Physical Ultrasonics Research and Engineering Group

Department of Physics

National Center for Physical Acoustics

ultrasonic beam pattern

Dr. Church's Publications

Refereed Publications

  • C. C. Church, C. Labuda, K. Nightingale. A Theoretical Study of Inertial Cavitation from Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging and Implications for the Mechanical Index. Ultrasound Med Biol, 41(2),472-485: 2015.
  • C. C. Church, C. Labuda, K. Nightingale. Should the mechanical index be revised for ARFI imaging? Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 17-20 (Art.No.6562294), October 2012.
  • M. W. Miller, C. C. Church. Arrhenius thermodynamics and birth defects: Chemical teratogen synergy. Untested, testable, and projected relevance. Birth Defects Research Part C, 99(1), 50-60, (2013).
  • K. B. Bader, J. Mobley, C. C. Church, D. F. Gaitan, The effect of static pressure on the strength of inertial cavitation events, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132(4), 2286-2291(2012).
  • K.B. Bader, J.L. Raymond, J. Mobley, C.C. Church, D.F. Gaitan: The effect of static pressure on the inertial cavitation threshold. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132(2), 728-737 (2012).
  • T.A. Bigelow, C.C. Church, K. Sandstrom, J.G. Abbott, M. Ziskin, P. Edmonds, B. Herman, K. Thomenius, T.J. Teo: Summary of Strengths, Weaknesses, and Proposed Improvements for the TI. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 30(5), 714-734 (2011).
  • C.P. Labuda, C.C. Church: Enhanced HIFU-Induced Temperature Rise in a Heat-Sensitive Tissue-Mimicking Phantom Containing Embedded Fibers. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 37(3), 442-449 (2011).
  • K.B. Bader, J.L. Raymond, J. Mobley, C.C. Church: Inertial cavitation threshold dependence on static pressures. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 9(1):045002-045002-14 (2010).
  • D.F. Gaitan, R.A. Tessiun, R.A. Hiller, J. Gutierrez, C. Scott, H. Tardif, B. Callahan, T.J. Matula, L.A. Crum, R.G. Holt, C.C. Church, J.L. Raymond: Transient cavitation in high-quality-factor resonators at high static pressures. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127(6), 3456-3465 (2010).
  • T.R. Nelson, J.B. Fowlkes, J.S. Abramowicz, C.C. Church: Ultrasound Biosafety Considerations for the Practicing Sonographer/Sonologist. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 28(2), 139-150 (2009).
  • C.C. Church, E.L. Carstensen, W.L. Nyborg, P.L. Carson, L.A. Frizzell, M.R. Bailey: The Risk of Exposure to Diagnostic Ultrasound in Postnatal Subjects - Nonthermal Mechanisms. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 27(4), 565-592 (2008).
  • M.W. Miller, C.C. Church, R.K. Miller and M.J. Edwards: Fetal Thermal Dose Considerations during the Obstetrician's Watch: Implications for the Pediatrician's Observations. Birth Defects Research, Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews 81(3), 135-143 (2007).
  • C.C. Church: A Proposal to Clarify the Relationship Between the Thermal Index and the Corresponding Risk to the Patient. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 33(9), 1489-1494 (2007).
  • C.C. Church and W.D. O'Brien Jr.: Evaluation of the Threshold for Lung Hemorrhage by Diagnostic Ultrasound and a Proposed New Safety Index. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 33(5), 810-818 (2007).
  • C.C. Church and M.W. Miller: Quantification of Risk from Fetal Exposure to Diagnostic Ultrasound. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 93, 331-353 (2007).
