p, N) if we
require the timelike curve in question to lie entirely in the neighborhood N
of p.
* Properties: (i) I
±[I ±(S)]
= I ±(S);
(ii) I ±(closure of S)=
I ±(S);
(iii) I ±(S) is
always open, if the manifold is everywhere Lorentzian (no singular points).
Past and Future Sets in General
> s.a. Alexandrov Set; spacetime boundaries.
$ Past set: A subset P
⊂ M is a past set if there is an S ⊂ M such that
P = I−(S);
Such a set is always open.
$ IP, indecomposable past set: One such
that if Q1 and Q2
are two past sets and P = Q1 ∪
Q2, then either P = Q1
or P = Q2.
$ PIP, proper indecomposable past set:
An IP of the form P = I−(x)
for some x ∈ M;
Equivalent to P = I−(c)
for some timelike curve c with endpoint x.
$ TIP, terminal indecomposable past set: An IP
not of the form P = I−(x)
for some x ∈ M; Equivalent to
P = I−(c) for some
inextendible timelike curve c.
@ References: Geroch et al PRS(72);
Budic & Sachs JMP(74).
Domain of Dependence
$ Def: Given a subset S ⊂ M,
the future/past domain of dependence (also called causal development) of S are
D±(S):= {x ∈ M | every past/future-directed endless timelike curve from x meets S} .
@ References: Geroch JMP(70).
Domain of Outer Communications
* Idea: The part of a
spacetime manifold that can be connected to an asymptotic region by both
future and past-directed timelike curves; Equivalently,
I−(\(\cal I\)+)
∩ I+(\(\cal I\)−).
* Result: It is the maximal
connected asymptotically flat region of spacetime such that the integral curves of
the stationary Killing vector field through any p will, if extended sufficiently
far forward, enter and remain in I+(p)
[@ Carter in(73)].
* Properties: If the causality condition
holds, it cannot contain fixed points of the stationary Killing vector field.
@ Properties:
Galloway CQG(95) [simply connected].
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send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at – modified 13 mar 2021