Loop Quantum Cosmology |
General Framework > s.a. 3D quantum gravity;
quantum cosmology; models and phenomenology.
@ Reviews: Bojowald Pra(04)gq-conf,
Ashtekar NCB(07)gq,
Singh JPCS(08)-a0901;
Date a1004-ln;
Mena a1101-proc;
Bojowald a1101-conf [dynamical introduction];
Ashtekar & Singh CQG(11)-a1108;
Banerjee et al Sigma(12)-a1109;
Agulló & Corichi a1302-ch;
Ashtekar a1303-proc;
Wilson-Ewing a1612-CRP;
Agulló & Singh a1612-in;
focus issue CQG(17).
@ General references: Ashtekar et al ATMP(03)gq;
Velhinho CQG(04) [observables];
Bojowald in(05)gq;
Kagan PRD(05)gq [from the Plebański action];
Singh PRD(06) [duality with Randall-Sundrum];
Shojai & Shojai EPL(06)gq [variational principle],
GRG(06)gq [Green function];
Ashtekar NCB(07)gq [and introduction to lqg];
Velhinho CQG(07)-a0704 [quantum configuration space];
Ashtekar et al PRD(08)-a0710 [robustness];
Bojowald & Tavakol a0802-ch;
Fewster & Sahlmann CQG(08)-a0804 [Wigner function];
Corichi & Singh PRD(08)-a0805 [consistent possibilities];
Bojowald CQG(09)-a0811 [consistency requirements];
Yang et al a0902,
PLB(09)-a0904 [alternative quantization of Hamiltonian];
Chiou & Li PRD(09)-a0907 [higher-order holonomy corrections];
Mena AIP(09)-a0907;
Tanaka et al PRD(11)-a1005 [with a cosmological constant];
Cianfrani & Montani PRD(12)-a1104;
Bojowald Sigma(13)-a1206 [mathematical structure];
Hanusch JMP(15)-a1502 [uniqueness of the measure];
Barrau & Bolliet IJMPD(16)-a1602 [conceptual issues];
Alesci & Cianfrani a1604 [improved regularization scheme];
Giesel et al a2007 [reduced phase space quantization];
Bodendorfer et al a2012 [path integral renormalisation].
@ Structural aspects, evaluation:
Stottmeister & Thiemann a1312;
Bojowald a2002-in;
Bojowald a2008 [violation of general covariance].
@ Uniqueness: Engle & Hanusch CQG(17)-a1604;
Engle et al CMP(17)-a1609;
Fleischhack CMP(19)-a1803;
Engle & Vilensky PRD(19)-a1902 [minimal dynamics].
@ Effective descriptions / actions: Sotiriou PRD(09)-a0811;
Date & Sengupta CQG(09)-a0811;
Olmo & Singh JCAP(09);
Cuttell & Sakellariadou PRD(14)-a1409 [fourth-order deformed effective action];
Ashtekar & Gupt PRD(15)-a1509 [generalization to states with large dispersions];
Langlois et al CQG(17)-a1703 [as higher-derivative scalar-tensor theory];
Dapor et al PRD(19)-a1910 [recovering a consistent cosmology, challenges].
@ Dynamics: Noui et al PRD(05)gq/04 [physical \(\cal H\)];
Vandersloot PRD(05)gq [H];
Bojowald & Rej CQG(05)gq [properties of difference equations];
Ashtekar et al PRD(06)gq [improved dynamics];
Helling a0912 [analogy with higher-derivative terms];
Cartin EPL(12)-a1204 [action principle and conserved quantity];
Qin et al CTP(12)-a1206 [alternative dynamics, path-integral formulation];
Dantas FP(13) [and integrable discrete Heisenberg spin chains];
Engle & Vilensky PRD(18)-a1802 [from diffeomorphism invariance];
Yang et al PRD(19)-a1906 [new Hamiltonian constraint operator];
Yang et al PRD-a2010 [Chern-Simons regularization, with Lorentzian term];
Berra-Montiel & Molgado a2104 [tomographic representation].
> s.a. minisuperspace quantum cosmology [accuracy, and limitations].
* With lqg: General results
are not available, but based on the models studied it appears that lqc captures
the main features of symmetry-reduced lqg.
