References: Proceedings
and Collections of Papers |
Gravity, General Relativity > s.a. GR conferences (below)
- In General: Lichnerowicz & Tonnelat 62; Witten 62; Rose 63;
& Hoffmann 64; Infeld 64; Harrison et al 65; Ehlers 67; Carmeli et al 70;
Kuper & Peres 71; Farnsworth et al 72; Klauder 72; Ó Raifeartaigh 72; Israel 73; Kilmister 73; Suppes 73; Esposito & Witten 77; Lebovitz,
Reid & Vandervoort 78; Tipler 78; Hawking & Israel 79;
Pantaleo & de Finis 79; Smarr 79; Held 80; Prasanna et al
80; Woolf 80; Matzner & Shepley 82; Flaherty 84; Bonnor, Islam & McCallum
85; Lukács 85; Martini 85; Rindler
& Trautman 87; Iyer et al 88; Perjés 88; Cooperstock et al 90; Buchler
et al 91; Ferrarese 91; Janis &
Porter 92; Chandrasekhar 93; Ellis et al 93; Hu et al 93; Ehlers & Friedrich
94; Karim & Qadir 94;
Date & Iyer 96; Hall & Pulham 96; Jantzen & Keiser
97; Harvey 99; Schmidt 00; Nester et al 06; Wudka 06; Bičák & Ledvinka 14; Ni 17.
- Festschrifts: Semerák et al 02; Asselmeyer-Maluga 16.
- Gravitational Waves: Ciufolini et al 00; > s.a. gravitational
radiation [Amaldi and analysis conferences].
- Recent Developments in General Relativity Pergamon
& Polish Scientific Publishers 1962 [@ADM; Bergmann &
Komar; DeWitt; Dirac; Sciama].
- Proceedings of the Warsaw Meeting on the Theory of Gravitation
GV 1964 [@Bergmann].
- Gravitation, Geometry and Relativistic Physics (Aussois
05.1984) SV 1984 (LNP 212).
- Black Holes: Burko & Ori 98; Hehl et al 98; Wald
98; Fré et al 00; Papantonopoulos ed-09.
- Computational: Hehl et al 96.
Quantum Gravity (Moscow Quantum Gravity
5 (1996) #6.)
- In General: Isham, Penrose & Sciama 75; 81; Marlow 80; Duff &
Isham 82; Christensen 84; Markov & West 84; Markov, Berezin
& Frolov 85, 88; Ashtekar & Stachel 90; Pérez-Mercader
et al 92; Callender & Huggett 99;
Fauser et al 07;
Oriti 09; Murugan et al 12;
Calcagni et al 13; Huggett et al 20.
- Phenomenology: Hossenfelder ed-18.
- Loop Quantum Gravity: Loops'09 website.
Geometry and Physics
- In General: Kaiser & Marsden 80; Modugno 83; Bardeen & White
85; Alvarez-Gaumé et al 90.
Cosmology, Astronomy, Astrophysics
- Cosmology: Kolb et al 86; Biswas et al 89; Gibbons
et al 90; Turok 97; Bonometto et al 02.
- Astrophysics: Lebovitz, Reid & Vandervoort 78.
- Origin and Early History of the Univese: (26th Liège
International Colloquium, Liège 1986) Université
de Liège 1987 [@Hartle].
Quantum Field Theory and Particle Physics
- Field Theory: Gervais & Neveu 76; Quantum Field Theory (Salerno
1985) NH 1986 [@Klauder]; Ezawa & Kamefuchi 86; Batalin et al 87;
Teitelboim 88; Teitelboim & Zanelli 89;
Bytsenko et al 01 [geometrical view].
- Particle Physics: Svartholm 68;
Cline & Mills 78; Breitenlohner & Dürr
82; Rebbi & Soliani 84;
Stone 84; 't Hooft et al 84;
Piran & Weinberg 86;
Gates & Mohapatra 87;
Bleuler & Werner 88;
Wali 88; Arnowitt et al 91.
