Cosmological Acceleration and Modified Theories  

In General > s.a. theories of cosmological acceleration.
@ General references: Easson IJMPA(04)ap-conf; Trodden IJMPD(08)ap/06-conf [rev]; Trodden JPCS(11)-a1011, GRG(11)-a1105; Tsujikawa LNP(11)-a1101 [rev]; Dolgov a1206-ln; Nesseris PRD(13)-a1309 [degeneracies in the gravity sector]; Piazza et al JCAP(14)-a1312; Bamba & Odintsov a1402-proc [rev]; Linder PRD(17)-a1607 [how to test].
@ Modified theory vs dark energy: Szydłowski & Godłowski PLB(06)ap/05; Capozziello et al PLB(06); Bludman ap/06; Huterer & Linder PRD(07)ap/06; Ishak et al PRD(06); Barger et al PLB(07)ap/06; Kunz & Sapone PRL(07)ap/06, Bertschinger & Zukin PRD(08)-a0801 [difficult to distinguish]; Buzzi et al JCAP(08)-a0806; Zhang et al PLB(08)-a0806; Straumann a0809-conf [problems with modified gravity]; Song & Koyama JCAP(09) [test]; Mortonson et al PRD(09) [falsifying paradigms]; Barenboim et al JCAP(10)-a0910; Simpson & Peacock PRD(10); Shapiro et al PRD(10); Jain & Jhingan PLB(10); Ziaeepour PRD(12)-a1112; Wetterich LNP(15)-a1402; Joyce et al ARNPS(16)-a1601 [rev]; > s.a. higher-order gravity.

Modified 4D Gravity Theories > s.a. phenomenology of gravity.
@ Brans-Dicke theory: Banerjee & Pavón PRD(01)gq/00, CQG(01)gq/00; Sen & Sen PRD(01); Bisabr GRG(12)-a1110; Sharif & Waheed JETP(12)-a1303.
@ Higher-order gravity: Capozziello IJMPD(02)gq, et al GRG(06)ap/04, et al PRD(05)ap, et al JCAP(06)ap; Carroll et al PRD(04)ap/03 [R−n actions, n > 0]; Nojiri & Odintsov PRD(03)ht; Vollick PRD(03)ap [R-α2/R actions]; Dehghani PRD(04) [Gauss-Bonnet gravity]; Folomeev et al ap/05; Multämaki & Vilja PRD(06)ap/05; Nojiri & Odintsov PLB(05)ht [Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet]; Hu & Sawicki PRD(07); Martinelli et al PRD(12)-a1109 [constraints on the Hu-Sawicki scenario]; Clifton & Dunsby PRD(15)-a1501 [f(R) theories].
@ Theories with torsion: Capozziello et al gq/01-proc; Watanabe & Hayashi gq/04; Wanas a0704-MGXI [spin-torsion interaction], IJMPA(07)-a0802; Minkevich et al CQG(07)-a0706 [in Poincaré gauge theory of gravity]; Shie et al PRD(08)-a0805; Minkevich PLB(09)-a0902; Linder PRD(10); Myrzakulov EPJC(11)-a1006 [f(T) theories]; Wanas a1006-proc; Schücker & Tilquin IJMPD(12)-a1109 [not Einstein-Cartan theory]; Pereira et al EPJC(19)-a1906 [Einstein-Cartan theory].
@ Other modified gravity: Moffat ap/01; Lue et al PRD(04)ap/03; Nojiri & Odintsov PLB(03)ht [M-theory]; Dolgov & Kawasaki PLB(03)ap [instability]; Nojiri & Odintsov PoS-ht/04 [+ sudden singularities]; Punzi et al PRD(07)ht/06, JHEP(07)ht/06 [area-metric cosmology]; Verozub a0805; Mishra & Singh IJMPD(12)-a1205-GRF [and galaxy rotation curves]; Alhamzawi & Alhamzawi a1406; > s.a. modified gravity [non-local theory]; scalar-tensor theories.
> Other specific theories: see bimetric gravity; Conformal Gravity; hořava-lifshitz gravity.

Higher-Dimensional Theories
* Idea: The current cosmic acceleration could be a consequence of gravitational leakage into extra dimensions on cosmological scales.
@ General references: Gu & Hwang PRD(02)ap/01; Chatterjee et al IJMPA(06)gq/05; Panigrahi et al IJMPA(06)gq; Wesley a0802 [no-go]; Sahni & Shtanov a0811-fs [possibilities]; Neupane CQG(09) [warped]; Koster & Postma JCAP(11)-a1110 [no-go for no-go theorems]; Corman et al a2004 [constraints from future LISA gravitational-wave siren data]; > s.a. brans-dicke theory; kaluza-klein theory.
@ Brane world: Dvali SA(04)feb; Padilla CQG(05); Galfard et al CQG(06) [mirage inhomogeneities]; Maartens & Majerotto PRD(06)ap, Gabadadze ap/06 [self-acceleration]; Koyama GRG(08)-a0706 [rev]; Koshelev & Tomaras JHEP(07)-a0706 [self-acceleration, covariant model]; Charmousis et al JCAP(07) [stealth acceleration]; Maia et al a0905 [extrinsic-curvature effect]; Zhang et al NPB(09) [Unruh radiation in DGP model]; Chiou-Lahanas et al MPLA(14); Montiel et al PRD(15)-a1506.

Quantum and Semiclassical Effects > s.a. acceleration and inhomogeneities.
@ From Casimir effect: Szydłowski & Godłowski IJMPD(08)-a0705 [driven by Casimir force]; Cahill a1102; Matsumoto a1303.
@ Other quantum or semiclassical effects: Parker & Raval PRD(99)gq, PRL(01); Parker et al ApJ(03)ap/02; Parker & Vanzella PRD(04)gq/03; Caldwell PRD(06)ap/05 [gravitational phase transition]; Matos a0909 [scalar-field dark matter]; Kaya CQG(10); Capozziello et al PLA(13), Capozziello & Luongo IJTP(13)-a1303 [from entanglement entropy]; Fields a1502 [as an artifact of decoherence]; Lima et al JCAP(16)-a1508 [creation cold dark matter].
@ Quantum cosmology: Pinto-Neto & Santini PLA(03) [FLRW model + scalar]; Tsamis & Woodard CQG(05)gq [measure of back-reaction]; Hartle et al a1205 [Λ < 0].
@ String-motivated: Albrecht & Skordis PRL(00); Sheykhi et al PRD(07)-a0704.
@ Other quantum-gravity-motivated: Briscese & Marcianò a0704 [minimal length]; Maziashvili PLB(07)-a0705, Cai PLB(07)-a0707 [Károlyházy uncertainty relation]; Deser & Woodard PRL(07)-a0706, JCAP(19)-a1902 [effective quantum gravitational action, non-local gravity]; Marochnik et al a0811; Maziashvili EPL(10)-a0901; Prescod-Weinstein & Smolin PRD(09)-a0905 [non-locality]; Stuckey et al CQG(12)-a1110 [modified Regge calculus]; Woodard FP(14)-a1401 [non-local gravity, rev]; Anagnostopoulos et al IJMPD(19)-a2102 [infrared quantum gravity].

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