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Asteroids > s.a. {comets below}; Yarkovsky
Effect; interstellar matter.
* Formation:
Probably in the flat disk around a star, either from leftover gas and
dust, or as chunks of protoplanets as a result of collisions.
* Missions: 1996,
Probe NEAR launched; 1999, Deep Space 1 encounters
Braille; 2000, NEAR meets Eros.
* Examples: Braille (between
Earth and Mars, chunk of Vesta?); Castalia; Ceres (largest); Eros; Gaspra;
Ida (binary); Mathilde; Toutatis; Vesta (in asteroid belt, diameter 325 mi).
@ General references: Peebles 00 [history];
Asphaug SA(00)may; issue PT(04)apr;
Crawford ch-a1306 [motivation for exploration];
Fernández et al ch(15)-a1507 [rev, and comets];
Metzger et al a1805 [and panets].
@ Evolution: Rubin AS(97);
Cheng Icarus(04);
Dell'Oro et al Icarus(04);
Durda et al Icarus(04) [impacts and satellites];
Rubin SA(05)may [impacts and heating];
Morbidelli et al Icarus(09)-a0907 [planetesimal size distribution];
Delbo et al Nat(14)apr [thermal cycling and regolith];
IAU(15)-a1410 [small asteroid systems];
Morbidelli et al a1501 [evolution of the asteroid belt];
Johansen et al a1505-ch,
Carrera et al a1604-proc [formation];
Izidoro et al ApJ-a1609 [and chaos in the early solar system].
@ Chaotic motion: Mikkola & Innauen MNRAS(95);
Siregar ITB-a1107 [asteroid 3552 Don Quixote];
> s.a. lyapunov exponents.
@ Binaries: news SFN(08)jul [reason is YORP effect];
Naoz et al ApJ(10)-a1001 [orbital properties];
Walsh & Jacobson in(15)-a1506
@ Missions: news pt(15)mar
[NASA's asteroid redirect mission];
news sn(19)jan [Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx sample return missions].
@ Ceres: Rogozin a1403 [possible origin];
Cunningham 16 [discovery].
@ Related topics: Holman Nat(97)jun
+ pn(97)jun
[new belt between Uranus & Neptune];
Klacka ap/00 [and solar wind, radiation];
Marchis et al Nat(05)aug [triple system 87 Sylvia];
Lämmerzahl et al gq/06-proc [anomalies];
Belyaev & Rafikov Icarus(11)-a1012 [fragmentation and non-power-law size distribution];
Martin & Livio MNRAS(13)-a1211 [asteroid belts and their potential significance for life];
news nat(14)mar [asteroid Chariklo has rings!].
Comets > s.a. solar
system [Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud].
* History: They
were considered atmospheric phenomena until Tycho Brahe, measured the
distance to one of them using parallax.
* Idea: Roughly
spherical ice and rock balls (they may look bright in the sky, but their
surfaces are actually very dark), from the nebula out of which the solar
system condensed; Most are located in the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud.
@ General references: Hughes CP(94) [and asteroids];
Schaaf 97;
Nuth AS(01) [formation];
Efroimsky ASR(02)ap/01;
Brandt & Chapman 04;
Fernández 05 [r PT(06)sep];
Brownlee PT(08)jun [and early solar system];
Crovisier et al EMP(09)-a0901-proc [chemical diversity];
Battams & Knight PTRS(17)-a1611 [overview of SOHO results].
@ Halley's: Balsiger et al SA(88);
Gurzadyan & Vardanyan A&G(04)phy [87 BC].
@ History: Schechner 99 [and culture];
Kak phy/03 [XV-XVI century Kashmiri chronicles];
Olson & Pasachoff a1212-proc [comet hunter Caroline Herschel, 1750-1848];
Das Gupta a1411-conf, a1704-conf [in ancient India];
Neuhäuser et al JHA(16)-a1607 [Tycho Brahe and Abu Mashar's observations];
Bistafa a2105 [Euler's paper on comet orbits].