- Supersymmetry: Ferrara & Mössbauer 07.
Quantum Theory
- In General: Bastin 70;
Hooker 75;
Flato et al 76;
Marlow 78;
Wheeler & Zurek 83;
Barut et al 84;
Diner et al 84;
Kamefuchi et al 84;
Davies & Brown 86;
Gorini & Frigerio 86;
Greenberger 87;
Van der Merwe et al 88;
Kafatos 89;
Schommers 89;
Cini & Lévy-Leblond 90;
Zurek 90;
Cvitanović et al 92;
Beltrametti & Lévy-Leblond 95;
Greenberger & Zeilinger 95;
issue IJTP 34(95)#8;
Cohen et al 96;
Mann & Revzen 96; Rubin & Shih 97;
Bohm et al 98;
Dieks & Vermaas 98;
Petruccione & Breuer 99;
Elitzur et al 05.
- Foundations: Garola & Rossi 95;
Garola & Rossi 00;
Garola et al 06;
Saunders et al 10 [many worlds];
Lombardi et al 19.
- Bohmian Mechanics: Cushing et al 96.
- In General: Iooss et al 83; Giannoni et al 91.
Mathematical Physics
- In General: Gilbert & Newton 70; Taam 70; Barut 73; Hughston &
Ward 79; Doebner et al 82; Doebner & Hennig 87; Longhi &
Lusanna 87; Doebner et al 88; Fokas et al 00.
General Physics, Thermodynamics
- In General: Reines 72; Mehra 73;
Enz & Mehra 74; Van der Merwe 83;
Lahti & Mittelstaedt 85;
Leff & Rex 90;
Chu et al 94;
Savitt 94.
- Preludes in Theoretical Physics (in honour of V F Weisskopf) NH 1966 [@Bell & Nauenberg].
History of Physics
Conceptual / Philosophical
- In General: Home 83;
Russell et al 88;
Pollini & Tarozzi 92;
Rudolph & Stamatescu 94.
- Spacetime: Stefanov & Giovanelli ed-17.
- Topology: James 98.
- Combinatorics: Rival 82, 85, 86.
Battelle Rencontres
- 1967: C DeWitt-Morette & J A Wheeler 68.
Brandeis Summer Institute on Theoretical Physics
- 1960: Møller; Matthews; Schwinger; Fukuda; Sakurai.
- 1964: Deser & Ford 65.
- 1968: Chrétien, Deser & Goldstein 69, 71.
- 1970: Deser, Grisaru & Pendleton 70.
BritGrav Meetings
- I (University of Southampton, 27-28 March 2001): C Gundlach
"The first BritGrav meeting" gq/0104062.
Canadian Relativity Conferences
- I:
- II: Coley et al 87;
- III (Victoria 1989): Coley et al 90;
- IV (Winnipeg 1991): Kunstatter et al 92;
- V (Waterloo 1993): Mann & McLenaghan 94;
- VI (Fredericton 1995): Braham et al 97;
- VII (Calgary 1997):
- VIII (McGill 1999): Burgess & Myers 99.
- IX (Edmonton 2001, www):
- X (Guelph 2003, www):
- XI (2005):
- XII (Fredericton 2007, www):
- XIII (Lethbridge 2009, www):
- 1964: Jancovici 66 (statistical mechanics);
Lévy 67 (high-energy physics).
- 1965: Lurçat 67 (mathematical physics).
- 1978: Lévy & Deser 79 (gravitation).
- 1983: Lévy et al 85 (high-energy physics).
- 1985: Lévy et al 87 (high-energy physics).
- 1986: Carter & Hartle 87 (gravitation and astrophysics).
- 1987: Lévy et al 88 (high-energy physics).
- 1989: Damgaard et al 90 (quantum field theory and quantum gravity).
- DICE2002: Elze 03.
- DICE2004: Elze 05.
- DICE2006: Diósi et al.
- DICE2008: Elze et al 09.
- DICE2010.
Enrico Fermi International School
- XI (Varenna 59): Radicati 60.
