Hidden-Variable Theories |
In General > s.a. realism.
* Idea: Realist or
Subquantum Theories; "Quantum mechanics is crazy; Nature is not crazy;
So quantm mechanics is incomplete".
* Types: They an be
deterministic or non-deterministic; There are currently (1995) three main
approaches to quantum mechanics "without observers", in which observers do
not play a central role, Bohm's approach (pilot-wave interpretation),
Hartle's approach (consistent histories), and the Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber
approach; Different types of "beable theories" are the de Broglie, Bohm,
Bell, Vink, and modal interpretations.
* No-go theorems: There are
results showing that hidden-variable theories, subject to appropriate
hypotheses, cannot reproduce the predictions of quantum theory; For example,
one cannot assign simultaneous unique values to all observables for a quantum
system, unless they are contextual or the state space is 2D—or one
generalizes the Kolmogorov probability axioms; 2016 (Cabello et al) Thermodynamic
* And probabilities:
If the quantum mechanical description of reality is not complete and a
hidden variable theory is possible, the question that arises is that of
explaining where the rates of outcomes of statistical experiments come from,
as pointed out by Landé and Popper; Answers have been proposed by Galvan
and by Van Wesep; If we use non-Kolmogorovian probability axioms, we must accept
the existence of finite null covers for some quantum mechanical experiments.
@ Reviews: Genovese PRP(05)qp/07;
Hermens MS-a1002;
Mermin & Schack FP(18)-a1805.
@ General: Bohm PR(52),
Kershaw PR(64);
Bell RMP(66),
Belinfante 73;
Scully PRD(83);
Mermin PRL(90);
Fivel PRL(91);
Dewdney JPA(92) [and pilot-wave theory, instructive];
Combourieu & Vigier PLA(93);
Lanz IJTP(94);
Bohm FP(96);
Finkelstein PLA(96)qp/95 [measurement of beables];
Suppes et al NC-qp/96;
Roy Pra(98)qp;
Aerts IJTP(99)qp/01,
Lewis BJPS(06) [conspiracy theories];
Khrennikov NCB(06);
Brandenburger & Yanofsky JPA(08)-a0711 [classification of properties];
Lokajíček a0905 [arguments in favor];
Abramsky SL(13)-a1007 [relational framework];
Brandenburger & Keisler a1401 [canonical hidden-variable space];
Weingarten a1709,
a1802 [from many worlds, quantum complexity];
't Hooft a2103-in [up to any desired accuracy].
@ No-go theorems: & Jauch & Piron, refutation Bohm &
Bub RMP(66);
Fine & Teller FP(78);
Jordan & Sudarshan AJP(91)aug,
comment Mermin AJP(91)jan;
Methot CJP(06)qp/05-proc [rev];
Whitaker FP(07) [criticism of 1933 argument by Solomon];
Nagata FP-a0801 [unconditional];
Colbeck & Renner PRL(08)-a0801 [no non-trivial local parts],
counter-arguments Wechsler a0907,
Larsson & Cabello a0907,
clarification a0907;
Colbeck & Renner nComm(11)-a1005 [quantum theory cannot be extended];
Schlosshauer & Fine PRL(14);
Chen et al a1507;
Blass & Gurevich PRA(18)-a1509;
Cuffaro BJPS(17)-a1509;
Cabello et al PRA(16) [thermodynamic constraints];
Steeger & Teh a1712 [re rational incoherence and Dutch Book arguments].
@ On von Neumann's proof:
Rosinger qp/04,
TMP(05) [criticism];
Bub FP(10)-a1006 [reappraisal];
Bernstein a1102;
Unnikrishnan a2105;
> s.a. bell's inequality.
@ Types: Schneeloch et al a1603-wd [single Local Hidden Variable models];
Navarrete & Davis a1609 [fragile systems].
@ And probabilities:
Galvan qp/04;
Van Wesep AP(06)qp/05
[all phenomenological features of quantum observation are derivable from the hidden-variables premise];
Feintzeig & Fletcher FP(17)-a1608 [non-contextual, non-Kolmogorovian theories].
Related Topics
> s.a. Fine's Theorem; history of quantum theory;
pilot-wave interpretation; Retrocausation.