  • X. Yang and C.C. Church: A simple viscoelastic model for soft tissues in the frequency range 5 - 20 MHz. IEEE Trans. UFFC 53(6), 1404-1411 (2006).
  • M.W. Miller, C.C. Church, C. Labuda, S. Mazza and J. Raymond: Biological and Environmental Factors Affecting Ultrasound-induced Hemolysis in vitro: 5. Temperature. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 32(6), 893-904 (2006).
  • X. Yang and C.C. Church: A model for the dynamics of gas bubbles in soft tissue. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118(6), 3595-3606 (2005).
  • J.A. Straub, D.E. Chickering, C.C. Church, B. Shah, T. Hanlon and H. Bernstein: Porous PLGA Microparticles: AI-700, An intravenously administered ultrasound contrast agent for use in echocardiography. J. Controlled Release 108, 21-32 (2005).
  • M.W. Miller, H.E. Miller and C.C. Church: A new perspective on hyperthermia-induced birth defects: The role of activation energy and its relation to obstetric ultrasound. J. Therm. Biol. 30(5), 400-409 (2005).
  • C.C. Church: Frequency, pulse length and the mechanical index. Acoustic Research Letters Online (ARLO) 6, 162-168 (2005).
  • X. Yang and C.C. Church: Nonlinear dynamics of gas bubbles in viscoelastic media. Acoustic Research Letters Online (ARLO) 6, 151-156 (2005).
  • C.C. Church: A theoretical study of acoustic cavitation produced by "positive-only" and "negative-only" pressure waves in vivo. Ultrasound Med. Biol. 29, 319-330 (2003).
  • D.E. Sosnovik, J.L. Januzzi, C.C. Church, J.A. Mertsch, A.L. Sears, R.C. Fetterman, R.C. Walovitch, M.H. Picard: Measurement of radial artery contrast intensity to assess cardiac microbubble behavior. Am. J. Echocardiogr. 16, 1267-1273 (2003).
  • C.C. Church: Spontaneous, homogeneous nucleation, inertial cavitation and the safety of diagnostic ultrasound. Ultrasound Med. Biol. 28, 1349-1364 (2002).
  • J. Yao, M. Takeuchi, C. Taupe, M. Sheahan, R. Connolly, R.C. Walovitch, R.C. Fetterman, C.C. Church, J.E. Udelson, N.G. Pandian: Evaluation of a New Ultrasound Contrast Agent (AI-700) Using 2D and 3D Imaging during Acute Ischemia. Am. J. Echocardiogr. 15, 686-694 (2002).
  • C.C. Church and E.L. Carstensen: 'Stable', inertial cavitation. Ultrasound Med. Biol. 27, 1435-1437 (2001).
  • J.S. Allen, R.A. Roy and C.C. Church: On the Role of Shear Viscosity in Mediating Inertial Cavitation from Short-Pulse, Megahertz-Frequency Ultrasound. IEEE Trans. UFFC 44, 743-751 (1997).
  • A.A. Brayman, C.C. Church and M.W. Miller: Re-evaluation of the concept that high cell concentrations "protect" cells in vitro from ultrasonically induced lysis. Ultrasound Med. Biol. 22, 497-514 (1996).
  • C.C. Church: The effects of an elastic solid surface layer on the radial pulsations of gas bubbles. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 1510-1521 (1995).
  • E.L. Carstensen, P. Kelly, C.C. Church, A.A. Brayman, S.Z. Child, C.H. Raeman, L. Schery: Lysis of erythrocytes by exposure to c.w. ultrasound. Ultrasound Med. Biol. 19, 147-165 (1993).
  • K.Q. Schwarz, C.C. Church, P. Serrino and R.S. Meltzer: The "Acoustic Filter": an ultrasonic fluid filtration system to reduce microbubble embolization during cardiopulmonary bypass. J. Am. Col. Cardiol. 104, 1647-1653 (1992).
  • D.F. Gaitan, L.A. Crum, C.C. Church, R.A. Roy: Sonoluminescence and bubble dynamics for a single, stable, cavitation bubble. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 3166-3183 (1992).