- XX (1961): Møller 62.
- XXIX (1963): Wigner 64.
- XLVII (1969): Sachs 71.
- IL (1970): d'Espagnat 71.
- LVI (Varenna 1972): Bertotti 74.
- LVII: Weiner 77.
- LX (Varenna 1973): Kastler 76.
- LXV (Varenna 1975): Giacconi & Ruffini 78.
- LXVII (Varenna 1976): Ehlers 79.
- LXXII (Varenna 1977): Toraldo di Francia 79.
ERE, Encuentros Relativistas Españoles (Spanish Relativity Meetings)
(SEGRE history page and
conferences page)
- ERE-88: Salamanca.
- ERE-89: Barcelona.
- ERE-90: Mallorca.
- ERE-91: Bilbao.
- ERE-92: Madrid.
- ERE-93: Salas: Díaz & Lorente 94.
- ERE-94: Menorca: Molina & Senovilla 95.
- ERE-95: Tenerife.
- ERE-96: València.
- ERE-97: Mallorca.
- ERE-98: Salamanca.
- ERE-99: Bilbao.
- ERE-00: Valladolid.
- ERE-01: Madrid, LNP.
- ERE-02: Menorca.
- ERE-03: Alicante.
- ERE-04:
Madrid: Alonso-Alberca et al 07.
- ERE-05: Oviedo.
- ERE-06:
Palma de Mallorca: Apostolopoulos et al JPCS(07).
- ERE-07: Tenerife.
- ERE-08:
Salamanca: Kunze et al AIP(08).
- ERE2009: Bilbao, JPCS.
- ERE2010: Granada.
- ERE2011: Madrid.
- ERE2012: University of Minho, Portugal:
García-Parrado et al 14.
- ERE2013: Benasque.
Ettore Majorana School, Erice @ see A Zichichi.
- XV (Sant Feliu de Guixols 1984): del Águila et al
GR Conferences
- GR0 (Bern 1955): Mercier & Kervaire 56.
- GR1 (Chapel Hill 1957): DeWitt 57, DeWitt & Rickles ed-11.
- GR2 (Royaumont 1959): Lichnerowicz & Tonnelat 62.
- GR3 (Jablonna 1962): Infeld 64.
- GR4 (London 1965): Multilithed by King's College.
- GR5 (Tbilisi 1968): Fock 68.
- GR6 (Copenhagen 1971): Camenzind GRG(71).
- GR7 (Tel Aviv 1974): Shaviv & Rosen 75.
- GR8 (Waterloo 1977).
- GR9 (Jena 1980): Schmutzer 83.
- GR10 (Padova 1983): Bertotti et al 83.
- GR11 (Stockholm 1986): MacCallum 87.
- GR12 (Boulder 1989): Ashby et al 90.
- GR13 (Córdoba 1992): Gleiser et al 93.
- GR14 (Firenze 1995): Francaviglia et al 97.
- GR15 (Poone 1997) See Chruściel, Flanagan, Friedrich gq/98,
Kodama gq/98,
Marolf, Pullin, Rovelli gq/98,
Wald gq/98.
- GR16 (Durban 2001): Bishop & Maharaj 02.
- GR17 (Dublin 2004): Florides et al 05.
- GR18 (Sydney 2007): Scott & McClelland CQG(08)#11.
Hellenic Relativity Conference
- 10th (Kalithea/Chalkidiki 2002): Kokkotas & Stergioulas
Hungarian Relativity Workshops
- II: Perjés 88.
- III: Perjés 92.
- IV: Kerr & Perjés 94.
Indian Relativity Conferences (IAGRG)
- XVIII (Madras 1996): Date & Iyer 96 [contents gq/96].
Italian Relativity Conferences (SIGRAV archive)
- I (Padova 1975).
- II (Ferrara 1976).
- III (Torino 1978).
- IV (Pavia 1980): Caldirola et al.
- V (Catania 1982): Anile & Motta.