@ Related topics: Frogel & Gould ApJL(98)ap [comet showers];
Ipatov ASR(01)ap-in [near Earth];
Delsemme AS(01) [and Earth's water];
Ćirković EMP(02)ap/03 [Fontenelle's anthropic argument];
Maston SA(09)oct [and close stellar passages];
Haghighipour IAU(10)-a0911 [main-belt comets];
Wickramasinghe 09 [life];
Kaib & Quinn Sci(09)-a0912 [source of long-period comets];
news SA(10)jun [from other stars];
Trigo-Rodríguez & Martín-Torres PSS(12)-a1102 [importance for Titan and Earth];
Schrijver et al PT(13)oct [as solar probes];
Randall & Reece PRL(14)-a1403 [dark galactic disk and comet periodicity];
Napier MNRAS(15)-a1503 [giant comets and mass extinctions];
> s.a. life [panspermia].
@ Extrasolar: Lecavelier des Etangs et al A&A-ap/98;
Cook et al ApJ(16)-a1607 [interstellar, detectability].
Dwarf Planets > s.a. solar system [Kuiper Belt].
* History: 2006,
Resolution passed at the IAU General Assembly introducing the
classification; Five dwarf planets recognized then (Ceres, Pluto, Haumea,
Makemake, Eris), with more likely to follow; 2014, Discovery of Sedna-like
dwarf planet 2012 VP113; 2015, Pluto
flyby by New Horizons.
@ Pluto, in general: news pn(96)mar [surface imaging by HST];
Stern & Mitton 98
[+ Charon, r: pw(98)mar, 2nd ed 06];
Yu & Tremaine AJ(99)ap [plutinos];
Stern et al ap/05 [quadruple system];
Weaver et al Nat(06)feb-ap [2 new satellites];
Olkin et al a1309 [atmosphere];
Barr & Collins Icarus(14)-a1403 [Pluto-Charon system].
@ Pluto, spacecraft exploration: Stern SA(02)may [mission];
Stern SSR(08)-a0709 [New Horizons overview];
news sa(15)jul [puzzling first results from flyby];
Stern et al Sci(15)oct-a1510 [New Horizons results];
Gladstone et al Sci-a1604 [atmosphere];
Weaver et al Sci-a1604 [satellites].
@ Other dwarf planets: Jilkova et al MNRAS(15)-a1506 [Sedna as captured from a solar sibling];
news pt(16)jun,
pt(16)aug [two kinds].
> Online resources:
see Wikipedia page.
NEOs, Meteoroids
@ General references:
Foschini in(99)phy/98 [danger for space navigation].
@ NEOs: Gehrels SA(96)mar;
Foschini A&A(99)ap/98 [Tunguska event];
Namouni et al ap/99 [co-orbital asteroid 3753 Cruithne];
Wiegert et al Icarus(00)ap/99,
Skokos & Dokoumetzidis A&A(01)ap/00 [Trojan];
Schweickart et al SA(03)nov,
Lu & Love Nat-ap/05 [NEO tractor];
Polishook & Brosch ap/06-conf [binary ones];
Gratton & Perazzo AJP(06)sep [catastrophic impacts];
Gasperini SA(08)may [Tunguska event];
Tricarico CQG(09) [detection, with LISA];
news sn(10)sep [close brushes];
Tonry PASP(11)-a1011 [early warning system];
Todd et al MNRAS(12)-a1111 [Trojan search strategy];
Durand-Manterola & Cordero-Tercero a1403 [the Chicxulub impactor];
Remo & Haubold BAS(14)-a1409 [20 years of studies];
Rumpf a1410 [risk analysis];
Myhrvold a1506 [NEO search telescopes];
Kramer PT(15)sep [statistics and search];
> s.a. logic [fuzzy logic characterization].
@ Meteorites:
Heide & Wlotzka 95;
Rubin SA(13)feb [chondrites];
Grady et al 14 [atlas].
@ Meteors: Yang et al Icarus(05)ap [Asian historical records];
Zamora et al a1511-proc [frequency of superfireballs, 1850–2000].
main page
– abbreviations
– journals – comments
– other sites – acknowledgements
send feedback and suggestions to bombelli at olemiss.edu – modified 9 may 2021