  • L.A. Crum, R.A. Roy, M.A. Dinno, C.C. Church, R.E. Apfel, C.K. Holland and S.I. Madanshetty: Acoustic cavitation produced by microsecond pulses of ultrasound: A discussion of some selected results. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 1113-1119 (1992).
  • Y. Doida, M.W. Miller, C. Cox and C.C. Church: Confirmation of an ultrasound-induced mutation in two in vitro mammalian cell lines. Ultrasound Med. Biol. 16, 699-705 (1990).
  • M. Inoue, M.W. Miller and C.C. Church: An alternative explanation for a postulated nonthermal, noncavitational ultrasound mechanism of action on in vitro cells at hyperthermic temperature. Ultrasonics 28, 185-189 (1990).
  • M.W. Miller, C.C. Church and V. Ciaravino: Time lapse and microscopic examinations of insonated in vitro cells. Ultrasound in Med. and Biol. 16, 73-79 (1990).
  • M. Inoue, C.C. Church, A. Brayman, M.W. Miller and M.S. Malcuit: Confirmation of the protective effect of cysteamine in in-vivo ultrasound exposures. Ultrasonics 27, 362-369 (1989).
  • M.W. Miller, M. Azadniv, S.E. Pettit, C.C. Church, E.L. Carstensen, and D. Hoffman: Sister chromatid exchanges in Chinese hamster ovary cells exposed to high intensity pulsed ultrasound: inability to confirm previous findings. Ultrasound in Med. and Biol., 15, 225-262 (1989).
  • E.J. Ayme-Bellegarda and C.C. Church: Nonmonotonic behavior of the maximum collapse pressure in a cavitation bubble. IEEE Trans. UFFC 36, 561-564 (1989).
  • C.C. Church: A theoretical study of cavitation generated by an extracorporeal shock wave lithotripter. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 86 215-227 (1989).
  • M.W. Miller, C.C. Church, A.A. Brayman, M.S. Malcuit, and R.W. Boyd: An explanation for the decrease in cell lysis in a rotating tube with increasing ultrasound intensity. Ultrasound in Med. and Biol. 15, 67-72 (1989).
  • C.C. Church: A method to account for acoustic streaming when predicting bubble growth rates produced by rectified diffusion. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 1758-1764 (1988).
  • M.W. Miller, C.C. Church and C. Cox: Lack of effect of continuous wave ultrasound exposure on in vivo Chinese hamster cheek pouch epithelial mitotic index. Ultrasonics 26 (5), 277-279 (1988).
  • H.G. Flynn and C.C. Church: Transient pulsations of small gas bubbles in water. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 985-998, (1988).
  • C.C. Church: Prediction of rectified diffusion during nonlinear bubble pulsations at biomedical frequencies. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 83, 2210-2218, (1988).
  • H.G. Flynn and C.C. Church: A mechanism for the generation of cavitation maxima by pulsed ultrasound. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 76, 505-512 (1984).
  • C.C. Church and M.W. Miller: The kinetics and mechanics of ultrasonically-induced cell lysis produced by non-trapped bubbles in a rotating culture tube. Ultrasound in Med. and Biol. 9, 385-393 (1983).
  • C.C. Church: The physics, kinetics and mechanics of ultrasonically-induced mammalian cell lysis in the rotating tube exposure system. Ph.D. thesis. The University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 1983.
  • C.C. Church, H.G. Flynn, M.W. Miller and P.G. Sacks: The exposure vessel as a factor in ultrasonically-induced mammalian cell lysis. II. An explanation of the need to rotate exposure tubes. Ultrasound in Med. and Biol. 8, 299-309 (1982).
  • P.G. Sacks, M.W. Miller and C.C. Church: The exposure vessel as a factor in ultrasonically-induced mammalian cell lysis. I. A comparison of tube and chamber systems. Ultrasound in Med. and Biol. 8, 289-298 (1982).
  • Book Chapters