- VI (Firenze 1984): Fabbri & Modugno 86.
- VII (Rapallo, Genova 1986): Bruzzo et al 87.
- VIII (Cavalese, Trento1988): Cerdonio et al 89.
- IX (Capri, Napoli 1990): Cianci et al 91.
- X (Bardonecchia, Torino 1992) Cerdonio et al 93.
- XI (Trieste 1994): Carfora et al 96.
- XII (Roma 1996): Bassan et al 97.
- XIII (Monopoli, Bari 1998): Casciaro et al 00.
- XIV (Genova 2000): Cianci et al 02.
- XV (Frascati 2002): Ciufolini et al 04.
- XVI (Vietri 2004): Esposito et al 05.
- XVII (Torino 2006).
- XVIII (Cosenza 2008).
- XIX (Pisa 2010).
Journées Relativistes
- Marseille 1985: Choquet-Bruhat et al 87.
- Tours 1989: AP-P 14 (1989) Suppl.
- Corsica 1991: Folacci & Jensen 92.
- Amsterdam 1992: van Leeuwen 93.
- Bruxelles 1993: issue IJMPD
3 (1994) #1.
- Ascona 1996.
- Weimar 1999.
Kyoto Summer Institute
- VIII (1985): Sato & Inami 86.
Les Houches (Established 1951)
- 1963: Relativity, Groups and Topology DeWitt-Morette
& DeWitt 64.
- 1970: Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory
DeWitt-Morette & Stora 71.
- 1972: Black Holes DeWitt-Morette & DeWitt 73.
- XXVIII (1975): Methods in Field Theory Balian &
Zinn-Justin 76.
- 1981: Gauge Theories Gaillard & Stora 83.
- XXXVI: Chaotic Behaviour of Deterministic Systems
Iooss et al 83.
- 1982: Gravitational Radiation Deruelle & Piran
- 1983: Relativity, Groups and Topology II DeWitt &
Stora 84.
- 1984: Critical Phenomena, Random Systems and Gauge Theories
Stora & Osterwalder 86.
- XLVI (1986): Chance and Matter Soulettie et al 87.
- LII: Chaos and Quantum Physics Giannoni, Voros &
Zinn-Justin 91.
- LVII (1992): Gravitation and Quantization Julia &
Zinn-Justin 95.
- LX: Cosmology and Large Scale Structure Schaeffer
et al 96.
- LXI (1994): Mesoscopic Quantum Physics Akkermans et al 96.
- LXII (1994): Fluctuating Geometries in Statistical Mechanics
and Field Theory David et al 96.
- LXIII (1995): Quantum Fluctuations Reynaud et al 97.
- LXIV (1995): Quantum Symmetries Connes et al 98.
- LXXXVI (2006): Particle Physics and Cosmology: the Fabric of Spacetime Bernardeau et al 07.
- XC (2008): Long-Range Interacting Systems Dauxois et al 10.
Les Houches Winter Advanced Study Institute
- 1978: Brézin & Gervais PRP(79).
- 1983: Itzykson et al 84.
MG (Marcel Grossmann) Meetings [website]
- I (Trieste 1975): Ruffini 77.
- II (Trieste 1979): Ruffini 82.
- III (Shanghai 1982): Hu 83.
- IV (Roma 1985): Ruffini 86.
- V (Perth 1988): Blair & Buckingham 89.
- VI (Kyoto 1991): Sato 92.
- VII (Stanford 1994): Jantzen & Keiser 95.
- VIII (Jerusalem 1997): Piran 98.
- IX (Roma 2000): Gurzadyan et al 02.
- X (Rio de Janeiro 2003); Novello & Perez Bergliaffa 06.
- XI (Berlin 2006); Kleinert et al 08.
- XII (Paris 2009): Damour et al 12.
- XIII (Stockholm 2012): Jantzen et al 15.
- XIV (Roma 2015): Bianchi et al 17.
Moriond Meetings
- B44: @ Lévy & Deser 79.
- B58: @ Bergmann & De Sabbata 80.
