Scientific Book Publisher Websites | |||
AMS | American Mathematical Society | MSP | Brookline: Math. Sci. Press |
AP | Academic Press (now with Elsevier) | NH | North-Holland, see under Elsevier |
AW | Addison Wesley (now with Pearson) | OC | Open Court |
A&B | Allyn and Bacon (now with Longman) | OUP | Oxford University Press |
A&U | London: Allen & Unwin | PH | Prentice Hall |
A&W | Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell | PoP | Wilmington, DE: Publish or Perish |
BB | Basic Books | PUP | Princeton University Press |
B/C | Benjamin Cummings (now with Pearson) | RC | Tucson, AZ: Research Corporation |
CUP | Cambridge University Press | RH | NY: Random House |
C&H | Chapman & Hall (now managed by Kluwer) | RKP | London: Routledge and Kegan Paul |
Elsevier | Elsevier | RUP | Rutgers University Press |
GV | Paris: Gauthier-Villars | SFC | Scott, Foresman and Co. |
G&B | Gordon and Breach (now Taylor & Francis) | SIAM | Society for Industrial and Applied Math. |
HB | Harcourt-Brace | SV | Springer-Verlag |
HBJ | Harcourt-Brace Jovanovich | S&S | New York: Simon & Schuster |
HM | Houghton Mifflin | T&F | Taylor & Francis |
HRW | New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston | UCP | University of Chicago Press |
HUP | Harvard University Press | USB | University Science Books |
HV | Berlin: Heldermann Verlag | VNR | Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand Reinhold |
H&R | Harper and Row | WdG | Berlin: Walter de Gruyter |
JHUP | Johns Hopkins University Press | WS | World Scientific |
JWS | John Wiley & Sons | W&N | Weidenfeld and Nicolson |
MAA | Mathematical Association of America | YUP | Yale University Press |
McM | New York: Macmillan | 4W8W | Four Walls Eight Windows |
MGH | McGraw-Hill | ||
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