@ With lqg: Engle CQG(07)gq [symmetric sectors and embeddings];
Brunnemann & Fleischhack a0709 [configuration space];
Koslowski a0711 [cosmological sector of full lqg];
Kamiński et al CQG(09)-a0809 [conceptual aspects];
Engle CQG(10)-a0812 [piecewise-linear version],
CQG(13) [without piecewise linearity];
Cianfrani & Montani PRD(10)-a1006 [length, area, and the bounce];
Fleischhack a1010;
Brunnemann & Koslowski CQG(11)-a1012 [symmetry reduction of lqg and embeddability];
Lin ChJP(15)-a1111;
Alesci & Cianfrani PRD(13) [and Bianchi-I cosmology];
Hanusch JMAA(15)-a1309 [projective structures];
Alesci & Cianfrani EPL(15)-a1410 [as an effective semiclassical description of lqg];
Fleischhack a1505 [kinematical foundations];
Alesci & Cianfrani IJMPD(16)-a1602 [quantum reduction of lqg];
Han & Liu PRD(20)-a1910,
a1912 [effective dynamics approach];
> s.a. symmetry reduction in lqg.
@ With spin foams: Ashtekar et al PLB(09)-a0909,
Rovelli & Vidotto CQG(10)-a0911;
Henderson et al CQG(11)-a1010;
Craig & Singh CQG(17)-a1612 [spin foam-like vertex expansion, challenges].
@ With other full theory: Bodendorfer CQG(16)-a1512;
> s.a. approaches to quantum gravity [group field theory];
rainbow gravity [cosmology].
Other Issues
> s.a. histories formulations of quantum
theory [consistent histories]; signature change.
@ Lattice refinement: Bojowald et al PRD(07)-a0704;
Sabharwal & Khanna CQG(08),
Nelson & Sakellariadou PRD(08)-a0803 [numerical solutions],
PRD(08)-a0806 [factor ordering];
Sakellariadou JPCS(09)-a0810;
Nelson & Sakellariadou CQG(10)-a0906 [isotropic embedding of anisotropic cosmology].
@ Physical aspects: Singh IJMPD(06) [and Big Bang effective description];
Xiong & Zhu ChPL(11)gq/07 [effect of inverse volume modification];
Corichi et al AIP(08)-a0711,
Corichi & Vukašinac AIP(12)-a1209 [continuum limit];
Cianfrani & Montani MPLA(12)-a1201 [critical analysis];
Craig CQG(13) [critical density].
@ Large-volume limit: Hossain gq/05;
Henriques GRG(06)gq [and Wheeler-DeWitt equation];
Ding et al PRL(09) [effective scenario];
Bojowald & Simpson CQG(14) [and factor-ordering ambiguities];
> s.a. semiclassical quantum gravity.
@ Related topics: Battisti JPCS(09)-a0810 [and the generalized uncertainty principle];
Li & Zhu AHEP(09)-a0812 [thermodynamics];
Shojai & Shojai IJMPD(09) [causal interpretation];
Małkiewicz & Piechocki a0907 [volume operator and big bounce];
Ashtekar et al PRD(10)-a1011 [path integrals and the WKB approximation];
Qin & Ma MPLA(12)-a1206 [coherent-state functional integral];
Kiefer & Schell CQG(13)-a1210 [interpretation of the triad orientations];
Mielczarek AIP(13)-a1212 [asymptotic silence];
Bojowald a1906 [volume fluctuations];
> s.a. boundary conditions; singularities in quantum gravity.
@ Variants: Ben Achour et al CQG(15)-a1407 [complex Loop Quantum Cosmology];
Wilson-Ewing PRD(15)-a1503 [with self-dual variables];
Ben Achour et al PRD(17)-a1612 [arbitrary spin representations];
Berra-Montiel & Molgado a2010 [deformation quantization, star product];
> s.a. approaches to quantum gravity [group field theory];
fine-structure constant [variation]; pilot-wave theory.
> Fluctuations, perturbations: see perturbations
in quantum cosmology; quantization of cosmological perturbations.
> Other theories of gravity:
see Gauss-Bonnet Gravity; brans-dicke
and higher-order gravity; modified approaches
and types of approaches to quantum gravity.
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 25 apr 2021