- B59: @ 't Hooft et al 80.
- B138: @ Bergmann & De Sabbata 86.
- B141: @ Velo & Wightman 86.
- B144: @ Gorini & Frigerio 86.
- B150: @ Lévy et al 87.
- B156: @ Carter & Hartle 87.
- B173: @ Lévy et al 88.
- B175: @ Freund & Mahanthappa 88.
- B224: @ Damgaard et al 90.
- B226: @ Miller 90.
- B238: @ Lee 91.
- B347: @ Beltrametti & Lévy-Leblond 95.
- B349: @ Davis & Brandenberger 95.
- C1: @ Barut 73.
- C23: @ Velo & Wightman 76.
- C83: @ Rival 82.
- C219: @ Unruh & Semenoff 88.
- C235: @ Amann et al 88.
- C250: @ Bleuler & Werner 88.
- C393: @ Gunzig & Nardone 93.
- C476: @ Sánchez & Zichichi 96.
- C565: @ Crittenden & Turok 01.
Osgood Hill
- 1986: Howard & Stachel 89.
- 1988: Ashtekar & Stachel 90.
PASCOS (Particle Physics, Strings and Cosmology)
Peyresq Physics Worshops
- 11 and 12 (06.2007): Arteaga & Verdaguer CQG(08)#15.
- VI (08.1984): Martini 85.
- 1984: Mitter & Pittner 84.
- 1988: Mitter & Widder 89.
SILARG (Simposio Latino-Americano de Relatividad y Gravitación)
- III: Hojman et al 82.
- IV (Caracas 1982): Aragone 83.
- V (Bariloche 1985): Bressan et al 85.
- VI (Rio de Janeiro 1987): Novello 88.
- VII (Cocoyoc, Mexico 1990): D'Olivo et al 91.
- VIII (Aguas de Lindoia, Brazil 1993): Letelier & Rodrigues 94.
Solvay Conferences
- I (Brussels 1911).
- II (Brussels 1913).
- VIII (Brussels 1948, particle physics).
- IX (Brussels 1951, solid state).
- X (Brussels 1954, metals).
- XI (Brussels 1958): La structure et l'évolution
de l'univers Bruxelles: Stoops 1958 [@Gold; Hoyle; Wheeler].
- XII (Brussels 1961, quantum field theory).
- XIII (Brussels 1964, galaxies).
- XIV (Brussels 1967, particle physics).
- XV (Brussels 1970, nuclei).
- XVI (Brussels 1973): Astrophysics and Gravitation
Université de Bruxelles 1973 [@Wheeler].
- XVII (Brussels 1978, statistical mechanics).
- XVIII (Austin 1982): Van Hove PRP(84).
- XXIII: Gross et al 07.
Texas Symposia on Relativistic Astrophysics
- I (Dallas 1963): Robinson et al 65.
- II (1964): Douglas et al 69.
- III.
- IV.
- V (Austin 1970): Hájíček GRG(71).
- VI (NYC 1972): Hegyi 73.
- VII (Dallas 1974): Bergmann et al 75.
- VIII (Boston 1976): Papagiannis 77.
- IX (Munich 1978): Ehlers et al 80.
- X (Baltimore 1980): Ramaty & Jones 81.
- XI.
- XII (Jerusalem 1984): Livio & Shaviv 86.
- XIII: Ulmer 87.
- XIV (Dallas 1988): Fenyves 89.
- XV (Brighton 1990).
- XVI (Berkeley 1992): Akerlof & Srednicki 93.
- XVII (München 1994): Böhringer et al 95.
- XVIII (Chicago 1996).
- XIX (Paris 1998).
- XX (Austin 2000): Wheeler & Martel 01.
- XXI (Florence 2002).
- XXII (Stanford
2004): Chen et al.
- XXIII (Melbourne 2006).
- XXIV (Vancouver
- XXV (Heidelberg 2010).
- XXVI (São Paulo 2012).
- XXVII (Dallas 2013).
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