  • C.C. Church and S.B. Barnett: Ultrasound-induced heating and its biological consequences. In: The safe use of ultrasound in medical diagnosis, edited by G. ter Haar, British Medical Ultrasound Society/British Institute of Radiology (in press for August, 2012).
  • C.C. Church and A.A. Brayman: Can the Presence of Contrast Media Promote Ultrasound Bioeffects?. In: Trends in Contrast Media, edited by H.S. Thomsen, R.N. Muller and R.F. Mattrey, Springer-Verlag (1999).
  • M.W. Miller, C.C. Church and S.B. Barnett: Bioeffects of Doppler ultrasound in the maternal-fetal context. Proceedings of a NIH Workshop on Doppler Ultrasound Measurement of Maternal-Fetal Hemodynamics, edited by D. Maulik and R. McNellis, Perinatology Press, 1987.
  • Conference Proceedings

  • K. B. Bader, J. Mobley, C. C. Church, J. L. Raymond, D. F. Gaitan, Inertial cavitation threshold dependence on high static pressure, Proceedings on Meetings in Acoustics Vol. 9, article no. 045002 (2010).
  • B. Durning, J. Raymond, C.C. Church, R.O. Cleveland, E.L. Miller: HIFU lesion characterization in liver: acquisition and results, in Therapeutic Ultrasound, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, E.S. Ebbini, ed. Melville, NY, USA: American Institute of Physics No. 1113, pp. 96-100 (2009).
  • C.C. Church: Thermal Dose and the Probability of Adverse Effects from HIFU, in Therapeutic Ultrasound, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, C.C. Coussios and G. ter Haar, eds. Melville, NY, USA: American Institute of Physics No. 911, pp. 131-137 (2007).
  • C.C. Church, X. Yang: A theoretical study of gas bubble dynamics in tissue, in Innovations in Nonlinear Acoustics, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, A.A. Atchley, V.W. Sparrow, R.M. Keolian, eds. Melville, NY, USA: American Institute of Physics No. 838, pp. 217-224 (2006).
  • X. Yang, F.E. Barber, J.H. Morrissey, C.C. Church: The activation of tissue factor by high intensity focused ultrasound - a pathway to acoustic-biochemical hemostasis, in Therapeutic Ultrasound, Proceedings of the 5th International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound, G.T. Clement, N.J. McDannold, K. Hynynen, eds. Melville, NY, USA: American Institute of Physics No. 829, pp. 548-552, (2006).
  • X. Yang, C.C. Church: Theoretical investigation of bubble heating in soft tissue, in Therapeutic Ultrasound, Proceedings of the 5th International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound, G.T. Clement, N.J. McDannold, K. Hynynen, eds. Melville, NY, USA: American Institute of Physics No. 829, pp. 196-200, (2006).
  • S. Davis, J. Raymond, C.C. Church: Acute effects of high intenity focused ultrasound on blood vessels in vivo, in Therapeutic Ultrasound, Proceedings of the 5th International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound, G.T. Clement, N.J. McDannold, K. Hynynen, eds. Melville, NY, USA: American Institute of Physics No. 829, pp. 55-58, (2006).
  • C. Labuda, J Raymond, C.C. Church: Reciprocity calibration of hydrophones in the MHz frequency range, Proc. IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Montreal, PQ, Canada, pp. 1595-1597, (2004).
  • A.R. Kolaini, C.C. Church, R.A. Roy, L.A. Crum: The acoustic emissions from bubble plumes generated by an impacting transient water jet, in Proceedings of the 14th ICA, Beijing (September, 1992).
  • C.C. Church: The effects of surface layers of viscoelastic materials on the radial pulsations of gas bubbles, in Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), Beijing (September, 1992).
  • R.A. Roy, C.C. Church and A. Calabrese: Cavitation produced by short pulses of ultrasound, in Frontiers of Nonlinear Acoustics: Proceedings of 12th ISNA, edited by M.F. Hamilton and D.T. Blackstock, Elsevier, London, pp. 476-481 (1990).
  • C.C. Church and L.A. Crum: A theoretical study of cavitation generated by four commercially available extracorporeal shock wave lithotripters, in Frontiers of Nonlinear Acoustics: Proceedings of 12th ISNA, edited by M.F. Hamilton and D.T. Blackstock, Elsevier, London, pp. 433-438 (1990).
  • C.C. Church and L.A. Crum: Acoustic cavitation and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, Proceedings of the 13th ICA, Belgrade, Vol. 4, 205-208 (1989).
  • Dr. Church's Faculty Page

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