@ And Lorentz invariance: Squires PLA(90) [proposal];
Hardy PRL(92);
Vaidman PRL(93);
Hardy & Squires PLA(92);
Horton & Dewdney JPA(01) [non-local, Lorentz-invariant];
Gisin PRA(11)-a1002 [no covariant non-local "hidden" variables];
Carmi et al a1903 [backwards in time signals];
> s.a. quantum field theory.
@ And locality / causality: Teufel et al PRA(97)qp/96;
Watson PE(00)qp/02;
Scarani & Gisin PLA(02) [superluminal signaling];
Valentini PLA(02)qp/01,
in(02)qp/01 [instantaneous signals];
De Baere FP(05);
Norsen FPL(06)qp [Bell locality];
Conway & Kochen FP(06) [not possible];
Boozer EJP(09) [two spin-1/2 particles];
Blood a1005 [locality and relativity of simultaneity];
Scarani et al FP(14) [superluminal signaling cannot remain hidden];
Hall a2009;
> s.a. causality; locality.
@ Local theories:
Pearle PRD(70) [two spin-1/2 particles],
comment Gill Ent(20)-a1505;
Marshall et al PLA(83) [and atomic cascade experiments];
Seipp FP(86) [stochastic];
Ferrero & Santos FP(97);
Lewis FP(07);
Matzkin a0706;
Skotiniotis et al JMP(08)-a0707 [model for emulation of quantum mechanics];
Unnikrishnan a1102-conf;
Oaknin a1411 [statistical model].
@ Non-local theories: Leggett FP(03) [incompatibility theorem];
Branciard et al PRL(07)-a0708 [inequalities and experimental falsification];
Branciard et al Nat(08)jul-a0801 [test of Leggett's proposal];
Pascazio a1012 [models incompatible with quantum mechanics];
Nikolić IJQI(12)-a1112 [solipsistic HVs],
FP(12) [with non-locally related proper times];
Egg FP(13);
van Enk a1506 [hidden quantum state];
Smolin a2105 [causal network];
> s.a. relativistic quantum mechanics.
@ Clauser-Horne correlation inequalities:
Garg & Mermin PRL(82);
Angelidis PRL(83),
comment Garg & Leggett PRL(83),
Barut & Meystre PRL(83),
reply PRL(83) [criticism];
> s.a. CHSH Inequalities.
@ And spacetime structure: Valentini in(08)qp/05 [non-local signaling and simultaneity];
Tumulka BJPS(07)qp/06 [re values of observables].
@ Einstein's view:
see issue FP(90)#8;
Paty FP(95);
Mehra 99;
Holland FP(05)qp/04.
@ In favor: Thompson FPL(96)qp;
Neumaier qp/99;
't Hooft qp/02-proc;
Lokajíček NQ(10)-a1004 [Einstein-Bohr controversy].
@ Tests, specific systems:
Clauser et al PRL(69);
Fox & Rosner PRD(71);
Panković PLA(89) [not possible];
Genovese PRA(04) [with neutral kaons];
Valentini ap/04 [black holes, Malus' law and entangled states];
Brida et al JPC(07)qp/06 [including stochastic electrodynamics];
Neumaier a0706 [single-photon experiment];
Santos a0706 [experiment that violates quantum predictions?];
Kyachko et al PRL(08) [for spin-1 systems];
Oliveira & Amarante-Segundo PhyA(09) [tunneling];
Hossenfelder FP(11)-a1105,
JPCS(14)-a1401 [superdeterministic hidden variables, and test];
Oaknin a1805 [statistical model for the qutrit];
Gu et al a1808 [Bayesian analysis];
Li et al PRL(18)-a1808 [without detection and locality loopholes];
Chernega et al EPJD(19)-a1902 [for qubit states].
@ Related topics:
Zisis FP(00) [approximate];
Valentini in(01)qp [early universe and statistical equilibrium];
Kalev et al FP(07)qp/06 [and entanglement];
Diósi a0708 [Grassmann variables];
Brunet a1210 [dynamical model and its failure];
Peil FP(12) [relative phase as hidden variable];
> s.a. quantum field theory.
@ Variations, generalizations: Loubenets JMP(15)-a1402 [quasi-hidden-variable models];
Arora et al a1607 [non-contextual hidden variable model];
Sen & Valentini a2003 [superdeterministic hidden-variable models].
main page
– abbreviations
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– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 31 may 2021